Pemukim Jepang di Kepulauan Marshall

Pemukiman Jepang di Kepulauan Marshall timbul dari perdagangan Jepang di wilayah Pasifik. Para penjelajah Jepang pertama datang ke Kepulauan Marshall pada akhir abad ke-19, meskipun pemukiman permanen belum didirikan sampai 1920an.

Pemukim Jepang di Kepulauan Marshall
Galeri gambar
Presiden Amata Kabua
Presiden Kessai Note
Jumlah populasi
70 (2007)[1][fn 1]
Daerah dengan populasi signifikan
Jaluit, Kwajalein
Marshall, Inggris, Jepang
Protestan;[2] Shinto dan Buddha
Kelompok etnik terkait
Micronesians, Jepang, Okinawa

Tokoh terkenal


Catatan kaki

  1. ^ Terdiri dari 50 warga negara Jepang di Kepulauan Marshall; angka tak termasuk warga negara Kepualaun Marshall berdarah blasteran Jepang–Marshall.


  1. ^ 第5回 太平洋・島サミット開催![pranala nonaktif permanen], Plaza for International Cooperation, Official Development Assistance, Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan. Retrieved October 17, 2009.
  2. ^ Marshall Islands, CIA World Factbook. Retrieved October 5, 2009.

Daftar pustaka

  • Christiansen, Henrik, World War Two Artifacts in the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Volume 4 of World War Two Artifacts in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Historic Preservation Office, 1994
  • Connell, John; Lea, John P., Urbanisation in the Island Pacific: Towards Sustainable Development–Volume 3 of Routledge Pacific Rim Geographies, Routledge, 2002, ISBN 0-415-24670-9
  • Crocombe, R. G., Asia in the Pacific Islands: Replacing the West, 2007, ISBN 982-02-0388-0
  • Devaney, Dennis M.; Reese, Ernst S.; Burch, Beatrice L., The Natural History of Enewetak Atoll, U.S. Department of energy, 1987, ISBN 0-87079-579-1
  • Doulman, David J., Options for U.S. Fisheries Investment in the Pacific Islands region–Issue 8 of Research Report Series, Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, 1987
  • Hezel, Francis X., Strangers in Their Own Land: A Century of Colonial Rule in the Caroline and Marshall Islands (Issue 13 of Pacific Islands Monograph Ser. 13), University of Hawaii Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8248-2804-6
  • Hiery, Hermann, The Neglected War: The German South Pacific and The Influence of World War I, University of Hawaii Press, 1995, ISBN 0-8248-1668-4
  • Komai, Hiroshi, Foreign Migrants in Contemporary Japan: Japanese Society series, Trans Pacific Press, 2001, ISBN 1-876843-06-3
  • McMurray, Christine; Smith, Roy Hugh, Diseases of Globalization: Socioeconomic Transitions and Health, Earthscan, 2001, ISBN 1-85383-711-3
  • Peattie, Mark R., Nanʻyō: The rise and fall of the Japanese in Micronesia, 1885–1945, University of Hawaii Press, 1988, ISBN 0-8248-1480-0
  • Pacific Islands Monthly: PIM., Volume 68, Pacific Publications, 1998
  • Petrosian-Husa, Carmen, Traditional Marshallese Tools: Alele Report, Republic of the Marshall Islands Historic Preservation Office, 2004
  • Porter, Tim; Nakano, Ann, Broken Canoe: Conversations and Observations in Micronesia, University of Queensland Press, 1983, ISBN 0-7022-1684-4
  • Poyer, Lin; Falgout, Suzanne; Carucci, Laurence Marshall, The Typhoon of War: Micronesian Experiences of the Pacific War, University of Hawaii Press, 2001, ISBN 0-8248-2168-8
  • Poyer, Lin; Falgout, Suzanne; Carucci, Laurence Marshall, Memories of War: Micronesians in the Pacific War, University of Hawaii Press, 2008, ISBN 0-8248-3130-6
  • Rottman, Gordon L., The Marshall Islands 1944: Operation Flintlock, the Capture of Kwajalein and Eniwetok–Volume 146 of Campaign Series, Osprey Publishing, 2004, ISBN 1-84176-851-0
  • Spoehr, Alexander, Majuro: A Village in the Marshall Islands, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1949
  • Tobin, Jack A., Stories from the Marshall Islands: Bwebwenato Jān Aelōn̄ Kein, University of Hawaii Press, 2002, ISBN 0-8248-2019-3
  • Trumbull, Robert, Paradise in Trust: A Report on Americans in Micronesia, 1946–1958, W. Sloane Associates, 1959

Bacaan tambahan
