Pembicaraan:Ibnu Rusyd

Komentar terbaru: 1 tahun yang lalu oleh InternetArchiveBot pada topik External links found that need fixing (Desember 2023)



Sepertinya Averroes = Ibnu Rushdi agak janggal. Mungkin saya salah, tapi sepertinya transliterasi Ibnu Rusyd atau Ibnu Rusyid lebih populer di Indonesia. Ada komentar? Salam, Naval Scene 14:49, 11 Oktober 2006 (UTC)

Kelihatannya anda benar. Ejaan anda lebih sesuai EYD. Nanti dicek dgn google dulu. Meursault2004 14:54, 11 Oktober 2006 (UTC)
Saya pindahkan ya? soalnya memang huruf ش itu sy di bahasa Indonesia, bukan sh sebagaimana di bahasa Inggris. Contohnya: Insya Allah (bhs Inggris: Insha Allah). Arkwatem 23:18, 26 September 2007 (UTC)

Jumlah pembaca


@HaEr48 jumlah pembaca artikel ini juga baru meledak nih. Danu Widjajanto (bicara) 12 Juni 2020 11.28 (UTC)Balas


Hello fellow editors,

I have found one or more external links on Ibnu Rusyd that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:

When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.

This notice will only be made once for these URLs.

Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 30 September 2023 19.37 (UTC)Balas


Hello fellow editors,

I have found one or more external links on Ibnu Rusyd that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:

When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.

This notice will only be made once for these URLs.

Cheers.—InternetArchiveBot (Melaporkan kesalahan) 25 Desember 2023 10.41 (UTC)Balas

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