John Singer Sargent
John Singer Sargent (/ˈsɑːrdʒənt/; 12 Januari 1856 – 14 April 1925) merupakan seorang seniman ekspatriat Amerika, yang dianggap sebagai "pelukis potret terkemuka dari generasinya" karena kebangkitannya akan kemewahan era Edward.[1][2] Dia menciptakan sekitar 900 lukisan minyak dan lebih dari 2.000 cat air, serta sketsa dan gambar arang yang tak terhitung jumlahnya. Karya-karyanya mendokumentasikan perjalanan ke seluruh dunia, dari Venesia ke Tirol, Kerkira, Timur Tengah, Montana, Maine, dan Florida.

sunting- ^ "While his art matched to the spirit of the age, Sargent came into his own in the 1890s as the leading portrait painter of his generation". Ormond, p. 34, 1998.
- ^ "At the time of the Wertheimer commission Sargent was the most celebrated, sought-after and expensive portrait painter in the world". New Orleans Museum of Art Diarsipkan April 20, 2008, di Wayback Machine.
Sumber umum
sunting- Davis, Deborah. Sargent's Women, pages 11–23. Adelson Galleries, Inc., 2003. ISBN 0-9741621-0-8
- Fairbrother, Trevor: John Singer Sargent: The Sensualist (2001), ISBN 0-300-08744-6, Page 139, Note 4.
- Joselit, Jenna Weissman. "Restoring the American 'Sistine Chapel' " The Forward, August 13, 2010.
- Kilmurray, Elaine: Sargent Abroad Diarsipkan 2016-11-07 di Wayback Machine.. Abbeville Press, 1997. Pages 57–8, 242.
- Lehmann-Barclay, Lucie. "Public Art, Private Prejudice." Christian Science Monitor, January 7, 2005, p. 11.
- "New Painting at Boston Public Library Stirs Jews to Vigorous Protest." Boston Globe, November 9, 1919, p. 48.
- Noël, Benoît et Jean Hournon: Portrait de Madame X in Parisiana – la Capitale des arts au XIXème siècle, Les Presses Franciliennes, Paris, 2006. pp. 100–105.
- Ormond, Richard: "Sargent's Art" in John Singer Sargent, pp. 25–7. Tate Gallery, 1998.
- Prettejohn, Elizabeth: Interpreting Sargent, page 9. Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1998.
- Promey, Sally M. "John Singer Sargent's Triumph of Religion at the Boston Public Library." [1] Diarsipkan 2012-10-06 di Wayback Machine.
- Rewald, John: Camille Pissarro: Letters to his Son Lucien, page 183. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.
Bacaan selanjutnya
sunting- Herdrich, Stephanie L; Weinberg, H. Barbara (2000). American drawings and watercolors in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: John Singer Sargent. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 0-87099-952-4.
- Adelson, Warren; Gerdts, William H.; Kilmurray, Elaine; Zorzi, Rosella Mamoli; Ormond, Richard; Oustinoff, Elizabeth (2006). Sargent's Venice. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-11717-2.
- Video John Singer Sargent: Secrets of Composition and Design Diarsipkan 2017-10-23 di Wayback Machine., Jason Alster, 2013. Discusses use of Gestalt and design techniques in Sargent's paintings.
- Rubin, S (1991). [ John Singer Sargent's Alpine Sketchbooks: a young artist's perspective]. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 978-0-300-19378-7.
- Corsano, Karen; Williman, Daniel (2014). John Singer Sargent And His Muse: Painting Love and Loss. Maryland: Rowman & Litchfield. ISBN 978-1-4422-3050-7.
- Thomas, John (2017). Redemption Achieved. John Singer Sargent's Crucifixion of Christ with Adam and Eve and its place in his work. Wolverhampton: Twin Books. ISBN 978-0-9934781-1-6.
- Capó, Jr, Julio (2017). Welcome to Fairyland: Queer Miami before 1940. University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 978-1-4696-3520-0.
Pranala luar
suntingWikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai John Singer Sargent.
- 113 paintings by or after John Singer Sargent at the Art UK site
- Biography, Style and Artworks
- John Singer Sargent – Gallery of 809 paintings.
- "Mrs. Edward Goetz" at [Brigham Young Museum of Art]
- John Singer Sargent Virtual Gallery
- Sargent at Harvard – archived searchable database by Harvard University Art Museums
- The Sargent Murals Diarsipkan 2005-06-02 di Wayback Machine. at Boston Public Library
- John Singer Sargent – News, biography and works
- John Singer Sargent, Miss M. Carey Thomas, July 1899, oil on canvas, Bryn Mawr College Art and Artifact Collections
- John Singer Sargent Letters Online at the Smithsonian Archives of American Art Diarsipkan 2010-12-06 di Wayback Machine.
- "Sargent and the Sea at the Royal Academy", review by Richard Dorment, The Guardian, July 12, 2010
- John Singer Sargent at Harper's Magazine
- John Singer Sargent at Smithsonian American Art Museum
- John Singer Sargent exhibition catalogs
- A video discussion about Sargent's Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose Diarsipkan 2014-10-07 di Wayback Machine. from Smarthistory at Khan Academy.
- John Singer Sargent's interest in picture frames
- Karya John Singer Sargent di Project Gutenberg
- Karya oleh/tentang John Singer Sargent di Internet Archive (pencarian dioptimalkan untuk situs non-Beta)
- John Singer Sargent at the Jewish Museum
- Joseph J. Rishel, In the Luxembourg Gardens[pranala nonaktif permanen] in The John G. Johnson Collection: A History and Selected Works[pranala nonaktif permanen], a Philadelphia Museum of Art digital scholarly catalogue (fully available as a free PDF)