Ekspatriat (bahasa Inggris: expatriate) artinya seseorang yang tinggal sementara maupun menetap di luar negara di mana dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan, atau dengan kata lain, orang yang berkewarganegaraan asing yang tinggal di Indonesia, biasanya oleh karena suatu tugas negara atau profesional. Ekspatriat diambil dari bahasa Latin ex yang artinya "luar", dan patria yang artinya negara atau tanah air.

Bacaan lebih lanjut
sunting- Cardy, Robert (2007). Managing Human Resources. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN 0-13-187067-X.
Pranala luar
suntingLihat entri ekspatriat di kamus bebas Wikikamus.
- Expat Information website to India Diarsipkan 2013-10-29 di Wayback Machine.
- Website of the Expatriate Archive Centre
- Expat Advice - Help With Expat Finances Diarsipkan 2014-01-19 di Wayback Machine.
- Expat Guide for moving into The Netherlands
- Expatriates Magazine - Free Printed publication in France
- InterNations - A Global Expatriate Network
- Expatriate Topher - A Guide to Becoming an Expatriate
- AngloInfo - online network providing local English-language information services to expatriates worldwide...
- ExpatAmericans.net - news, resources, tax information, and profiles of expats. Diarsipkan 2014-03-27 di Wayback Machine.
- Gateway Singapore - Expat Guide for in depth information of Singapore
- Gateway Dubai - Expat Guide for in depth information of Dubai Diarsipkan 2013-10-15 di Wayback Machine.
- Gateway Hong Kong - Expat Guide for in depth information of Hong Kong Diarsipkan 2013-12-02 di Wayback Machine.
- Expatica.com - news, informations, tools for wannabe expats