Yahudi Spanyol dan Portugis
Yahudi Spanyol dan Portugis, juga disebut Sefardim Barat, adalah sebuah sub-kelompok khas dari Yahudi Iberia yang banyak diturunkan dari Yahudi yang tinggal sebagai Kristen Baru di Semenanjung Iberia pada generasi-generasi langsung setelah pengusiran paksa Yahudi yang tak pindah agama dari Spanyol pada 1492 dan dari Portugal pada 1497.
Bahasa | |
Yudeo-Portugis, Yudeo-Spanyol, kemudian Inggris, Belanda, Jerman Dataran Rendah | |
Agama | |
Yudaisme | |
Kelompok etnik terkait | |
Yahudi Sefardim lainnya, Yahudi lainnya, dan Sefardim Bnei Anusim |
Meskipun pengusiran tahun 1492 dan 1497 terhadap Yahudi yang tak pindah agama dari Spanyol dan Portugal adalah peristiwa terpisah dari Inkuisisi Spanyol dan Portugal (yang dilakukan sepanjang satu dasawarsa sebelumnya pada 1478), mereka secara mutlak berhubungan, karena Inkuisisi tersebut kemudian juga berujung pada pelarian babtak keturunan Yahudi yang pindah ke Katolik dari Iberia sepanjang generasi-generasi berikutnya.
suntingDaftar pustaka
sunting- Altabé, David, Spanish and Portuguese Jewry before and after 1492: Brooklyn 1993
- Angel, Marc D., Remnant of Israel: A Portrait Of America's First Jewish Congregation: ISBN 978-1-878351-62-3
- Barnett, R. D., and Schwab, W., The Western Sephardim (The Sephardi Heritage Volume 2): Gibraltar Books, Northants., 1989
- Birmingham, S., The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite: Syracuse 1971 repr. 1997 ISBN 978-0-8156-0459-4
- de Sola Pool, David and Tamar, An Old Faith in the New World: New York, Columbia University Press, 1955. ISBN 978-0-231-02007-7
- Dobrinsky, Herbert C.: A treasury of Sephardic laws and customs: the ritual practices of Syrian, Moroccan, Judeo-Spanish and Spanish and Portuguese Jews of North America. Revised ed. Hoboken, N.J.: KTAV; New York: Yeshiva Univ. Press, 1988. ISBN 978-0-88125-031-2
- Gubbay, Lucien and Levy, Abraham, The Sephardim: Their Glorious Tradition from the Babylonian Exile to the Present Day: paperback ISBN 978-1-85779-036-8; hardback ISBN 978-0-8276-0433-9 (a more general work but with notable information on the present day London S&P community)
- Hyamson, M., The Sephardim of England: A History of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish Community 1492–1951: London 1951
- Katz and Serels (ed.), Studies on the History of Portuguese Jews: New York, 2004 ISBN 978-0-87203-157-9
- Laski, Neville, The Laws and Charities of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of London
- Meijer, Jaap (ed.), Encyclopaedia Sefardica Neerlandica: Uitgave van de Portugees-Israëlietische Gemeente: Amsterdam, 1949–1950 (2 vol., in Dutch): in alphabetical order, but only reaches as far as "Farar"
- Samuel, Edgar, At the End of the Earth: Essays on the history of the Jews in England and Portugal: London 2004 ISBN 978-0-902528-37-6
- Singerman, Robert, The Jews in Spain and Portugal: A Bibliography: 1975
- Singerman, Robert, Spanish and Portuguese Jewry: a classified bibliography: 1993 ISBN 978-0-313-25752-0
- Studemund-Halévy, Michael & Koj, P. (publ.), Sefarden in Hamburg: zur Geschichte einer Minderheit: Hamburg 1993–1997 (2 vol.)
Yahudi Karibia
sunting- Ezratty, Harry A., 500 Years in the Jewish Caribbean: The Spanish & Portuguese Jews in the West Indies, Omni Arts Publishers (November 2002); hardback ISBN 978-0-942929-18-8, paperback ISBN 978-0-942929-07-2
- Spanish and Portuguese Jews in the Caribbean and the Guianas: A Bibliography (Hardcover) John Carter Brown Library (June 1999) ISBN 978-0-916617-52-3
- Arbell, Mordechai, The Jewish Nation of the Caribbean: The Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Settlements in the Caribbean and the Guianas ISBN 978-965-229-279-7
- Arbell, Mordechai, The Portuguese Jews of Jamaica ISBN 978-976-8125-69-9
- Goldish, Josette Capriles, Once Jews: Stories of Caribbean Sephardim, Markus Weiner Publishers (2009) ISBN 978-1-55876-493-4
Arsitektur Sinagoge
sunting- Kadish, Sharman; Bowman, Barbara; and Kendall, Derek, Bevis Marks Synagogue 1701–2001: A Short History of the Building and an Appreciation of Its Architecture (Survey of the Jewish Built Heritage in the United Kingdom & Ireland): ISBN 978-1-873592-65-6
- Treasures of a London temple: A descriptive catalogue of the ritual plate, mantles and furniture of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Synagogue in Bevis Marks: London 1951 ASIN B0000CI83D
Hukum dan ritual
sunting- Brandon, I. Oëb, (tr. Elisheva van der Voort), Complete manual for the reader of the Portuguese Israelitic Congregation in Amsterdam: Curaçao 1989. (The Dutch original was handwritten in 1892 and printed as an appendix to Encyclopaedia Sefardica Neerlandica, above.)
- Peter Nahon, Le rite portugais à Bordeaux d’après son Seder ḥazanut, Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner : Paris, 2018 ISBN 978-2-7053-3988-3. Description and analysis of the Spanish and Portuguese liturgy of Bordeaux, France.
- Gaguine, Shem Tob, Keter Shem Tob, 7 vols (in Hebrew): ketershemtob.com, vols. 1–2, vol. 3, vol. 6, vol. 7
- Salomon, H. P., Het Portugees in de Esnoga van Amsterdam. (A Língua Portuguesa na Esnoga de Amesterdão): Amsterdam 2002 (in Dutch). Portuguese phrases used in the synagogue service, with a CD showing correct pronunciation.
- Whitehill, G. H., The Mitsvot of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London (Sha'ar Hashamayim): A guide for Parnasim: London 1969
- Peri Ets Haim (ed. Isaac Haim Abendana de Britto): vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 4, vol. 5, vol. 6 (vol. 2 of new series), vol. 7 (vol. 3 of new series), vol. 8 (vol. 4 of new series), vol. 9, vol. 10, vol. 11, vol. 12
- Hirsch, Menko Max, Frucht vom Baum des Lebens. Ozer Peroth Ez Chajim. Die Sammlung der Rechtsgutachten Peri Ez Chajim des Rabbinerseminars Ets Haim zu Amsterdam. Zeitlich geordnet, ins Deutsche übertragen und in gekürzter Form herausgegeben: Antwerp and Berlin 1936, German abstract of the rulings in Peri Ets Haim
- Dayan Toledano, Pinchas, Fountain of Blessings, Code of Jewish Law (four volumes), Mekor bracha: Jerusalem 2009.
- de Sola Pool, David, The Traditional Prayer Book for Sabbath and Festivals: Behrman House, 1960.
Buku Reza (siddurim)
sunting- Venice edition, 1524: reproduced in photostat in Remer, Siddur and Sefer Tefillat Ḥayim, Jerusalem 2003
- Libro de Oraciones, Ferrara 1552 (Spanish only)
- Fiorentino, Salomone, Seder Tefilah סדר תפלה: Orazioni quotidiane per uso degli Ebrei Spagnoli e Portoghesi: questo volume contiene le tre orazioni giornaliere, quella del Sabbato e del capo di mese tradotte dall’idioma ebraico coll’aggiunta di alcune note e di qualche poetica versione Livorno, 1802.
- Fiorentino, Salomone, Seder Tefilah סדר תפלה: Orazioni quotidiane per uso degli ebrei spagnoli e portoghesi ... Vienna: Antonio Schmid, 1822.
- Fiorentino, Salomone, Seder Tefilah סדר תפלה: Orazioni quotidiane per uso degli ebrei spagnoli e portoghesi ... Livorno: Presso Natan Molco, 1825.
- Ottolenghi, Lazzaro E., Maḥzor le-yamim nora’im מחזור לימים נוראים: Orazioni ebraico-italiano per il capo d'anno e giorno dell;Espiazione: ad uso degli Israeliti Portoghesi e Spagnoli Livorno, 1821.
- Ottolenghi, Lazzaro E., Sefer Mo’ade H’: Orazioni ebraico-italiano per le tre annuali solennità: ad uso degli israeliti portoghesi e spagnoli Livorno, 1824.
sunting- Venture, Mardochée, Prières Journalières à l'usage des Juifs portugais ou espagnols .. auxquelles on a ajoutés des notes élémentaires Nice, 1772.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières des Jours du Ros-Haschana et du Jour de Kippour Nice 1773.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières Journalières à l'usage des Juifs portugais ou espagnols .. traduites de l’hébreu: auxquelles on a ajoutés des notes élémentaires, nouvelle édition Paris: chez Lévy, 1807.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières des Jours du Ros-Haschana et du Jour de Kippour, nouvelle édition Paris, 1807.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières des Jours de Jeûnes de Guedalya, de Tebeth, d'Esther, de Tamouz et d’Ab Paris: chez Lévy, 1807.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières des Fêtes de Pessah, Sebouhot, et de Souccot Paris: chez Lévy, 1807.
- Venture, Mardochée, Cantique des Cantique, avec la paraphrase chaldaïque, et traité d'Aboth ... précédé de la Haggada Paris: chez Lévy, 1807.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières des jours de Rosch-haschana, à l’usage des Israélites du rit portugais, traduites de l’Hébreu avec des notes élémentaires déstinées à faciliter l’intelligence, par Mardochée Venture, nouvelle édition, première partie Paris: aux Bureaux des Archives Israélites, 1845.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières du jour de Kippour à l’usage des Israélites, tr. par M. Venture, nouvelle édition, deuxième partie Paris: aux Bureaux des Archives Israélites, 1845.
- Venture, Mardochée, Prières des Fêtes de Pessah, Sebouhot, et de Souccot Paris, 2d ed., Paris: Lazard-Lévy, 1845.
- Créhange, Alexandre, מנחה חדשה: סדר תפלת ישראל כמנהג ספרד נעתקה ללשון צרפת על ידי אלכסנדר בן ברוך קריהנש: Offrande nouvelle: prières des Israélites du rite espangol et portugais, traduction de A. ben Baurch Créhange Paris, 1855.
- Créhange, Alexandre, Erech Hatephiloth où Prières des Grandes Fêtes à l’usage des Israélites du Rite Séfarad. Kippour. Léon Kaan éditeur, traduction française de A. Créhange Paris: Librairie Durlacher, 1925.
- Créhange, Alexandre, מחזור ליום כפורים זכור לאברהם: Rituel de Yom Kippour, rite séfarade, traduction française des prières par A. Créhange, Seli’hot, introduction et règles concernant Roche Hachana 4th ed. Paris: Les éditions Colbo, 1984.
- Créhange, Alexandre, מחזור לראש השנה זכור לאברהם: Rituel de Roche HaChana, rite séfarade, traduction française des prières par A. Créhange, transcription en caractères latine des principaux passages du Rituel, introduction et règles concernant le Yom Kippour 2d ed. Paris: Les éditions Colbo, 1984.
- Créhange, Alexandre, Rituel de Roche HaChana, rite séfarade, Editions du Scèptre, Colbo, 2006, ISBN 978-2-85332-171-6.
- Créhange, Alexandre, Rituel de Yom Kippour, rite séfarade 3rd ed., Editions du Scèptre, Colbo, 2006.
- Créhange, Alexandre, Rituel des Trois Fêtes, rite séfarade, Editions du Scèptre, Colbo, 2006, ISBN 978-2-85332-174-7.
sunting- Menasseh ben Israel, Orden de Ros Asanah y Kipúr: Amsterdam 1630 (Spanish only)
- Seder ha-tefillot ke-minhag K"K Sefardim, with Dutch translation (S. Mulder): Amsterdam 1837
- Seder ha-mo'adim ke-minhag K"K Sefardim (festivals), with Dutch translation (S. Mulder): Amsterdam 1843
- Seder le-Rosh ha-Shanah ke-minhag K"K Sefardim (Rosh Hashanah), with Dutch translation (S. Mulder): Amsterdam 1849
- Seder le-Yom Kippur ke-minhag K"K Sefardim (Yom Kippur), with Dutch translation (S. Mulder): Amsterdam 1850
- Tefillat Kol Peh, ed. and tr. Ricardo: Amsterdam 1928, repr. 1950
Negara-negara berbahasa Inggris
sunting- Isaac Nieto, Orden de las Oraciones de Ros-Ashanah y Kipur, London 1740
- Nieto, Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas, Ros Hodes Hanuca y Purim, London 1771
- A. Alexander, 6 vols, London 1771–77, including:
- The Liturgy According to the Spanish and Portuguese Jews in Hebrew and English, as Publicly Read in the Synagogue, and Used By All Their Families (vol 3)
- The tabernacle service which are publicly read in the synagogue. By the Spanish and Portuguese Jews. And used by all families (vol 4)
- The Festival service which are publicly read in the synagogue by the Spanish and Portuguese Jews and used by all families
- Evening and morning service of the begining (sic) of the year, which are publicly read in the synagogue by the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, and used by all families
- The fasts days service. Which are publickly read in the synagogue. By the Spanish and Portuguese Jews and used by all families (vol 6)
- The Order of Forms of Prayer (6 vols.), David Levi: London 1789–96, repr. 1810
- Forms of Prayer According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, D. A. de Sola, London 1836
- Siddur Sifte Tsaddikim, the Forms of Prayer According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, Isaac Leeser, Philadelphia (6 vols.) 1837-8
- Forms of Prayer According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, Abraham de Sola, Philadelphia 1878
- Book of Prayer of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London (5 vols.), Moses Gaster, 1901
- Book of Prayer of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London (5 vols.): Oxford (Oxford Univ. Press, Vivian Ridler), 5725/1965 (since reprinted)
- Book of Prayer: According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, David de Sola Pool, New York: Union of Sephardic Congregations, 1954 (later edition 1979)
- Gaon, Solomon, Minhath Shelomo: a commentary on the Book of prayer of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews: New York 1990 (based on de Sola Pool edition)
- Daily and festival prayers books, Congregation Shearith Israel: New York. Published prayer books for the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation Diarsipkan 2019-11-17 di Wayback Machine.
Tradisi musikal
sunting- Adler, Israel: Musical life and traditions of the Portuguese Jewish community of Amsterdam in the 18th century. (Yuval Monograph Series; v. 1.) Jerusalem: Magnes, 1974.
- Aguilar, Emanuel & De Sola, David A.:. טללי זמרה Sephardi melodies, being the traditional liturgical chants of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews’ Congregation London, London 1857. Second edition publ by the Society of Heshaim with the sanction of the Board of Elders of the Congregation, Oxford Univ. Press, 5691/1931.
- Kanter, Maxine Ribstein: “High Holy Day hymn melodies in the Spanish and Portuguese synagogues of London”, in Journal of Synagogue Music X (1980), No. 2, pp. 12–44
- Kramer, Leon & Guttmann, Oskar: Kol Shearit Yisrael: Synagogue Melodies Transcontinental Music Corporation, New York, 1942.
- Lopes Cardozo, Abraham: Sephardic songs of praise according to the Spanish-Portuguese tradition as sung in the synagogue and home. New York, 1987.
- Rodrigues Pereira, Martin: חָכְמַת שְׁלֹמֹה (‘Hochmat Shelomoh) Wisdom of Solomon: Torah cantillations according to the Spanish and Portuguese custom Tara Publications, 1994
- Seroussi, Edwin: Spanish-Portuguese synagogue music in nineteenth-century Reform sources from Hamburg: ancient tradition in the dawn of modernity. (Yuval Monograph Series; XI) Jerusalem: Magnes, 1996. ISSN 0334-3758
- Seroussi, Edwin: "Livorno: A Crossroads in the History of Sephardic Religious Music", from Horowitz and Orfali (ed.), The Mediterranean and the Jews: Society, Culture and Economy in Early Modern Times
- Swerling, Norman P.: Romemu-Exalt: the music of the Sephardic Jews of Curaçao. Tara Publications, 1997. ISBN 978-0-933676-79-4.
sunting- Musiques de la Synagogue de Bordeaux: Patrimoines Musicaux Des Juifs de France (Buda Musique 822742), 2003.
- Talele Zimrah — Singing Dew: The Florence-Leghorn Jewish Musical Tradition (Beth Hatefutsot) 2002.
- Choral Music of Congregation Shearith Israel, Congregation Shearith Israel, 2003.
- Traditional Music of Congregation Shearith Israel (Shearith Israel League) 3 CD's.
- Jewish Voices in the New World: Chants and Prayers from the American Colonial Era: Miliken Archive (Naxos) 2003
- Sephardic Songs of Praise: Abraham L. Cardozo (Tara Publications)
- The Western Sefardi Liturgical Tradition: Abraham Lopes Cardozo (The Jewish Music Research Center- Hebrew University) 2004
- A Sephardi Celebration The Choir of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London, Maurice Martin, Adam Musikant (The Classical Recording Company)
- Kamti Lehallel: I Rise in Praise, Daniel Halfon (Beth Hatefutsot) 2007
Pranala luar
suntingLembaga pendidikan
sunting- Ets Haim Library (Amsterdam)
- The Judith Lady Montefiore College (rabbinic training programme in London)
- Naima Jewish Preparatory School (London)
- Society of Heshaim, London
- Bet Midrash Nidhe Israel (Dominican Republic) Diarsipkan 2017-06-30 di Wayback Machine.
- La Nacao, a new site reviewing academic works on Western Sephardim Diarsipkan 2017-07-09 di Wayback Machine.
Adat musik dan liturgi
suntingBritania Raya
sunting- Sephardi Centre Music Fund, London
- London Sephardi Music Recordings of the liturgical music of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of London, Rabbi Jonathan Cohen
- Liturgical Music of Shaar Hashamayim Hazzanut recordings, Rev. Halfon Benarroch
- London Sephardi Congregational Melodies Diarsipkan 2020-10-01 di Wayback Machine.
- Spanish and Portuguese Torah melody, London style: musical notation only (includes instructions for downloading musical notation font)
sunting- Liturgie Hebraïque du Rite Séfardi dit Portugais Diarsipkan 2015-08-01 di Wayback Machine. Bordeaux tradition
sunting- Minhag Fiorentino Florence tradition (subscription only)
Amerika Serikat
sunting- Liturgy, Publications and Music Diarsipkan 2020-11-25 di Wayback Machine. New York tradition
- Philadelphia: Mikveh Israel Music Diarsipkan 2021-04-20 di Wayback Machine.
- Mikveh Israel Hazzanut Diarsipkan 2019-08-21 di Wayback Machine. – Detailed, comprehensive compendium of liturgical customs throughout the year, including tunes and readings, for the Philadelphia and New York branches of the tradition.
- Yede Abraham – Hazzanut in the Spanish and Portuguese tradition (mostly New York and Philadelphia)
sunting- S&P Central: An Information Hub for Spanish & Portuguese Jewish Communities
- Site of Hakham Yaaqob haLevi de Oliveira s"t, Israel
- Los cinco libros de la Sacra Ley translated to Spanish by Joseph Franco Serrano
sunting- Daniel Halfon, Hazan of Spanish and Portuguese Liturgical Music
- Taamim.org – S&P cantillation and Haftarah blessings on Taamim.org