Water-Water Energetic Reactor (VVER), atau WWER (dari Rusia: Водо-водяной энергетический реактор; transliterates sebagai Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reaktor; air-air Reaktor) adalah serangkaian reaktor air bertekanan desain awalnya dikembangkan di Uni Soviet, dan sekarang Rusia, oleh OKB GIDROPRESS. Power output berkisar dari 300 MWe ke 1700 MWe dengan perkembangan dari desain Rusia terbaru. Pembangkit listrik VVER digunakan oleh Armenia, Bulgaria, China, Republik Ceko, Finlandia, Hungaria, India, Iran, Slowakia, Ukraina dan Rusia.

suntingKepanjangan VVER dalam bahasa Rusia adalah “Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reaktor – VVER”, Jika diartikan dalam bahasa Inggris adalah “Water-Water Power Reactor – WWER). Reaktor Daya (Pendingin) Air – (Moderator) Air, dalam bahasa Indonesia disingkat sebagai RDAA.
Tipe reaktor air tekan VVER buatan Rusia atau dahulu disebut Uni Soviet banyak beroperasi di negara-negara Eropa Timur yang dahulu di bawah pemerintahan Uni Soviet. Tipe yang ada adalah VVER 440 (daya listrik 440 MWe) dan VVER 1000 (daya listrik 1000 MWe). Untuk tipe VVER 440, terdapat dua generasi yaitu generasi VVER 440/V-230 dan VVER 440/V-213. Oleh negara-negara Eropa Barat, tipe VVER 440/V-230 ditengarai mempunyai masalah yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan, yaitu sistem pendingin darurat tidak memadai dan tidak ada struktur konstruksi bejana tekan pengungkung reaktor. Oleh karena itu desain reaktor tipe ini mendapat prioritas IAEA untuk ditinjau ulang. Tetapi reaktor generasi ketiga, yaitu VVER-1000, mempunyai banyak kemiripan dengan reaktor air tekan buatan Eropa Barat, sehingga faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan dapat disejajarkan dengan reaktor serupa buatan Eropa Barat. Bahkan saat ini telah didesain reaktor yang mempunyai faktor keselamatan dan ekonomi yang lebih tinggi, yaitu VVER-640. Desain reaktor ini telah mendapat kepercayaan dan beberapa di antaranya direncanakan untuk dibangun. Penyempurnaan reaktor tipe VVER-1000 adalah NP-1100. Sementara itu dikembangkan pula PBER-600, suatu reaktor bentuk modular yang dapat ditempatkan di daerah perkotaan.
Instalasi energi
suntingPower plant | Country | Reactors | Notes |
Akkuyu | Turkey | (4 × VVER-1200/513) (AES-2006 with TOI-Standard) | Construction start expected for 2015. |
Balakovo | Russia | 4 × VVER-1000/320 (2 × VVER-1000/320) |
Unit 5 and 6 construction suspended. |
Belene | Bulgaria | (2 × VVER-1000/466B) | Suspended.[1] |
Bohunice | Slowakia | 2 × VVER-440/230 2 × VVER-440/213 |
Split in two plants, V-1 and V-2 with two reactors each. VVER-440/230 units at V-1 plant decommissioned in 2006 and 2008. |
Bushehr | Iran | 1 × VVER-1000/446 (3 × VVER-1000/446) |
A version of the V-320 adapted to the Bushehr site.[2] Unit 2 and 3 planned, unit 4 cancelled. |
Dukovany | Czech Republic | 4 × VVER 440/213 | Now upgraded to 502 MW in 2009-2012. |
Greifswald | Germany | 4 × VVER-440/230 1 × VVER-440/213 (3 × VVER-440/213) |
Decommissioned. Unit 6 finished, but never operated. Unit 7 and 8 construction suspended. |
Kalinin | Russia | 2 × VVER-1000/338 2 × VVER-1000/320 |
Unit 4 operational 2011. |
Hanhikivi | Finland | 1 × VVER-1200/491 | Planned,[3] operational 2024. |
Khmelnitskiy | Ukraine | 2 × VVER-1000/320 (2 × VVER-1000/392B) |
Unit 3 and 4 under construction. |
Kola | Russia | 2 × VVER-440/230 2 × VVER-440/213 |
Koodankulam | India | 1 × VVER-1000/412 (AES-92) (1 × VVER-1000/412) (AES-92) |
Unit 1 operational since July 2013 and Unit 2 currently under construction.[4] 4 additional Units planned. |
Kozloduy | Bulgaria | 4 × VVER-440/230 2 × VVER-1000 |
VVER-440/230 units decommissioned 2004-2007. |
Leningrad II | Russia | 2 × VVER-1200/491 (2 × VVER-1200/491) |
The units are the prototypes of the VVER-1200/491 (AES-2006) and under construction. |
Loviisa | Finland | 2 × VVER-440/213 | Western control systems, Totally different containment structures. Later modified for a 496 MW output. |
Metsamor | Armenia | 2 × VVER-440/270 | One reactor was shut down in 1989. |
Mochovce | Slowakia | 2 × VVER-440/213 (2 × VVER-440/213) |
Units 3 and 4 under construction, planned to be operational between 2015 and 2017. |
Novovoronezh | Russia | 1 x VVER-210 (V-1) 1 x VVER-365 (V-3M) 2 × VVER-440/179 1 × VVER-1000/187 |
All units are prototypes. Unit 1 and 2 shutdown. Unit 3 modernised in 2002.[5] |
Novovoronezh II | Russia | (2 × VVER-1200/392M) (AES-2006) | The units are the prototypes of the VVER-1200/392M (AES-2006) and under construction. |
Paks | Hungary | 4 × VVER-440/213 | Two VVER-1200 units planned |
Rheinsberg | Germany | 1 × VVER-70 (V-2) | Unit decommissioned |
Rivne | Ukraine | 2 × VVER-440/213 2 × VVER-1000/320 (2 × VVER-1000/320) |
Unit 5 and 6 planning suspended. |
South Ukraine | Ukraine | 1 × VVER-1000/302 1 × VVER-1000/338 1 × VVER-1000/320 (1 × VVER-1000/320) |
unit 4 construction suspended. |
Stendal | Germany | (4 × VVER-1000/320) | All 4 units construction cancelled after Germany reunification. |
Temelin | Czech Republic | 2 × VVER-1000/320 (2 × VVER-1000/320) |
Unit 3 and 4 construction suspended. Now unit 3 and 4 in planning again (operated in 2025). |
Tianwan | China | 2 × VVER-1000/428 (AES-91) (6 × VVER-1000/428M) |
Unit 3 to 8 firmly planned. |
Volgodonsk | Russia | 2 × VVER-1000/320 (2 × VVER-1000/320) |
Unit 3 and 4 is under construction and planned to be operational in 2013 and 2014. |
Zaporizhzhia | Ukraine | 6 × VVER-1000/320 | Largest nuclear power plant in Europe. |
Lihat pula
sunting- ^ (27 Feb 2013). "Bulgarian Parliament Votes to Abandon Belene Nuclear Plant". worldnuclearreport.org. Diakses pada 22 September 2014.
- ^ Anton Khlopkov and Anna Lutkova (21 August 2010). "The Bushehr NPP: Why did it take so long". Center for Energy and Security Studies. Diakses pada 1 Maret 2011.
- ^ http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Country-Profiles/Countries-A-F/Finland/
- ^ Kudankulam becomes India’s first nuclear plant to generate 1,000MW power
- ^ "New life of Novovoronezh 3". Nuclear Engineering International. 3 June 2002. Diakses tanggal 9 March 2011.
- https://www.batan.go.id/ensiklopedi/02/01/01/04/02-01-01-04.html
- WWER-type reactor plants, OKB Gidropress.
- AES-2006 (VVER-1200) Diarsipkan 2011-08-26 di Wayback Machine., Rosatom.
- VVER Reactor at Virtual Nuclear Tourist.