Virus herpes manusia-8
Virus herpes manusia tipe 8 (nama ilmiah: Human gammaherpesvirus 8, disingkat HHV-8, atau kadang disebut virus herpes penyebab sarkoma Kaposi, KSHV) adalah salah satu jenis virus herpes dari subfamili gammaherpesvirinae yang menyerang manusia. Virus ini menyebabkan sarkoma Kaposi, kanker yang umumnya muncul pada pasien AIDS, dan juga penyakit Castleman.
Virus herpes manusia-8
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Human herpesvirus 8 ![]() | |
Taksonomi | |
Kerajaan | Heunggongvirae |
Filum | Peploviricota |
Kelas | Herviviricetes |
Ordo | Herpesvirales |
Famili | Herpesviridae |
Genus | Rhadinovirus |
Spesies | Human herpesvirus 8 ![]() |
Daftar pustaka
sunting- Chang Y, Cesarman E, Pessin M, et al. Identification of herpesvirus-like DNA sequences in AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma. Science 1994;266:1865-9.
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- Beral V, Peterman TA, Berkelman RL, Jaffe HW. Kaposi's sarcoma among persons with AIDS: a sexually transmitted infection? Lancet 1990; 335:123-128.
- Antman K, Chang Y. Kaposi's sarcoma. New Engl J Med 2000;342(14):1027-38.
- Moore PS, Chang Y. Detection of herpesvirus-like DNA sequences in Kaposi's sarcoma in patients with and without HIV infection. N Engl J Med 1995;332(18):1181-5.
- Cesarman E, Chang Y, Moore PS, Said JW, Knowles DM. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-like DNA sequences in AIDS-related body-cavity-based lymphomas. N Engl J Med 1995;332(18):1186-91.
- Boshoff C, Weiss R. AIDS-related malignancies. Nat Rev Cancer 2002;2(5):373-82.
- Yarchoan R, Tosato G, Little RF. Therapy insight: AIDS-related malignancies - the influence of antiviral therapy on pathogenesis and management. Nature Clin Prac Oncology 2005;2(8):406-15.
- Edelman,D.C. Human herpesvirus 8--a novel human pathogen. Virol. J. 2, 78 (2005)
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sunting- (Inggris) Human Herpesvirus-8: Related Resources Diarsipkan 2008-09-17 di Wayback Machine. HIV InSite