Vegetarisme Kristen
Vegetarianisme Kristen adalah praktik mempertahankan gaya hidup vegetarian untuk alasan yang terkait atau berasal dari iman Kristen. Tiga alasan utama adalah spiritual, gizi, dan etika. Alasan etis mungkin termasuk kepedulian terhadap ciptaan Tuhan, perhatian terhadap hak asasi hewan dan kesejahteraan hewan, atau keduanya.[1][2] Demikian juga, veganisme Kristen tidak menggunakan produk hewani apa pun karena alasan yang terkait atau berasal dari iman Kristen.
Lihat pula
sunting- ^ Christian Vegetarian Association UK. "Why a Vegetarian Diet?" (PDF). Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 2011-09-11.
- ^ Christian Ecology Link. "Vegetarianism". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2019-07-18. Diakses tanggal 2021-11-17.
Bacaan lebih lanjut
sunting- David Clough (2012). On Animals I: Systematic Theology, London: T&T Clark. ISBN 0567171213.
- David Clough (2018). On Animals II: Theological Ethics, London: T&T Clark. ISBN 0567660869.
- John M. Gilheany (2010). Familiar Strangers: The Church and the Vegetarian Movement in Britain (1809–2009), Ascendant Press. ISBN 978-0-9552945-1-8
- David Grumett and Rachel Muers (2010). Theology on the Menu: Asceticism, Meat and Christian Diet, Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-49683-4. A systematic and historical assessment of Christian attitudes to food and its role in shaping Christian identity.
- Stephen R. Kaufman and Nathan Braun (2002). Good News for All Creation, Vegetarian Advocates Press. ISBN 0-9716676-0-8. Overview of contemporary Christian vegetarianism.
- Kristin Johnston Largen (2009). "A Christian Rationale for vegetarianism". Dialog. 48 (2): 147–157. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6385.2009.00450.x.
- Andrew Linzey (1995). Animal Theology, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 0252064674.
- Andrew Linzey (1998). Animal Gospel: Christian Faith as though Animals Mattered. Hodder & Stoughton Religious.
- Andrew Linzey (2009). Why Animal Suffering Matters: Philosophy, Theology, and Practical Ethics, New York: Oxford University Press USA. ISBN 0195379772.
- Holly H. Roberts (2004). Vegetarian Christian Saints. Anjeli, ISBN 0-9754844-0-0. The life stories of 150 individuals canonized into sainthood who were committed to vegetarianism.
- Niki Behrikis Shanahan (2002). There is Eternal Life for Animals, Pete. ISBN 0-9720301-0-7.
- Tristram Stuart (2007). The Bloodless Revolution, ISBN 978-0-393-05220-6. A Cultural History of Vegetarianism from 1600 to Modern Times (Quaker reference)
- Stephen H. Webb (2001). Good Eating, Brazos Press. ISBN 1-58743-015-0, A sound and informative view on Biblical and Christian vegetarianism, from Genesis to modern day saints.
- Sarah Withrow King (2016). Animals Are Not Ours: An Evangelical Animal Liberation Theology. Cascade Books.
- Tripp York and Andy Alexis-Baker ed. (2012). A Faith Embracing All Creatures: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Care for Animals, Wipf & Stock. ISBN 978-1610977012
- Richard A. Young (1998). Is God a Vegetarian?: Christianity, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights, Open Court Publishing Company. ISBN 0-8126-9393-0
Pranala luar
suntingWikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Vegetarisme Kristen.
- Christian Vegetarian Association
- All-Creatures – A project of the Christian Vegetarian Association
- Christian Vegetarians & Vegans UK
- Biblical Vegetarianism (The Nazarene Way of Essenic Studies)
- Christian Vegetarianism – An Archive (Archive of British publications from the 1800s)
- Christianity and Animals: An Interview with Andrew Linzey (1996)
- Christianity and Vegetarianism PowerPoint presentation, by God's Creatures Ministry
- Jewish Encyclopedia: Vegetarianism
- Sarx – Christian Animal Welfare (An organization seeking to engage the contemporary Church on issues of animal welfare)
- Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (An Interfaith Peace Effect for Plant-based, Nonviolent Nutrition)
- The Fellowship of Life (Organization encouraging vegetarianism as a Christian way of life)
- Why all Christians should go vegan – Charles Camosy (Article in the Washington Post summarizing some reasons why Christians might go vegan)