Universitas Tōkai

universitas di Jepang
(Dialihkan dari Tokai university)
Universitas Tokai (東海大学)
Didirikan 1942
Jenis Swasta
Pemimpin Dr. TAKANO Jiro
Lokasi Kantō, Tokyo, Jepang
Situs resmi www.u-tokai.ac.jp/

Universitas Tokai (東海大学, Tōkai Daigaku) adalah sebuah universitas swasta di Tokyo, Jepang, yang didirikan pada tahun 1943 oleh Shigeyoshi Matsumae, yang sebelumnya pernah menjabat sebagai engineering president pada Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Komunikasi Jepang. Kampus Shonan didirikan pada tahun 1960-an.

Universitas Tokai memiliki keunikan di antara universitas di Jepang karena menyebut fakultasnya dengan sebutan "sekolah". Beberapa jurusan khusus di universitas ini misalnya Jurusan Studi Nordik termasuk pengajaran dalam bahasa Denmark, Swedia, Norwegia, Islandia, Finlandia. Universitas ini juga menyelenggarakan pelatihan pilot bekerjasama dengan All Nippon Airways.

Universitas ini memiliki fokus umumnya pada sains dan teknologi, sebagaimana yang diyakini oleh pendirinya bahwa "setelah peperangan usai, pembangunan dan penggunaan damai dari sains dan teknologi sangat dibutuhkan guna membangun Jepang di mana sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki menjadi langka.

Pendidikan Sarjana

  • Sastra
  • Sains politik
  • Ekonomi
  • Hukum
  • Seni
  • Pendidikan Jasmani
  • Sains
  • Tehnik
  • Teknologi tinggi untuk kesejahteraan manusia
  • Sains maritim dan teknologi
  • Kedokteran
    • Master of Clinical Biomedical Science (Jurusan baru yang dibuka sejak April 2006 )
  • Sains kesehatan
  • Studi Lingkungan Manusiawi

Pendidikan Profesi



  • Sekolah Sastra
    • Departement of Civilization (kebudayaan)
    • Department of Asian Civilization (kebudayaan Asia)
    • Department of European Civilization Kebudayaan Eropa)
    • Department of American Civilization (kebudayaan Amerika)
    • Department of Nordic Studies (Studi Nordik)
    • Department of History (Departemen Sejarah)
      • Special Study of Japanese History (Sejarah Jepang)
      • Special Study of Oriental History (Sejarah Timur)
      • Special Study of Archaeology (Arkeologi)
      • Special Study of Occidental History (Sejarah Barat)
    • Department of Japanese Literature (Sastra Jepang)
    • Department of Create Writing
    • Department of English (Sastra Inggris)
    • Department of Media Studies (Studi Media)
    • Department of Psychological and Sociological Studies (Studi Psikologi dan Sosiologi)
  • School of Political Science and Economics (Sekolah Ilmu Politik dan Ekonomi)
    • Department of Political Science (Departemen Sains Politik)
    • Department of Economics (Ekonomi)
    • Department of Business Administrations (Administrasi Bisnis)
  • School of Law (Sekolah Hukum)
    • Department of Law (Hukum)
  • School of Humanities and Culture (Kemanusiaan dan Kebudayaan)
    • Department of Human Development (Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia)
      • Special Study of Environmental and Resources (Studi Lingkungan dan Sumber Daya)
      • Special Study of Human Welfare Environment (Studi khusus atas Kesejahteraan Lingkungan umat manusia)
    • Department of Arts (Departemen Seni)
      • Special Study of Music (Musik)
      • Special Study of Fine Arts (Seni rupa)
      • Special Study of Design (Desain)
    • Department of International Studies (Studi Internasional)
  • School of Physical Education (Sekolah Pendidikan Jasmani)
    • Department of Physical Education (Pendidikan Jasmani)
    • Department of Competitive Sports (Olahraga kompetitif)
    • Department of Judo and Kendo (Judo dan kendo)
    • Department of Physical Recreation (Rekreasi jasmani)
    • Department of Sports and Leisure Management (Manajemen Olahraga dan Peristirahatan)
  • School of Science (Sekolah Sains)
    • School of Mathematics (Matematika)
    • School of Mathematical Science (Ilmu Matematika)
    • School of Physics (Fisika)
    • School of Chemistry (Kimia)
  • School of Information Technology and Electronics (Sekolah Teknologi Informatika dan Elektronik)
    • Department of Human and Information Science (Sumberdaya manusia dan sains informatika)
    • Department of Information Media Technology (Teknologi Informasi Media)
    • Department of Management Systems Engineering (Manajemen sistem)
    • Department of Applied Computer Engineering (Komputer Terapan)
    • Department of Electronics (Elektronika)
    • Department of Communications Engineering (Komunikasi)
    • Department of Electric and Electronics Engineering (Kelistrikan dan Elektronika)
  • School of Engineering (Sekolah Tehnik)
    • Department of Applied Biochemistry (Biokimia)
    • Department of Applied Chemistry (Kimia Terapan)
    • Department of Applied Science (Sains Terapan)
      • Special Study of Optics and Photonics (Optik dan fotonik)
      • Special Study of Energy Engineering (Energi)
    • Department of Material Science
    • Department of Architecture and Building Engineering (Arsitektur dan Bangunan)
    • Department of Civil Engineering (Teknik Sipil)
    • Department of Precision Engineering
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering (Mekanikal)
    • Department of Prime Mover Engineering
    • Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Aeronotika dan Astronotika
  • School of Information Design Engineering (Desain)
    • Department of Network and Computer Engineering (Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan)
    • Department of Architectural Design (Desain Arsitektural)
    • Department of Mechanical Engineering (Mekanikal)
  • School of High Technology for Human Welfare
    • Department of Perceptual Human Interface Design
    • Department of Information and Communication Technology (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)
    • Department of Materials Chemistry
    • Department of Biological Science and Technology (Sains dan Teknologi Biologis)
    • Department of Bio-medical Engineering (Bio Medis)
  • School of Marine Science and Technology (Sains dan Teknologi Kelautan)
    • Department of Maritime Civilizations (Peradaban Kelautan)
    • Department of Geo-Environmental Technology (Teknologi Geo Lingkungan)
    • Department of Marine Civil Engineering (Teknik Sipil Kelautan)
    • Department of Marine Mineral Resources (Sumberdaya Mineral Kelautan)
    • Department of Fisheries (Departemen Penangkapan Ikan)
      • Special Study of Exploitation (studi khusus eksploitasi)
      • Special Study of Aquaculture (akuakultur)
    • Department of Marine Design Engineering (teknik desain kelautan)
    • Department of Marine Science (Sains kelautan)
    • Department of Natural Engineering
      • Special Study of Navigation (Navigasi)
      • Special Study of Logistics (Logistik)
  • School of Medicine (Sekolah Kedokteran)
    • Faculty of Medicine (Fakultas Kedokteran)
  • School of Health Science (Sains Kedokteran)
    • Department of Nursing (Keperawatan)
    • Department of Social Work (Departemen Pekerjaan Sosial)

Institut Penelitian



  • Rumah sakit yang mempunyai afiliasi dengan sekolah kedokteran
    • Rumah Sakit Universitas Tokai
      • Pusat perawatan kesehatan gawat darurat
    • Rumah Sakit Universitas Tokai Ōiso
    • Rumah Sakit Universitas Tokai Tokyo
    • Rumah Sakit Universitas Tokai Hachiōji


  • Wahana penelitian kelautan: "Bosei-maru"



Perwakilan luar negeri



  • Foreign student scholarship
  • Foreign student special scholarship
  • General entrance examination top performer scholarship
  • MATSUMAE Shigeyoshi Commemoration Fund
    • MATSUMAE Shigeyoshi Foreign student scholarship
    • Faculty scholarship
    • Self-study scholarship
    • Establishment commemoration paper scholaeship
  • Graduate school scholarship
  • Labor scholarship(Service in a University)
  • Emergency scholarship

(The person to whom tuition payment became difficult by sudden change of a household economy)

  • Medical department scholarship
  • SATO Kanezō scholarship loan(Department of Medical & Health science Student)
  • BOSEI scholarship(Department student of Health science of nursing)
  • Sport scholarship
  • International exchange scholarship
  • KAWAKAMI Masuo & UCHIDA Shoyu scholarship
  • SATO Kanezō Research training scholarship
  • TOKAI University Supporters' association scholarship

Pranala luar
