(Dialihkan dari Theodoret)
Teodoretus dari Sirus atau Cyrrhus (bahasa Yunani: Θεοδώρητος Κύρρου; s.393 Masehi – s. 458/466) adalah seorang teolog berpengaruh dari Aliran Antiokhia, komentator kitab suci, dan Uskup Kristen Cyrrhus (423–457). Ia memainkan peran penting pada beberapa kontroversi Gereja Bizantium abad ke-5 yang berujung pada berbagai skisma dan tindakan ekumenikal. Ia diangkat menjadi "beato" dalam Gereja Ortodoks Timur,[1] dan beberapa Kalsedonia dan Siria Timur mengangkatnya sebagai seorang santo.
Teodoretus dari Sirus | |
![]() Teodoretus dari Sirus | |
Lahir | s. 393 Antiokhia |
Meninggal | s. 458 Cyrrhus |
Dihormati di | Gereja Timur Gereja Katolik Roma |
sunting- Translations of some of Theodoret's writings can be found in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.
- A bilingual edition of the Eranistes was published by Oxford University Press in 1974.
- Ettlinger, GH, 2003. Theodoret: Eranistes, FC, Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press.
- Petruccione, John F and RC Hill, 2007. Theodoret of Cyrus. The Questions on the Octateuch, Greek text and English translation, Washington, DC, Catholic University of America Press
- RC Hill has published translations into English of the Commentary on the Psalms (2000, 2001), the Commentary on the Songs of Songs(2001), and the Commentary on the Letters of St Paul (2001)
- István Pásztori-Kupán, Theodoret of Cyrus, (Routledge, 2006), includes full translations of On the Trinity, On the Incarnation, and excerpts from A Cure of Greek Maladies and A Compendium of Heretical Mythification.[2]
- An English translation of the Ecclesiastical History is available as an e-book from Munseys.com Diarsipkan 2016-09-11 di Wayback Machine..
- Bilingual editions (Greek text with parallel French translation) of several of the texts mentioned above have been published in recent years in Sources Chrétiennes.
sunting- ^ Orthodox Dogmatic Theology
- ^ Pasztori, Istvan. "Theodoret of Cyrus (Paperback) - Taylor & Francis". Taylorandfrancis.com. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-10-20. Diakses tanggal 14 October 2013.
- Atribusi
Artikel ini menyertakan teks dari suatu terbitan yang sekarang berada pada ranah publik: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Theodoret". Encyclopædia Britannica. 26 (edisi ke-11). Cambridge University Press.
Pranala luar
suntingWikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Teodoretus.
Wikisumber memiliki karya asli dari atau mengenai:
- "Theodoret of Cyrus". The Crossroads Iniative.
- Theodoret's works at CCEL
- Greek Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Graeca, with analytical indexes and concordances made on the whole writings
- István Pásztori-Kupán: Theodoret of Cyrus’s Double Treatise On the Trinity and On the Incarnation: The Antiochene Pathway to Chalcedon (PhD thesis) Diarsipkan 2013-05-24 di Wayback Machine.