Teori Bulan
(Dialihkan dari Teori bulan)
Teori Bulan adalah catatan tentang gerakan Bulan.
suntingTerdapat sejumlah astronom dan matematikawan terkenal pada abad terdahulu, yang namanya dikaitkan dengan teori bulan, yakni --
- Babilonia/Chaldea:- Naburimannu, Kidinnu, Soudines
- Yunani/Helenistik:- Hipparchus, Ptolemy
- Arab:- Ibnu al-Shatir
- Eropa, abad ke-16th sampai awal abad ke-20:-
- Tycho Brahe
- Johannes Kepler
- Jeremiah Horrocks
- Ismaël Bullialdus
- John Flamsteed
- Isaac Newton
- Leonhard Euler
- Alexis Clairaut
- Jean d'Alembert
- Tobias Mayer
- Johann Tobias Bürg
- Pierre-Simon Laplace
- Johann Karl Burckhardt
- Peter Andreas Hansen
- Charles-Eugène Delaunay
- Ernest William Brown
- Wallace John Eckert
- Jean Chapront & Michelle Chapront-Touzé
dan astronom dan matematikawan terkenal lainnya yang juga membuat kontribusi yang signifikasi, meliputi: Edmond Halley; Philippe Gustave le Doulcet, Comte de Pontécoulant; John Couch Adams; George William Hill; dan Simon Newcomb.
Daftar pustaka
sunting- 'AE 1871': "Nautical Almanac & Astronomical Ephemeris" for 1871, (London, 1867).
- E W Brown (1896), "An Introductory Treatise on the Lunar Theory", (Cambridge University Press, 1896).
- E W Brown (1897), "Theory of the Motion of the Moon", Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 53 (1897), 39-116.
- E W Brown (1899), "Theory of the Motion of the Moon", Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 53 (1899), 163-202.
- E W Brown (1900), "Theory of the Motion of the Moon", Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 54 (1900), 1-63.
- E W Brown (1903), "On the verification of the Newtonian law", Monthly Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society 63 (1903), 396-397.
- E W Brown (1905), "Theory of the Motion of the Moon", Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 57 (1905), 51-145.
- E W Brown (1908), "Theory of the Motion of the Moon", Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, 59 (1908), 1-103.
- E W Brown (1919), "Tables of the Motion of the Moon", (New Haven, 1919).
- M Chapront-Touzé & J Chapront: "The lunar ephemeris ELP-2000", Astronomy & Astrophysics 124 (1983), 50..62.
- M Chapront-Touzé & J Chapront: "ELP2000-85: a semi-analytical lunar ephemeris adequate for historical times", Astronomy & Astrophysics 190 (1988), 342..352.
- M Chapront-Touzé & J Chapront, Analytical Ephemerides of the Moon in the 20th Century[pranala nonaktif permanen] (Observatoire de Paris, 2002).
- J Chapront, M Chapront-Touzé, G Francou: "A new determination of lunar orbital parameters, precession constant and tidal acceleration from LLR measurements", Astronomy & Astrophysics 387 (2002), 700..709.
- J Chapront & G Francou: "The lunar theory ELP revisited. Introduction of new planetary perturbations", Astronomy & Astrophysics 404 (2003), 735..742.
- I B Cohen and Anne Whitman (1999), "Isaac Newton: The Principia, a new translation", University of California Press, 1999. (For bibliographic details but no text, see external link.)
- J O Dickey, P L Bender, J E Faller, and others, "Lunar Laser Ranging: A Continuing Legacy of the Apollo Program", Science 265 (1994), pp. 482–490.
- J L E Dreyer (1906), "A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler", (Cambridge University Press, 1906) (later republished under the modified title "History of the Planetary Systems from Thales to Kepler").
- W J Eckert et al., Improved Lunar Ephemeris 1952–1959: A Joint Supplement to the American Ephemeris and the (British) Nautical Almanac, (US Government Printing Office, 1954).
- J Epping & J N Strassmaier (1881), "Zur Entzifferung der astronomischen Tafeln der Chaldaer" ("On the deciphering of Chaldaean astronomical tables"), Stimmen aus Maria Laach, vol.21 (1881), pp. 277–292.
- 'ESAE 1961': 'Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac' ('prepared jointly by the Nautical Almanac Offices of the United Kingdom and the United States of America'), London (HMSO), 1961.
- K Garthwaite, D B Holdridge & J D Mulholland (1970), "A preliminary special perturbation theory for the lunar motion", Astronomical Journal 75 (1970), 1133.
- H Godfray (1885), "Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory", (London, 1885, (4th ed.)).
- Andrew Motte (1729a) (translator), "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, by Sir Isaac Newton, translated into English", Volume I, containing Book 1.
- Andrew Motte (1729b) (translator), "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, by Sir Isaac Newton, translated into English", Volume II, containing Books 2 and 3 (with Index, Appendix containing additional (Newtonian) proofs, and "The Laws of the Moon's Motion according to Gravity", by John Machin).
- J D Mulholland & P J Shelus (1973), "Improvement of the numerical lunar ephemeris with laser ranging data", Moon 8 (1973), 532.
- O Neugebauer (1975), "A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy", (in 3 volumes), (New York (Springer), 1975).
- X X Newhall, E M Standish, J G Williams (1983), "DE102: A numerically integrated ephemeris of the Moon and planets spanning forty-four centuries", Astronomy and Astrophysics 125 (1983), 150.
- U S Naval Observatory (2009), History of the Astronomical Almanac Diarsipkan 2009-03-05 di Wayback Machine..
- J G Williams et al. (1972) 'Making solutions from lunar laser ranging data', Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society (1972), 4Q, 267.
- J.G.Williams, S.G.Turyshev, and D.H.Boggs, "Progress in Lunar Laser Ranging Tests of Relativistic Gravity" Diarsipkan 2009-02-20 di Wayback Machine., Physical Review Letters, 93 (2004), 261101.