Templat:Infobox former country/bak pasir/doc

Templat ini memberikan informasi pembanding untuk negara yang tidak lagi ada. Untuk negara yang masih ada, gunakan {{Infobox Country}}


{{Infobox former country/bak pasir
|native_name            = <!--- Name in native language(s). Leave blank if name is only in English. 
                                Separate with line breaks<br> If language uses Latin characters, place name(s) in italics. --->
|conventional_long_name = <!--- Full name in English --->
|common_name            = <!--- Used to resolve location within categories and name of flags and coat of arms --->
|continent              = <!--- Generates categories of the type "Former countries in Europe" --->
|region                 = <!--- Reserved for generating categories on subregions of continents --->
|country                = <!--- The country, to which this historic entity belongs today --->
|era                    = <!--- Use: "Napoleonic Wars", "Cold War", etc. --->
|status                 = <!--- Status: see Category list on template page --->
|status_text            = <!--- A free text to describe status the top of the infobox. Use sparingly. --->
|empire                 = <!--- The empire or country to which the entity was in a state of dependency --->
|government_type        = <!--- To generate categories: "Monarchy", "Republic", etc. to generate categories --->
<!--- Rise and fall, events, years and dates --->
<!-- only fill in the start/end event entry if a specific article exists. Don't just say "abolition" or "declaration"-->
|year_start             = <!--- Year of establishment --->
|year_end               = <!--- Year of disestablishment --->
|year_exile_start       = <!--- Year of start of exile (if dealing with exiled government - status="Exile") --->
|year_exile_end         = <!--- Year of end of exile (leave blank if still in exile) --->
|event_start            = <!--- Default: "Established" --->
|date_start             = <!--- Optional: Date of establishment, enter dates in this format 1 January 1801--->
|event_end              = <!--- Default: "Disestablished" --->
|date_end               = <!--- Optional: Date of disestablishment --->
|event1                 = <!--- Optional: other events between "start" and "end" --->
|date_event1            = 
|event2                 = 
|date_event2            = 
|event3                 = 
|date_event3            = 
|event4                 = 
|date_event4            = 
|event_pre              = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before before "event_start"--->
|date_pre               = 
|event_post             = <!--- Optional: A crucial event that took place before after "event_end"--->
|date_post              = 
<!--- Flag navigation: Preceding and succeeding entities p1 to p5 and s1 to s5 --->
|p1                     = <!--- Name of the article for preceding entity, numbered 1-5 --->
|flag_p1                = <!--- Default: "Flag of {{{p1}}}.svg" (size 30) --->
|image_p1               = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --->
|p2                     = 
|flag_p2                = 
|p3                     = 
|flag_p3                = 
|p4                     = 
|flag_p4                = 
|p5                     = 
|flag_p5                = 
|s1                     = <!--- Name of the article for succeeding entity, numbered 1-5 --->
|flag_s1                = <!--- Default: "Flag of {{{s1}}}.svg" (size 30) --->
|image_s1               = <!--- Use: [[Image:Sin escudo.svg|20px|Image missing]] --->
|s2                     = 
|flag_s2                = 
|s3                     = 
|flag_s3                = 
|s4                     = 
|flag_s4                = 
|s5                     = 
|flag_s5                = 
|image_flag             = <!--- Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}}.svg --->
|flag_alt               = <!--- Alt text for flag -->
|flag                   = <!--- Link target under flag image. Default: Flag of {{{common_name}}} --->
|flag_type              = <!--- Displayed text for link under flag. Default "Flag" --->
|image_coat             = <!--- Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}}.svg --->
|coat_alt               = <!--- Alt text for coat of arms --->
|symbol                 = <!--- Link target under symbol image. Default: Coat of arms of {{{common_name}}} --->
|symbol_type            = <!--- Displayed text for link under symbol. Default "Coat of arms" --->
|image_map              = 
|image_map_alt          = 
|image_map_caption      = 
|image_map2             = <!-- If second map is needed - does not appear by default -->
|image_map2_alt         = 
|image_map2_caption     = 
|capital                = 
|capital_exile          = <!-- If status="Exile" -->
|latd= |latm= |latNS= |longd= |longm= |longEW= 
|national_motto         = 
|national_anthem        = 
|common_languages       = 
|religion               = 
|currency               = 
<!--- Titles and names of the first and last leaders and their deputies --->
|leader1                = <!--- Name of king or president --->
|leader2                = 
|leader3                = 
|leader4                = 
|year_leader1           = <!--- Years served --->
|year_leader2           = 
|year_leader3           = 
|year_leader4           = 
|title_leader           = <!--- Default: "King" for monarchy, otherwise "President"--->
|representative1        = <!--- Name of representative of head of state (eg. colonial governor) --->
|representative2        = 
|representative3        = 
|representative4        = 
|year_representative1   = <!--- Years served --->
|year_representative2   = 
|year_representative3   = 
|year_representative4   = 
|title_representative   = <!--- Default: "Governor"--->
|deputy1                = <!--- Name of prime minister --->
|deputy2                = 
|deputy3                = 
|deputy4                = 
|year_deputy1           = <!--- Years served --->
|year_deputy2           = 
|year_deputy3           = 
|year_deputy4           = 
|title_deputy           = <!--- Default: "Prime minister" --->
<!--- Legislature --->
|legislature            = <!--- Name of legislature --->
|house1                 = <!--- Name of first chamber --->
|type_house1            = <!--- Default: "Upper house"--->
|house2                 = <!--- Name of second chamber --->
|type_house2            = <!--- Default: "Lower house"--->
<!--- Area and population of a given year --->
|stat_year1             = <!--- year of the statistic, specify either area, population or both --->
|stat_area1             = <!--- area in square kílometres (w/o commas or spaces), area in square miles is calculated --->
|stat_pop1              = <!--- population (w/o commas or spaces), population density is calculated if area is also given --->
|stat_year2             = 
|stat_area2             = 
|stat_pop2              = 
|stat_year3             = 
|stat_area3             = 
|stat_pop3              = 
|stat_year4             = 
|stat_area4             = 
|stat_pop4              = 
|stat_year5             = 
|stat_area5             = 
|stat_pop5              = 
|footnotes              = <!--- Accepts wikilinks --->

Contoh sintaks


Contoh dari artikel Kekaisaran Jerman:

{{Infobox former country/bak pasir
|native_name     = ''Deutsches Reich''
|conventional_long_name = German Empire
|common_name     = Germany
|continent       = Europe
|region          = 
|country         = Germany
|status          = Empire
|era             = [[New Imperialism]]/[[World War I|WWI]]
|year_start      = 1871
|year_end        = 1918
|date_start      = 18 January
|date_end        = 9 November
|event_end       = [[German Revolution|Republic declared]]
|event_start     = [[Unification of Germany|Unification]]
|date_post       = 28 November 1918
|event_post      = Formal abdication
|p1      = North German Confederation
|flag_p1 = Flag of Germany (1867–1919).svg
|p2      = Kingdom of Bavaria
|flag_p2 = Flag of Bavaria (striped).svg
|p3      = Kingdom of Württemberg
|flag_p3 = Flagge Königreich Württemberg.svg
|p4      = Grand Duchy of Baden
|flag_p4 = Flagge Großherzogtum Baden (1871-1891).svg
|p5      = Grand Duchy of Hesse
|flag_p5 = Flagge_Großherzogtum_Hessen_ohne_Wappen.svg
|p6      = Alsace-Lorraine
|flag_p6 = Flag of France.svg
|s1 = Weimar Republic
|s2 = Republic of Alsace-Lorraine
|s3 = Free City of Danzig
|s4 = Second Polish Republic
|s5 = Klaipėda Region
|s6 = Saar (League of Nations)
|s7 = Hlučín Region
|s8 = South Jutland County{{!}}Northern Schleswig
|s9 = Eupen-Malmedy
|flag_s1 = Flag of Germany (3-2 aspect ratio).svg
|flag_s2 = Flag of the Republic of Alsace-Lorraine.svg
|flag_s3 = Gdansk flag.svg
|flag_s4 = Flag of Poland.svg
|flag_s5 = Flag of Lithuania 1918-1940.svg
|flag_s6 = Flag of Saar 1920-1935.svg
|flag_s7 = Flag of Bohemia.svg
|flag_s8 = Flag of Denmark.svg
|flag_s9 = Flag of Belgium.svg
|image_flag = Flag of Germany (1867–1919).svg
|flag_alt   = Horizontal tricolor (black, white, red)
|flag       = Flag of Germany#North German Confederation and the German Empire
|image_coat = Wappen Deutsches Reich - Reichsadler 1889.png
|symbol_type = Imperial Coat of arms
|coat_alt   = Shield containing a black, one-headed, rightward-looking eagle with red beak, tongue and claws. On its breast is a shield with another eagle. Over its head is an imperial crown with two crossing ribbons.
|image_map  = German Empire, Wilhelminian third version.svg
|image_map_alt     = Located in north central Europe, containing modern Germany plus much of modern Poland
|image_map_caption = Territory of the German Empire in 1914, prior to [[World War I]]
|national_motto    = ''[[Gott mit uns]]''<br><small>"God with us"<small>
|national_anthem  = ''(none official)''<br/>"[[Heil dir im Siegerkranz]]" (Imperial)<br/>"[[Deutschlandlied]]" (popular)<br/>"[[Die Wacht am Rhein]]" (Unofficial)
|capital           = Berlin
|latd=52 |latm=31 |latNS=N |longd=13 |longm=24 |longEW=E
|common_languages  = Official language:<br>[[German language|German]]<br/>Unofficial minority languages:<br>[[Danish language|Danish]], [[French language|French]], [[Polish language|Polish]], [[East Frisian language|Frisian]], [[Old Prussian language|Old Prussian]], [[Lithuanian language|Lithuanian]]<br>Colonial languages: [[Bantu languages|Bantu]], [[Oshiwambo]], [[Afrikaans]], [[Swahili language|Swahili]],<br>(African Colonies) [[Chinese language|Chinese]],<br>(Tsingtao & Jiaozhou bay)<br>[[Papuan languages]], (German New Guinea)<br>[[Samoan language|Samoan]]<br>(German Samoa)
|government_type   = Constitutional monarchy
|title_leader = [[German Emperor|Emperor]]
|leader1      = [[William I, German Emperor|William I]]
|year_leader1 = 1871–1888
|leader2      = [[Frederick III, German Emperor|Frederick III]]
|year_leader2 = 1888
|leader3      = [[Wilhelm II, German Emperor|Wilhelm II]]
|year_leader3 = 1888–1918
|title_deputy = [[List of Chancellors of Germany|Chancellor]]
|deputy1      = [[Otto von Bismarck]] (first)
|year_deputy1 = 1871–1890
|deputy2      = [[Friedrich Ebert]] (last)
|year_deputy2 = 8–9 Nov 1918
|legislature  = [[Reichstag (institution)|Reichstag]]
|house1       = [[Reichsrat (Germany)|Reichsrat]]
|type_house1  = State council
|stat_year1   = 1871
|religion     = [[Lutherans]]~60%<br/>[[Roman Catholics]]~40%
|stat_pop1    = 41058792
|stat_year2   = 1890
|stat_pop2    = 49428470
|stat_year4   = 1910
|stat_pop4    = 64925993
|stat_area4   = 540857.54
|currency     = [[Vereinsthaler]], [[South German gulden]], [[Bremen thaler]], [[Hamburg mark]], [[French franc]]<br/><small>(until 1873, together)</small><br/>[[German gold mark|Goldmark]] <small>(1873–1914)</small><br/>[[German Papiermark|Papiermark]] <small>(after 1914)</small>
|footnotes    = Area and population not including colonial possessions <br/>Area source:<ref name="gem1900">{{cite web |title=German Empire: administrative subdivision and municipalities, 1900 to 1910 |url=http://www.gemeindeverzeichnis.de/gem1900/gem1900.htm?gem1900_2.htm |language=German |accessdate=2007-04-25}}</ref> Population source:<ref name="pop1871">{{cite web |title=Population statistics of the German Empire, 1871 |url=http://www.deutsche-schutzgebiete.de/einwohner.htm |language=German |accessdate=2007-04-25}}</ref>
|today        = {{flag|Czech Republic}}<br/>{{flag|Denmark}}<br/>{{flag|France}}<br/>{{flag|Germany}}<br/>{{flag|Lithuania}}<br/>{{flag|Poland}}<br/>{{flag|Russia}}