Templat:Infobox university
(Dialihkan dari Templat:Infobox Universitas)
Infobox university | |
Informasi |
![]() | Templat ini digunakan pada sekitar 26.000 halaman dan perubahannya kemungkinan memicu perubahan massal pada semua halaman yang menggunakannya. Uji cobalah di subhalaman /bak pasir atau /kasus uji Templat:Infobox university, atau subhalaman pengguna Anda. Pertimbangkan untuk mendiskusikan perubahan di halaman pembicaraan sebelum mengimplementasikannya. |
![]() | Templat ini menggunakan Lua: |
{{{name}}} {{{native_name}}} | |
bahasa Latin: {{{latin_name}}}
Informasi | |
Nama lain | {{{other_name}}} atau {{{other_names}}} |
Nama sebelumnya | {{{former_name}}} atau {{{former_names}}} |
Moto | {{{motto}}} |
Moto dalam bahasa Indonesia | {{{mottoind}}} |
Moto dalam bahasa Inggris | {{{mottoeng}}} |
Jenis | {{{type}}} |
Didirikan | {{{established}}} [ –{{{closed}}} ] |
Pendiri | {{{founder}}} atau {{{founders}}} |
Lembaga induk | {{{parent}}} |
Afiliasi | {{{affiliation}}} |
Afiliasi keagamaan | {{{religious_affiliation}}} |
Afiliasi akademik | {{{academic_affiliation}}} |
Dana abadi | {{{endowment}}} |
Anggaran | {{{budget}}} |
Akreditasi | {{{ranking}}} |
Penanggungjawab | {{{officer_in_charge}}} |
Ketua | {{{chairman}}} {{{chairperson}}} |
Kanselir | {{{chancellor}}} |
Presiden | {{{president}}} |
Wakil Presiden | {{{vice-president}}} |
Pengawas | {{{superintendent}}} |
Wakil Kanselir | {{{vice_chancellor}}} |
Provos | {{{provost}}} |
Rektor | {{{rector}}} |
Kepala sekolah | {{{principal}}} |
Dekan | {{{dean}}} |
Direktur | {{{director}}} |
{{{head_label}}} | {{{head}}} |
Staf akademik | {{{academic_staff}}} |
Staf administrasi | {{{administrative_staff}}} |
Jumlah mahasiswa | {{{students}}} {{{enrollment}}} |
Diploma | {{{diploma}}} |
Sarjana | {{{undergrad}}} |
Magister | {{{postgrad}}} |
Doktor | {{{doctoral}}} |
Jumlah mahasiswa lain | {{{other_students}}} |
Lokasi | {{{location}}} atau {{{address}}} (opsional) {{{city}}}, {{{state}}}, {{{province}}}, {{{postalcode}}} atau {{{zipcode}}} (opsional) {{{country}}} {{{coordinates}}} |
Kampus | {{{campus}}} |
Bahasa | {{{language}}} |
{{{free_label}}} | {{{free}}} |
Warna | {{{colors}}} atau {{{colours}}} athletics |
Nama julukan | {{{sports_nickname}}} |
Afiliasi olahraga | {{{sporting_affiliations}}} |
Olahraga | {{{sports}}} |
Maskot | {{{mascot}}} atau {{{mascots}}} |
Situs web | {{{website}}} |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|frameless]] | |
{{{nrhp}}} atau {{{embedded}}} | |
{{{pushpin_map}}} {{{footnotes}}} |
{{Infobox universitas}} adalah kotak info untuk artikel tentang universitas dan perguruan tinggi; lihat Wikipedia:Panduan artikel universitas dan perguruan tinggi.
Sintaks kosong
suntingSemua kolom selain name
, established
dan city
adalah opsional. Semua kolom harus diisi dengan huruf kecil.
{{Infobox university | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | image = | image_upright = | image_alt = | caption = | latin_name = | other_name = | former_name = | motto = | motto_lang = | mottoind = | mottoeng = | top_free_label = | top_free = | type = | established = <!-- {{start date|YYYY}} --> | closed = <!-- {{end date|YYYY}} --> | founder = | parent = | affiliation = | religious_affiliation = | academic_affiliation = | endowment = | budget = | officer_in_charge = | chairman = | chairperson = | chancellor = | president = | vice-president = | superintendent = | vice_chancellor = | provost = | rector = | vice rector = | principal = | dean = | director = | head_label = | head = | academic_staff = | administrative_staff = |ranking = |diploma= | students = | undergrad = | postgrad = | doctoral = | other = | address = <!-- Silakan didiskusikan sebelum menggunakan --> | city = | state = | province = | country = | postcode = <!--kodepos--> | coordinates = <!-- {{Coord}} --> | campus = | language = | free_label = | free = | free_label2 = | free2 = | colors = | athletics = | sports = | athletics_nickname = <!--atau, sports_nickname= --> | sporting_affiliations = | mascot = | sports_free_label = | sports_free = | sports_free_label2 = | sports_free2 = | website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} --> | logo = | logo_size = | logo_alt = | footnotes = }}
suntingUniversity of Illyria Universiti von Illyria | |
bahasa Latin: Universitas Illyriensis
Informasi | |
Nama lain | UI |
Nama sebelumnya | Utopian University |
Moto | Melior a lepidus fossor quam a stultus lepor lepos |
Moto dalam bahasa Inggris | "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit" |
Jenis | Public |
Aktif | 16661850 | –
Afiliasi | Church of Illyria |
Dana abadi | US$ 123,456,789 |
Kanselir | Jane Doe |
Visitor | Archbishop Doe |
Staf akademik | 300 |
Staf administrasi | 600 |
Jumlah mahasiswa | 10,000 |
Sarjana | 5,000 |
Magister | 1,000 |
Doktor | 100 |
Jumlah mahasiswa lain | 1,200a |
Lokasi | , , 12°20′N 98°46′W / 12.34°N 98.76°W |
Kampus | Rural |
Warna | Red and blue |
Nama julukan | The Nematodes |
Afiliasi olahraga | Utopian Athletic League |
Olahraga | |
Maskot | Nobby the Nematode |
Situs web | www |
![]() | |
Note: This university is completely fictional. |
{{Infobox university | name = University of Illyria | native_name = Universiti von Illyria | native_name_lang = de | other_name = UI | image = Dabney-minimalist-vector.svg | image_upright = 0.7 | image_alt = scroll atop shield outline | caption = Seal of University of Illyria | latin_name = Universitas Illyriensis | former_name = Utopian University | motto = ''Melior a lepidus fossor quam a stultus lepor lepos'' | motto_lang = la | mottoeng = "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit" | established = {{start date|1666}} | closed = {{end date|1850}} | type = [[Public university|Public]] | affiliation = Church of Illyria | endowment = [[US$]] 123,456,789 | officer_in_charge = | chairman = | chancellor = [[Jane Doe]] | president = | vice-president = | superintendent = | vice_chancellor = | provost = | rector = | principal = | dean = | director = | head_label = [[Visitor]] | head = [[John Doe|Archbishop Doe]] | academic_staff = 300 | administrative_staff = 600 | students = 10,000 | undergrad = 5,000 | postgrad = 1,000 | doctoral = 100 | other_students = 1,200{{sup|a}} | city = [[Illyria]] | state = [[Illyria]] | province = | country = [[Utopia]] | coordinates = {{coord|12.34|-98.76 |type:edu |display=inline}} | campus = [[Rural area|Rural]] | language = | colours = {{color box|red}}{{color box|blue}} Red and Blue | athletics = | sports = {{hlist |[[Track and field|Track]] |[[Water polo]]}} | sports_nickname = The Nematodes | mascot = Nobby the Nematode | sporting_affiliations = [[Utopian Athletic League]] | website = {{URL|www.illyria.edu}} | logo = EUSP logo lowres.jpg | logo_size = 50px | logo_alt = Spiral on stripes | footnotes = <hr/> <div style="text-align:left;"> {{sup|a}} [[Further education]].<br/> </div> Note: This university is completely fictional. }}
sunting- Subtemplates
- Use {{Start date and age}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes this microformat uses include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard