Templat:Infobox Canadian government departments

Departemen Pemerintahan Kanada

Menteri [[{{{current_minister}}}]]
Tanggung jawab {{{responsibilities}}}
Pekerja {{{employees}}}

This is a template for usage with departments that fall under the category of Canadian federal departments and agencies. Its intention is to clearly define quickly what the department's name, minister responsible, when it was established, its responsibilities, the number of people employed, and the department website.

Using the template


Copy the following:

{{Infobox Canadian government departments
  • department - Name of the department in English.
  • french - French name of the department. (Optional)
  • logo - You may not use a copyrighted (fair use) image here. (Optional)
  • current_minister - Current minister.
  • second_minister - Use in the event that it is a dual-minister department (such as Foreign Affairs and International Trade). (Optional)
  • deputy_minster - Deputy minister. (Optional)
  • secretary - Parliamentary Secretary. (Optional)
  • established - Year of establishment.
  • discontinued - Year of discontinue.
  • successor - Succeeding ministry.
  • Responsibilities - List of main responsibilities that the department upholds. Please put multiple items with new lines.
  • employess - Number of people employed by the department.
  • website - Link to official government website.



Departemen Pemerintahan Kanada

Natural Resources Canada
Menteri Gary Lunn
Didirikan 1842
Tanggung jawab Canadian Forest Service

Geological Survey of Canada

Electricity Resources Branch

Energy Technology and Programs Sector

Mineral and Metals Sector

Pekerja N/A
Department Website
{{Infobox Canadian government departments
|department=Natural Resources Canada
|current_minister=Gary Lunn
|responsibilities=Canadian Forest Service
Geological Survey of Canada
Electricity Resources Branch
Energy Technology and Programs Sector
Mineral and Metals Sector

In certain situations, you'll be presented with more than one minister, a logo, and other items. As well, as per law, all departments in Canada are bi-lingual, so you'll also want to be including the French name for the department. With this being on English Wikipedia, the French will appear much smaller. Here's an example of a template being used to the maximum.

Departemen Pemerintahan Kanada

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Affaires étrangères et Commerce international
Menteri Peter MacKay
Menteri David Emerson
Didirikan 1993
Tidak dilanjutkan 2020
Digantikan oleh Silly Walks
Tanggung jawab Foreign Relations

International Trade

Pekerja N/A
Department Website
{{Infobox Canadian government departments
|department=Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
|french=Affaires étrangères et Commerce international
|current_minister=Peter MacKay
|second_minister=David Emerson
|successor=Silly Walks
|responsibilities=Foreign Relations
International Trade