Templat:Geological range/doc
- Penggunaan
{{Rentang fosil|first appearance (dibutuhkan)|last appearance|text to display|earliest=earliest putative fossil|latest=latest putative fossil|ref=References|prefix=anything to display before the range|PS=anything to display after the range}}
Contoh | |
Klasifikasi ilmiah | |
Genus: | Rangea
Spesies: | Rangea examplus
- Contoh
{{Rentang fosil|Perem}}
{{Rentang fosil|Perem|Jura}}
{{Rentang fosil|Perem|Jura|earliest=Devon|latest=Kapur}}
{{Rentang fosil|68|65|earliest=Permian|latest=0|PS= (see article for discussion)}}
{{Rentang fosil|68|65.5|late Cretaceous}}
{{Rentang fosil|68|65|}}
If you receive an error when specifying a period name, check you've spelt it right; if so, it probably isn't yet incorporated into the templates {{next period}} and {{period start}}. This is really easy to do, so feel free to add the period yourself to make future editors' lives easier!
Lihat pula
suntingUntuk fosil sebelum periode Ediakaran, gunakan Templat:Long fossil range.