Templat:Chembox/doc/recently added/parameter list

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  • Chembox: -
ImageCaptionAll, single caption below all images
ImageCaptionLR1, ImageCaptionLR2, ImageCaptionLR3: caption below pair of images
Names: Names_ref, pronounce
  • Identifiers:
index_label, index1_label ... index5_label
index_comment, index1_comment ... index5_comment
indexlist_caption (default: 'Compounds')
Identifiers_ref, IUPHAR_ligand1 x5 IUPHAR_ligand1_Comment x5, IUPHAR_ligand_Other
EC_number, EC_number_Comment
E_number, E_number_Comment (E number)
Jmol, Jmol1, ..., Jmol5 (overwrites |SMILES=)
  • Hazards: Hazards_ref, Hazards_data_page, NFPA_ref, NFPA_Ref, LDLo, LCLo
  • Properties: Properties_ref, Formula_ref, Formula_Comment, MolarMass_ref, MolarMassUnit, MolarMass_Comment, up to the 118 elements
ConjugateAcid, ConjugateBase
  • Pharmacology: Pharmacology_ref, PLLR, Metabolites, DurationOfAction, OnsetOfAction
  • Structure: Structure_ref, LattConst_ref, LattConst_Comment, UnitCellVolume, UnitCellFormulas
  • Explosive: Explosive_ref, DetonationV
  • Related: Related_ref,
  • Temperatures