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(Dialihkan dari Tapestri)
Dewangga adalah sebuah bentuk seni rupa tekstil, biasanya dirajut memakai tangan dan alat rajut. Kebanyakan perajut memakai bahan alami, seperti wol, linen atau kapas.
suntingDaftar pustaka
sunting- Campbell, Thomas P. Henry VIII and the Art of Majesty: Tapestries at the Tudor Court, Yale University Press, 2007, ISBN 978-0-300-12234-3
- Russell, Carol K. Tapestry Handbook. The Next Generation, Schiffer Publ. Ltd., Atglen, PA. 2007, ISBN 978-0-7643-2756-8
- Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving, by Grace Christie, 1912, from Project Gutenberg. Technical handbook.
- Olson, Rebecca. Arras Hanging: The Textile That Determined Early Modern Literature and Drama, University of Delaware Press, 2013, ISBN 978-1611494686
Bacaan tambahan
sunting- Ortiz, A.; Carretero, C.; et al. (1991). Resplendence of the Spanish monarchy : Renaissance tapestries and armor from the Patrimonio Nacional. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Helena Hernmarck
- Tapestry is described both as an historic craft and a textile art. The West Dean College, Tapestry Symposium 2017, focused on this relationship between art and craft and has published presentations by the speakers. [1]
Pranala luar
suntingWikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Tapestri.
- Jagiellonian Tapestries Polish Tapestry Museum
- Tapestry Diarsipkan 2020-01-17 di Wayback Machine., A World History of Art
- Pictures from a contemporary mill, showing tapestries being woven on looms with Jacquard heads
- Goblan Ammar Arabic/Islamic tapestry art.
- Art Italian jacquard tapestry
- Modern, trendy tapestries.
- The West Dean College, Tapestry Studio [2] Diarsipkan 2017-11-18 di Wayback Machine.