Seni rupa Keltik
Seni rupa Keltik diasosiasikan dengan suku bangsa yang dikenal sebagai Keltik; orang-orang yang memakai rumpun bahasa Keltik di Eropa dari pra-sejarah sampai zaman modern, serta seni rupa suku bangsa kuno yang bahasanya tak menentu, namun memiliki kesamaan budaya dan gaya dengan para pemakai rumpun bahasa Keltik.

Seni rupa Keltik adalah sebuah istilah berbeda dalam hal definisi, meliputi sejumlah besar waktu, geografi dan budaya. Sebuah kasus dibuat untuk kelanjutan artistik di Eropa dari Zaman Perunggu dan mendahului zaman Neolitikum; namun para arkeolog umumnya memakai "Keltik" untuk merujuk kepada budaya Zaman Besi Eropa dari sekitar tahun 1000 SM, sampai sebagian besar teritorial direbut oleh Kekaisaran Romawi, dan para sejarawan seni biasanya mulai berbicara tentang "seni rupa Keltik" hanya dari periode La Tène (dari abad ke-1 sampai ke-1 SM).
sunting- Garrow, Duncan (ed), Rethinking Celtic Art, 2008, Oxbow Books, ISBN 1842173189, 9781842173183, google books
- Green, Miranda, Celtic Art, Reading the Messages, 1996, The Everyman Art Library, ISBN 0-297-83365-0
- Harding, Dennis, William. The archaeology of Celtic art, Routledge, 2007, ISBN 0-415-35177-4, ISBN 978-0-415-35177-5, Google books
- Hawkes, C.F.C., review of Early Celtic Art by Paul Jacobsthal, The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 37, Parts 1 and 2 (1947), pp. 191–198, JSTOR
- Jacobsthal, Paul (1935), "Early Celtic Art", The Burlington Magazine, Vol. 67, No. 390 (Sep., 1935), pp. 113–127, JSTOR
- Johns, Catherine, The Jewellery of Roman Britain: Celtic and Classical Traditions, Routledge, 1996, ISBN 1-85728-566-2, ISBN 978-1-85728-566-6, Google books
- Laing, Lloyd and Jenifer. Art of the Celts, Thames and Hudson, London 1992 ISBN 0-500-20256-7
- "NMI": Wallace, Patrick F., O'Floinn, Raghnall eds. Treasures of the National Museum of Ireland: Irish Antiquities ISBN 0-7171-2829-6
- Megaw, Ruth and Vincent (2001). Celtic Art. ISBN 0-500-28265-X
- "Megaws": Megaw, Ruth and Vincent, "Celtic Art", Oxford Art Online, accessed October 7, 2010
- Raftery, Barry, "La Tène Art", in Bogucki, Peter I. and Crabtree, Pam. J.: Ancient Europe 8000 B.C.--A.D. 1000: Encyclopedia of the Barbarian world, 2004, Charles Scribner's Sons, ISBN 0-684-80668-1, ISBN 978-0-684-80668-6. online text (slightly shortened)
- Sandars, Nancy K., Prehistoric Art in Europe, Penguin (Pelican, now Yale, History of Art), 1968 (nb 1st edn.)
Bacaan tambahan
sunting- Boltin, Lee, ed.: Treasures of Early Irish Art, 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D.: From the Collections of the National Museum of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy, Trinity College, Dublin, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1977, ISBN 0-87099-164-7, fully available online.
- Bain, George: Celtic Art, The Methods of Construction, Lavishly Illustrated with Line Drawings and Photographs: Dover Publishing, New York, 1973, ISBN 0-486-22923-8, which is an unabridged republication of the work originally published by William MacLellan & Co., Ltd., Glasgow, 1951.
Pranala luar
sunting- The Celtic art database, hosted by the British Museum. "A comprehensive database of all Celtic art found in Britain to date. This includes excavated finds and finds recently reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme", excel spreadsheet, last updated August 2010. For summaries, see Garrow, chapter 2.
- Celtic Art & Culture Diarsipkan 2017-01-17 di Wayback Machine. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
- Insular Celtic bronze mirrors Diarsipkan 2018-11-02 di Wayback Machine.
- "Bearing the truth about Celtic art: Kunst der Kelten in Bern", Review by Vincent Megaw of 2009 exhibition, Antiquity online.