Saul Friedländer (Ibrani: שאול פרידלנדר) (lahir di Praha, 11 Oktober 1932) adalah seorang sejarawan Israel dan saat ini menjabat sebagai profesor sejarah di UCLA.

Saul Friedländer
Saul Friedländer
Saul Friedländer
Lahir11 Oktober 1932 (umur 92)
PekerjaanEsais, sejarawan, Profesor Sejarah di UCLA
KebangsaanIsrael Israel
PeriodeAbad ke-20, Holocaust, Nazisme
GenreSejarah, esai
Situs web



Karya terbitan

  • Pius XII and the Third Reich: A Documentation, New York: Knopf, 1966 trans. Charles Fullman, from the original Pie XII et le IIIe Reich, Documents, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1964.
  • Prelude to downfall: Hitler and the United States 1939-1941, London, Chatto & Windus, 1967.
  • Kurt Gerstein, the ambiguity of good, New York: Knopf, 1969.
  • L'Antisémitisme nazi: histoire d'une psychose collective, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1971.
  • co-written with Mahmoud Hussein Arabs & Israelis: a Dialogue Moderated by Jean Lacouture, New York: Holmes & Meier Publishers, 1975.
  • Some aspects of the historical significance of the Holocaust, Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1977.
  • History and Psychoanalysis: an Inquiry Into the Possibilities and Limits of Psychohistory, New York: Holmes & Meier, 1978.
  • When Memory Comes, New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1979. (Noonday Press, Reissue edition 1991, ISBN 0-374-52272-3).
  • Reflections of Nazism: an essay on Kitsch and death, New York: Harper & Row, 1984.
  • Visions of apocalypse: end or rebirth?, New York: Holmes & Meier, 1985.
  • Probing the limits of representation: Nazism and the "final solution", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.
  • Memory, history, and the extermination of the Jews of Europe, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993
  • Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939, New York: HarperCollins, 1997.
  • The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945, HarperCollins, 2007. Second Volume to the above.

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ "Israel Prize Official Site - Recipients in 1983 (in Hebrew)". 
  2. ^ "UCLA astronomer Andrea Ghez named a 2008 MacArthur Fellow". UCLA. Diakses tanggal 2008-09-23. 
  3. ^ RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA (2008-04-07). "Washington Post Wins 6 Pulitzer Prizes". New York Times. Diakses tanggal 2008-04-07. The prize for nonfiction writing went to Saul Friedlander for his book, “The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945.” 

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