Ryan Model 147
Ryan Model 147 Lightning Bug merupakan sebuah pesawat tak berawak, atau kendaraan udara tak berawak sayap tinggi (high wing) yang dikembangkan dari seri drone sasaran Ryan Firebee sebelumnya.

sunting- 147A:
- 147C:
- 147D:
- 147B:
- 147T:
- 147E:
- 147F:
- 147J:
- 147TE:
- 147TF:
- 147N:
- 147NC:
- 147NC(M1):
- 147NX:
- 147NP:
- 147NRE:
- 147NQ:
- 147SA:
- 147SB:
- 147SRE:
- 147SC:
- 147SC/TV:
- 147SK:
- 147SD:
- 147SDL:
Military redesignation numbers (Post 1969)
sunting- AQM-34N: 147H
- AQM-34G (chaff dispensing): 147NA/NC
- AQM-34H (leaflet dispensing): 147NC
- AQM-34J: 147NC(M1)
- AQM-34L: 147SC
- AQM-34M: 147SD
- AQM-34K: 147SRE
- AQM-34P: 147T
- AQM-34Q: 147TE
- AQM-34R: 147TF
sunting- This article contains material that originally came from the web article Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by Greg Goebel, which exists in the Public Domain.
- Specifications and Pictures of Teledyne-Ryan Drones
- Teledyne-Ryan AQM-34 Firebee RPV
- Urdang, Laurence. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. 1969, Random House.
- Peebles, Curtis. Dark Eagles: A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs. 1999, Presidio Press. ISBN 978-0-89141-696-8.