Rencana Marshall
Rencana Marshall (bahasa Inggris: Marshall Plan) (secara resmi disebut Program Pemulihan Eropa, ERP) adalah inisiatif Amerika yang diberlakukan pada tahun 1948 untuk memberikan bantuan luar negeri ke Eropa Barat. Amerika Serikat mentransfer $13,3 miliar (setara dengan $173,8 miliar pada tahun 2024) dalam program pemulihan ekonomi ke ekonomi Eropa Barat setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II. Menggantikan proposal sebelumnya untuk Rencana Morgenthau, program ini beroperasi selama empat tahun yang dimulai pada tanggal 3 April 1948,[1] meskipun pada tahun 1951, Rencana Marshall sebagian besar digantikan oleh Mutual Security Act. Tujuan Amerika Serikat adalah untuk membangun kembali wilayah yang dilanda perang, menghilangkan hambatan perdagangan, memodernisasi industri, meningkatkan kemakmuran Eropa, dan mencegah penyebaran komunisme.[2] Rencana Marshall mengusulkan pengurangan hambatan antarnegara dan integrasi ekonomi Benua Eropa sekaligus mendorong peningkatan produktivitas serta penerapan prosedur bisnis modern.[3]
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Judul lengkap | Suatu tindakan untuk memajukan perdamaian dunia dan kesejahteraan umum, kepentingan nasional, dan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat melalui tindakan ekonomi, keuangan, dan tindakan lain yang diperlukan untuk pemeliharaan kondisi di luar negeri di mana lembaga-lembaga bebas dapat bertahan hidup dan konsisten dengan pemeliharaan kekuatan dan stabilitas Amerika Serikat. |
Disahkan oleh | Kongres Amerika Serikat ke-80 |
Berlaku | 3 April 1948 |
Kutipan | |
Public law | 80-472 |
Statutes at Large | 62 Stat. 137 |
Riwayat legislatif | |
sunting- ^ Marshall Plan 2020.
- ^ Hogan 1987, hlm. 27.
- ^ Carew 1987.
Bacaan lanjutan
sunting- Agnew, John and Entrikin, J. Nicholas eds. The Marshall Plan Today: Model and Metaphor Routledge. (2004) online version
- Arkes, Hadley. Bureaucracy, the Marshall Plan, and the National Interest (1972).
- Behrman, Greg, The Most Noble Adventure: The Marshall Plan and the Time When America Helped Save Europe (2007) ISBN 0-7432-8263-9
- Bonds, John Bledsoe. Bipartisan Strategy: Selling the Marshall Plan (2002) online version
- Esposito, Chiarella. America's Feeble Weapon: Funding the Marshall Plan in France and Italy, 1948–1950 (1994) online version
- Djelic, Marie-Laure A. Exporting the American Model: The Post-War Transformation of European Business (1998) online version
- Fossedal, Gregory A. Our Finest Hour: Will Clayton, the Marshall Plan, and the Triumph of Democracy. (1993).
- Gimbel, John, The origins of the Marshall plan (Stanford University Press, 1976). (reviewed here)
- Kipping, Matthias and Bjarnar, Ove. The Americanisation of European Business: The Marshall Plan and the Transfer of Us Management Models (1998) online version
- Lewkowicz, Nicolas. The German Question and the International Order, 1943-48 (Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke and New York) (2010)
- Lewkowicz, Nicolas. The German Question and the Origins of the Cold War (IPOC: Milan) (2008)
- Mee, Charles L. The Marshall Plan: The Launching of the Pax Americana (1984).
- Milward, Alan S. The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945–51. (1984).
- Röpke, Wilhelm, Humane Economist,"Biography of Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966): Humane Economist". Diakses tanggal 2009-08-18.
- Vickers, Rhiannon. Manipulating Hegemony: State Power, Labour and the Marshall Plan in Britain (2000) online edition
- Wallich, Henry Christopher. Mainsprings of the German Revival (1955)
- Wasser, Solidelle F. and Dolfman, Michael L., "BLS and the Marshall Plan: The Forgotten Story: The Statistical Technical Assistance of BLS Increased Productive Efficiency and Labor Productivity in Western European Industry after World War II; Technological Literature Surveys and Plan-Organized Plant Visits Supplemented Instruction in Statistical Measurement", Monthly Labor Review, Vol. 128, 2005
- Wend, Henry Burke. Recovery and Restoration: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Politics of Reconstruction of West Germany's Shipbuilding Industry, 1945–1955 (2001) online version
- Zmirak, John, Wilhelm Röpke: Swiss Localist, Global Economist (ISI Books, 2001)
Pranala luar
sunting- George C. Marshall Foundation
- The German Marshall Fund of the United States
- The Marshal Plan documents collection at MCE Diarsipkan 2010-02-09 di Wayback Machine.
- Marshall Plan from the National Archives
- Excerpts from book by Allen W. Dulles Diarsipkan 2009-03-09 di Wayback Machine.
- United States Secretary of State James F. Byrnes famous Stuttgart speech, September 6, 1946 The speech marked the turning point away from the Morgenthau Plan philosophy of economic dismantlement of Germany and towards a policy of economic reconstruction.
- Marshall Plan Commemorative Section: Lessons of the Plan: Looking Forward to the Next Century Diarsipkan 2006-07-27 di Wayback Machine.
- U.S. Economic Policy Towards defeated countries Diarsipkan 2006-10-11 di Wayback Machine. April, 1946.
- "Pas de Pagaille!" Diarsipkan 2008-10-12 di Wayback Machine., Time magazine July 28, 1947
- Luis García Berlanga's critique of the Marshall Plan in a classic Spanish film: Welcome Mr. Marshall!
- Marshall Plan Still Working, 60 Years Later[pranala nonaktif permanen] Cincinnati Enquirer December 10, 2006
- Economist Tyler Cowen questions the conventional wisdom surrounding the Plan Diarsipkan 2011-01-22 di Wayback Machine.
- Truman Presidential Library online collection of original Marshal Plan documents from the year 1946 onwards Diarsipkan 2019-03-29 di Wayback Machine.
- "The Marshall Plan as Tragedy", comment on Michael Cox and Caroline Kennedy-Pipe, "The Tragedy of American Diplomacy? Rethinking the Marshall Plan", both published in the Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 7, no. 1 (Winter 2005) (text of comment on pdf Diarsipkan 2007-06-15 di Wayback Machine.) (text of original article on pdf Diarsipkan 2007-06-15 di Wayback Machine.)