Pilihan publik
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Pilihan publik, atau teori pilihan publik, adalah "penggunaan alat ekonomi untuk menangani masalah tradisional dalam ilmu politik".[1] Isinya meliputi kajian perilaku politik. Dalam ilmu politik, itu adalah bagian dari teori politik positif yang mempelajari kepentingan diri agen (pemilih, politisi, birokrat) dan interaksi mereka, yang dapat diwakili dalam sejumlah cara – menggunakan (misalnya) pemaksimalan utilitas terkendala standar, teori permainan, atau teori keputusan.[1] Ini adalah asal dan landasan intelektual kerja kontemporer dalam ekonomi politik.[2]
sunting- ^ a b Gordon Tullock, [1987] 2008, "public choice," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. .
- ^ Alberto Alesina, Torsten Persson, Guido Tabellini, 2006. “Reply to Blankart and Koester's Political Economics versus Public Choice Two Views of Political Economy in Competition,” Kyklos, 59(2), pp. 201–208
sunting- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1951, 2nd ed., 1963). Social Choice and Individual Values
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- _____ (1968). The Demand and Supply of Public Goods. Rand McNally.
- _____ (1986). "The Constitution of Economic Policy, Nobel Prize lecture. Republished in 1987, American Economic Review, 77(3), pp. 243–250. JSTOR 1804093
- _____ (2003). "Public Choice: The Origins and Development of a Research Program," Center for Study of Public Choice at George Mason University, Fairfax: Virginia.
- _____, and Gordon Tullock (1962). The Calculus of Consent. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Buchanan, James M. and Richard A. Musgrave (1999). Public Finance and Public Choice: Two Contrasting Visions of the State, MIT Press. Description and scrollable preview links.
- Downs, Anthony. (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy. Cambridge: York: Cambridge University Press.
- Hansjürgens, Bernd – The influence of Knut Wicksell on Richard Musgrave and James Buchanan
- Holcombe, R. G. (1989). "The Median Voter Model in Public Choice Theory", Public Choice 61, 115–125
- McKelvey, R. D. (1976). "Intransitivities in Multi Dimensional Voting Models and some Implications for Agenda Control", Journal of Economic Theory 12(3) 472–482
- MacKenzie, D. W. (2008). The Use of Knowledge about Society. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
- _____ (2008). Politics and Knowledge: Expectations formation in Democracy. Working paper, Presented at the Southern Economics Association Conference in 2005.
- Mueller, Dennis C. (1976). "Public Choice: A Survey," Journal of Economic Literature, 14(2), pp. 395–433.
- _____ (2003). Public Choice III. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Description and preview.
- Niskanen, William A. (1987). "Bureaucracy." In Charles K. Rowley, ed. Democracy and Public Choice. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Olson, Mancur, Jr. (1965, 2nd ed., 1971). The Logic of Collective Action. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Description and chapter-previews links, pp. ix–x.
- Ostrom, Elinor (1990). Governing the Commons The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge University Press. Description and preview links. ISBN 9780521405997.
- _____ (2010). "Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems," American Economic Review, 100(3), pp. 641–672.
- Ostrom, Vincent (1986). The Theory of the Compound Republic. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. Second edition.
- Palda, Filip (2016). A Better Kind of Violence: The Chicago School of Political Economy, Public Choice, and The Quest for an Ultimate Theory of Power. Cooper-Wolfling Press.
- Riker, William H. (1962). The Theory of Political Coalitions. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
- Romer, T. & Rosenthal, H. (1979). "The Elusive Median Voter", Journal of Public Economics 12(2) 143–170
- Rowley, Charles K., and Friedrich Schneider, ed. (2004). The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, 2 v. Springer. Description, v. 1, chapter abstract and preview links, and review JSTOR 30026602
- _____ and _____, eds. (2008). Readings in Public Choice and Constitutional Political Economy, Springer. Description and chapter-preview links.
- _____ and Laura Razzolini, eds. (2001). The Elgar Companion to Public Choice. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar, Description.
- Wicksell, Knut ([1896] 1958). "A New Principle of Just Taxation," trans. J.M. Buchanan, in Richard A. Musgrave and Alan T. Peacock, ed., Classics in the Theory of Public Finance, Palgrave Macmillan.
Bacaan lebih lanjut
sunting- Borcherding, T. E.; Dillon, P.; Willett, T. D. (1998). "Henry George: Precursor to public choice analysis". The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 57 (2): 173–182. doi:10.1111/j.1536-7150.1998.tb03269.x.
- Hafer, Catherine; Landa, Dimitri (August 2007). "Public goods in Federal systems". Quarterly Journal of Political Science. 2 (3): 253–275. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1561/100.00006001.
- Niskanen, William A. (2008). "Public Choice Economics". Dalam Hamowy, Ronald. The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage; Cato Institute. hlm. 405–407. doi:10.4135/9781412965811.n250. ISBN 978-1-4129-6580-4. LCCN 2008009151. OCLC 750831024.