Perawan hidup bakti
(Dialihkan dari Perawan tahbisan)
Dalam Gereja Katolik, perawan hidup bakti ditahbiskan oleh gereja untuk sebuah kehidupan keperawanan abadi sebagai mempelai Kristus. Para perawan hidup bakti ditahbiskan oleh uskup diokesan menurut ritus liturgi yang disepakati. Para perawan hidup bakti menjalani waktu mereka dalam karya-karya penitensi dan kemurahan hati, dalam kegiatan apostolik dan doa, sesuai dengan keadaan hidup dan karunia-karunia Roh Kudus mereka.

Ritus penahbisan perawan yang tinggal di dunia diperkenalkan ulang pada 1970, di bawah Paus Paulus VI, saat Konsili Vatikan Kedua.[1]
sunting- Umum
- Elena Lucia Bolchi, La consacrazione nell'Ordo virginum: forma di vita e disciplina canonica, Tesi Gregoriana, Serie Diritto Canonico 56, Rome (2002).
- Text of canon 604 of The Code of Canon Law (1983, Latin edition) re: Virgins as members of the Consecrated Life in the Catholic Church
- Text of canon 604 of The Code of Canon Law (1983, English translation) re: Virgins as members of the Consecrated Life in the Catholic Church
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (1993) §922 "Consecrated Virgins and Widows" Diarsipkan 2007-04-07 di Wayback Machine.
- Catechism of the Catholic Church (1993) §2337-2359 "The Vocation to Chastity"
- Pope John Paul II, "Vita Consecrata" (1996), §7 re: Virgins
- Khusus
- ^ Ordo Consecrationis Virginum (31 May 1970), AAS 62 (1970) 650 = EDIL 2082-2092 = DOL 294 no. 3352. English translation: The Rites of the Catholic Church 2 (n. 29, p. 81), 132-164, DOL 395 nos. 3253-3262. The Rite of consecration of virgins who belonged to monastic communities without their own proper Rite was revised and published as the variant of the Rite of consecration to a life of virginity in the 1970 Roman Pontifical. See also: "Ordo Virginum-The Order of Virgins". Office for Religious- Archdiocese of Dublin (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2015-08-06. Diakses tanggal 2018-01-01.