Pengungsi internal
Pengungsi internal (bahasa Inggris: internally displaced person, disingkat IDP) adalah seseorang yang terpaksa melarikan diri dari rumahnya, tetapi tetap berada di negara asalnya. Mereka sering kali dianggap sebagai pengungsi, walaupun dalam hukum internasional pengungsi internal tidak termasuk dalam definisi "pengungsi".

Pada akhir tahun 2014, diperkirakan terdapat sekitar 38,2 juta pengungsi internal di seluruh dunia. Negara dengan jumlah pengungsi internal terbesar adalah Suriah (7,6 juta), Kolombia (6 juta), Irak (3,6 juta), Republik Demokratik Kongo (2,8 juta), Sudan (2,2 juta), Sudan Selatan (1,6 juta), Pakistan (1,4 juta), Nigeria (1,2 juta) dan Somalia (1,1 juta).[1]
Catatan kaki
sunting- ^ "UNHCR – Global Trends –Forced Displacement in 2014". UNHCR. 18 June 2015.
Pranala luar
sunting- War and displacement, ICRC
- Refugees and internally displaced persons and international humanitarian law, ICRC
- Internal displacement in armed conflict: facing up to the challenges
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), Norwegian Refugee Council
- The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement
- Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Inter-Agency Internal DisplacementDivision Diarsipkan 2002-08-06 di Wayback Machine.
- IDP Action Diarsipkan 2007-09-29 di Wayback Machine.
- Website of the UN Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons Diarsipkan 2005-02-04 di Wayback Machine.
- Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement
- Forced Migration Online Diarsipkan 2008-08-12 di Wayback Machine. provides access to information resources, including a searchable digital library consisting of full-text documents
- Urban IDPs Online documentation platform on IDPs living in urban areas
- IDP Voices IDPs tell their life stories – in their own words
- Forced Migration Review magazine with regular IDP news
- World 'forgets' internal refugees, BBC News Online, 5 November 2005
- Photojournalist's Account - Images of displacement in Sudan
- Refugee Law Project, Ugandan organisation working with IDPs
- Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children Diarsipkan 2007-03-07 di Wayback Machine.
- "New Rights, Old Wrongs: Colombia has eased some abortion restrictions—but displaced women still suffer" Diarsipkan 2016-06-05 di Wayback Machine. Winter 2007 article in Ms. magazine about how the conflict in Colombia is affecting the health and rights of IDP women
- "Visiting the IDP camps in Northern Uganda" Diarsipkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine.: Malcolm Trevena's account of visiting the IDP camps in Kitgum, Northern Uganda
- "Emergency Response Unit - IDPs Pakistan" IDP camps and latest IDP updates from Pakistan
- "the CCCM Haiti Cluster website" Natural Disaster - IDP situation and updates from Haiti
- The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre Diarsipkan 2015-04-17 di Wayback Machine.