
--              Configuration for Module:AutomaticArchiveNavigator
-- This module contains configuration data for
-- [[Module:AutomaticArchiveNavigator]]. It can be used to easily translate the
-- module for use on other wikis, as well as changing settings like the default
-- archive prefix and the default link count.

return {

-- Blurb

-- The blurbs to use for the archive banner. If the "period" argument is
-- specified, the "blurb-period" message is used; otherwise the "blurb-noperiod"
-- message is used.
-- $1 - the full page name of the current talk page (assumed to be the base
--      page of the archive pages.
-- $2 - the value of the "period" argument.
['blurb-period'] = "Ini adalah '''[[WP:ARSIP|arsip]]''' " ..
	"arsip diskusi lama dari '''$2'''. '''jangan menyunting " ..
	"isi halaman ini.''' jika Anda ingin memulai diskusi baru " ..
	"atau memulai lagi diskusi lama, mohon lakukan di [[$1|halaman pembicaraan]].",
['blurb-noperiod'] = "Ini adalah halaman '''[[WP:ARSIP|arsip]]''' " ..
	"diskusi lama. '''Jangan menyunting isi halaman ini.''' Jika " ..
	"Anda ingin memulai diskusi baru atau memulai lagi diskusi lama, mohon lakukan " ..
	"di [[$1|halaman pembicaraan]].",

-- Image

-- The default icon for the archive banner.
['default-icon'] = 'Replacement filing cabinet.svg',

-- The image size, unless a custom image is specified with the "image"
-- parameter.
['image-size'] = '40x40px',

-- Archive links

-- The default prefix for archive pages on this wiki. This is the subpage text
-- minus the archive number itself. So if the full page name of a typical
-- archive was "Talk:France/Archive 12", the prefix would be "Archive ". This
-- message is used to detect whether the current page is an archive page.
['archive-prefix'] = 'Archive ', 'Arsip',

-- The display value to use for long archive links. These are used if seven or
-- less links are output.
-- $1 - The archive number.
['archive-link-display'] = 'Archive $1',

-- The default number of archive links to output.
['default-link-count'] = 7
