Merlyna Lim
Merlyna Lim adalah seorang akademisi berkebangsaan Indonesia. Saat ini ia adalah menyandang posisi sebagai Canada Research Chair dalam bidang media digital dan masyarakat global (Digital Media and Global Network Society). Penghargaan sebagai Canada Research Chair diberikan oleh Perdana Menteri Kanada Stephen Harper dan diumumkan kepada publik oleh Menteri Negara bidang Sains dan Teknologi (Kanada) Ed Holder.[1] Posisi ini adalah posisi profesor peneliti yang paling bergengsi yang diciptakan oleh pemerintah untuk menarik ilmuwan-ilmuwan terbaik di dunia untuk menjadi bagian dari sistem pendidikan tinggi di Kanada.[2][3] Pada tahun 2016, Merlyna Lim dinominasikan dan terpilih sebagai anggota Royal Society's College of New Scholars, Artists & Scientists.[4][5] Royal Society of Canada (RSC) adalah kolegium senior akademisi, artis, dan ilmuwan terbaik di negara Kanada.[6]
Merlyna Lim | |
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Lahir | Bandung |
Kebangsaan | Indonesia |
Almamater | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Twente |
Pekerjaan | Akademisi |
Dikenal atas | Canada Research Chair in Digital Media & Global Network Society di fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Universitas Carleton, Canada. |
Bidang penelitian Merlyna Lim adalah dinamika sosial teknologi informasi/komunikasi, terutama pada konteks negara berkembang. Saat ini ia juga adalah profesor bidang Komunikasi di Carleton University. Sebelum bergabung dengan Carleton University, Merlyna memiliki posisi di Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Kebijakan (Center for Information Technology and Policy)[7] di Princeton University sebagai profesor tamu dan di Arizona State University dengan posisi sebagai "Distinguished Scholar of Technology and Public Engagement" dan Direktur "Participatory Media Lab".
Riwayat Pendidikan
sunting- S1, Arsitektur ITB
- S2, Arsitektur Unpar
- S3, Universitas Twente, Belanda, dengan disertasi berjudul @rchipelago Online: The Internet and Political Activism in Indonesia
- Doctoral summer programme, Oxford Internet Institute, Universitas Oxford, Inggris
sunting- 2020 International Women’s Day Top 10 Women Leaders and Researcher, Carleton University[8]
- 2019 Best Graduate Mentor Award, Carleton University[9]
- 2016 Royal Society’s College of New Scholars, Artists & Scientists
- 2014 Canada Research Chair dari pemerintah Kanada
- 2013 Visiting research professorship dari CITP Princeton University
- 2012 Visiting fellowship dari KITLV di Leiden Belanda
- 2011 100 Perempuan Inspirasional dari Majalah Kartini
- 2010 Our Common Future Fellowship from the Volkswagen Foundation.
- 2009 Faculty Star of Global Minds from ASU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- 2005-2006 Walter Annenberg funded Networked Publics Fellowship, Annenberg Center for Communication, Univ of Southern California, Los Angeles.
- 2004 Henry Luce funded Southeast Asia Fellowship, East West Center Washington, Washington D.C.
- 2003 Oxford and Open society Institute Summer Doctoral Scholarship at Oxford Internet Institute.
- 2003-2004 WOTRO-DC Fellowship from the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (NWO-WOTRO)
- 2002 American Society of Information Technology and Science (ASIST) International Paper Contest Winner.
Publikasi Ilmiah
suntingTidak termasuk lebih dari 100 karya ilmiah yang dipresentasikan di konferensi dan seminar publik.
- Lim, M. (2012). Clicks, Cabs, Coffee Houses: Social Media and the Oppositional Movements in Egypt (2004-2011), Journal of Communication, Vol. 62(02, April).
- Lim, M. (2011). Democratised/Corporatised: Contesting Media in the Post-Authoritarian Indonesia, in Puddephatt, A. et al., A New Frontier, An Old Landscape, Global Partners & Associates, pp. 156–181.
- Lim, M. (2011). @crossroads: Democratization and Corporatization of Media in Indonesia, Country Report, Ford Foundation & ASU Participatory Media Lab.
- Agarwal, N., Lim, M., Wigand, R. (2011) Finding Her Master’s Voice: The Power of Collective Action Among Female Muslim Blogosphere, ECIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 74.
- Agarwal, N., Lim, M., Wigand, R. (2011) Collective Action Theory Meets the Blogosphere: A New Methodology, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 136 (3), 224-239.
- Lim, M. (2011) Radical Islamism in Indonesia and Its Middle Eastern Connections, The Middle East Review of International Affairs Journal.
- Lim, M. (2009) “Muslim Voices in the Blogosphere: Mosaics of Local-Global Discourses” in Gerard Goggin and Mark McLelland [eds.], Internationalizing Internet: Beyond Anglophone Paradigm, London: Routledge, p. 178-195.
- Lim, M and Padawangi, R. (2008), “Contesting Alun-Alun: Power Relations, Identities, and The Production of Urban Spaces in Bandung, Indonesia” International Development and Planning Review, Vol. 30 (3), pp. 307–326.
- Lim, M. and Kann, M. (2008), “Politics: Deliberation, Mobilization and Networked Practices of Agitation” in K. Varnelis (ed.) Networked Publics, Cambridge: MIT Press, p. 77-107.
- Lim, M. (2008), “Bundling Meta-Narratives on the Internet: Conflict in Maluku” in Shyam Tekwani (ed.), Media and Conflict in Asia, Marshall Cavendish Academic.
- Lim, M. (2008), “Transient Civic Spaces in Jakarta Indonesia” in Mike Douglass, KC Ho, Ooi Giok Ling (eds.) Globalization, the City and Civil Society in Pacific Asia, London: Routledge.
- Lim, M (2006). "Lost in Transition: The Internet and Reformasi in Indonesia". Dalam Jodi Dean, Jon Anderson and Geert Lovink. Reformatting Politics: Networked Communications and Global Civil Society. London: Routledge. hlm. 85–106.
- Lim, M (2006). "Cyber-Urban Activism and Political Change in Indonesia". Eastbound Journal. 2006 (1): 1–19.
- Lim, M (2005). Islamic Radicalism and Anti Americanism in Indonesia: The Role of the Internet. Policy Studies Series #18. Washington DC: East West Center. ISBN 978-1-932728-35-4. ISSN 1547-1330.
- Lim, M (2004). "The Polarization of Identity through the Internet and the Struggle for Democracy in Indonesia (La polarization de l'identite a travers l'internet et la lutte pour la democratie en indonesie)". Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication. 14 (3-4). ISSN 1183-5656.
- Lim, M (2004). "Informational Terrains of Identity and Political Power: The Internet in Indonesia". Indonesian Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology. XXVII (73, January-April edition): 1–11. ISSN 0216-1576 Periksa nilai
(bantuan). - Lim, M (2003). "From War-net to Net-War: The Internet and Resistance Identities in Indonesia". The International Information & Library Review. Elsevier Publisher. 35 (2-4): 233–248. doi:10.1016/S1057-2317(03)00019-5. ISSN 1057-2317.
- Lim, M (2003). "From Real to Virtual (and back again): Civil Society, Public Sphere, and Internet in Indonesia". Dalam K. C. Ho, R. Kluver, & C. C. Yang. Asia.Com: Asia Encounters The Internet. Routledge. hlm. 113–128. ISBN 041-531-503-4.
- Lim, M (2003). "The Internet, Social Network and Reform in Indonesia". Dalam N. Couldry and J. Curran. Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in A Networked World. Rowan & Littlefield. hlm. 273–288. ISBN 0-7425-2385-3.
- Lim, M (2002). "CyberCivic Space in Indonesia: From Panopticon to Pandemonium". International Development and Planning Review (Third World Planning Review). Liverpool University Press. 24 (4): 383–400. doi:10.3828/idpr.24.4.3. ISSN 1474-6743.
- Lim, M (2002). "From Walking City to Telematic Metropolis: Changing Urban Form in Bandung, Indonesia". Dalam Tim Bunnell, Lisa B. W. Drummond & K. C. Ho. Critical Reflections on Cities in Southeast Asia. Brill Publisher and Times Academic Press. hlm. 75–100. ISBN 981-210-192-6.
- Lim, M (2000). "The Benefit of Virtual Space: Informing the Real World Design (Part Two)". Architecture Journal Tatanan: 141–148. ISSN 0215-7825 Periksa nilai
(bantuan). - Lim, M (1999). "The Benefit of Virtual Space: Informing the Real World Design (Part One)". Architecture Journal Tatanan: 41–48. ISSN 0215-7825 Periksa nilai
sunting- ^ "Salinan arsip". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2014-07-03. Diakses tanggal 2014-11-26.
- ^
- ^
- ^ "Carleton professors elected to the Royal Society". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-10-30. Diakses tanggal 2016-10-29.
- ^ "Answering the Call of the Royal Society - Research". Research. Diakses tanggal 2016-10-29.
- ^ "Welcome to The Royal Society of Canada | The Royal Society of Canada". Diakses tanggal 2016-10-29.
- ^
- ^ "Carleton Honours Women Leaders and Researchers". Carleton Newsroom (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2021-11-16.
- ^ "Merlyna Lim Wins Graduate Mentoring Award". Faculty of Public Affairs (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2019-03-05. Diakses tanggal 2021-11-16.
- Diarsipkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine.
- Diarsipkan 2005-11-02 di Wayback Machine.
- Diarsipkan 2007-06-10 di Wayback Machine.
- Diarsipkan 2007-09-27 di Wayback Machine.
- Diarsipkan 2007-02-11 di Wayback Machine.