Libanios (bahasa Yunani: Λιβάνιος, Libanios; sekitar 314 – 392 atau 393) adalah seorang pengajar retorik Yunani dari aliran Sofis. Pada masa kebangkitan hegemoni Kristen pada akhir zaman Kekaisaran Romawi, ia tidak berpindah agama dan masih menganut pagan Hellene.

Edisi Inggris
sunting- Scott Bradbury, Selected Letters of Libanius. Liverpool, University Press, 2004. ISBN 0-85323-509-0
- Margaret E. Molloy: Libanius and the Dancers, Olms-Weidmann, Hildesheim 1996 ISBN 3-487-10220-X
- A.F. Norman, Libanius: Selected Works, 2 volumes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Loeb Classical Library, 1969-1977.
- A.F. Norman, Libanius: Autobiography and Selected Letters, 2 volumes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Loeb Classical Library, 1993. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews.)
- Raffaella Cribiore, The School of Libanius in Late Antique Antioch. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007. (Includes translation of c. 200 letters dealing with the school and its students. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews.)
suntingPranala luar
sunting- Libanius: "Funeral Oration on Julian"
- Libanius: "16 letters to Julian"
- Libanius: "On the temple of Apollo destroyed by fire"
- Libanius: "On Nicomedia, destroyed by an earthquake"
- Libanius: Oration 30: for the temples
- (Prancis) Centre Libanios Diarsipkan 2005-10-17 di Wayback Machine., the Libanius Site by P.-L. Malosse, part of CRISES research centre.
- Two moral anecdotes from the Progymnasmata: (in English) on the harshness of classical Roman education and an encomium of Thersites
- Craig Gibson, translator, Summary of “Libanius, Hypotheses to the Orations of Demosthenes” Diarsipkan 2007-09-26 di Wayback Machine.
- Open source XML version of Libanius' works by the University of Leipzig, at Open Greek & Latin Project