Kebudayaan Lapita
(Dialihkan dari Lapita)
Kebudayaan Lapita adalah kebudayaan prasejarah yang berkembang di Kepulauan Pasifik dari sekitar tahun 1600 SM sampai sekitar 500 SM. Para arkeolog meyakini bahwa Lapita adalah leluhur orang-orang di Polinesia, Mikronesia, dan beberapa kawasan pesisir Melanesia. Karakteristik budaya Lapia adalah keberadaan permukiman manusia di kepulauan yang sebelumnya tak berpenghuni yang meliputi wilayah besar di Samudera Pasifik, penyebaran rumpun bahasa Oseanik di kawasan tersebut, tembikar geometris yang khas, dan pemakaian dan penyebaran obsidian.

sunting- Allen, J. (1984). "In Search of the Lapita Homeland: Reconstructing the Prehistory of the Bismarck Archipelago". Journal of Pacific History. 19 (4): 186–187. doi:10.1080/00223348408572494.
- Bellwood, P. (1978). Man's conquest of the Pacific. London: Collins.
- Chino, K. (2002). "Lapita Pottery – Ties in the South Pacific". Wave of Pacifika. Tokyo: Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund (SPINF. 8.[1]
- Clark, G.; A. Anderson; T. Vunidilo (June 2000). The archaeology of Lapita dispersal in Oceania: papers from the 4th Lapita conference. Canberra: Pandanus Books. hlm. 15–23.
- Kirch, Patrick Vinton (1997). The Lapita Peoples: Ancestors of the Oceanic World. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Noury, A. (2005). Le reflet de l'ame Lapita. Paris: Noury. ISBN 2-9524455-0-8.
- Summerhayes, Glenn R. (2000). "Far Western, Western and Eastern Lapita: A re-evaluation". Asian Perspectives (39/1–2): 109–138.
- Noury, Arnaud; Galipaud J.-C. (2011). Les Lapita, nomades du Pacifique (french). France: IRD Editions.
- Noury, Arnaud (2012). Grammaire des décors lapita (french). France: Andromaque Editions.
- Noury, Arnaud (2013). Le Lapita : a l'origine des sociétés d'Oceanie (french). France: Lulu eds.
- Felgate, Matthew (2003) Reading Lapita in near Oceania: intertidal and shallow-water pottery scatters, Roviana Lagoon, New Georgia, Solomon Islands. University of Auckland PhD Thesis
Pranala luar
suntingWikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Lapita Culture.
- Lapita cultural complex – brief description with picture of pottery Diarsipkan 2001-05-03 di Wayback Machine. (Central Queensland University School of Humanities)
- Extinctions connected with the spread of Lapita (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
- Lapita cultural complex, Lapita designs, texts about Lapita, LapitaDraw ("software to aid in studying archaeological ceramic artefacts") (Archéologie et Informatique, in French)
- 'Heads found in pots in Vanuatu dig', ANU media release, 14 July 2005, on discovery of Lapita skulls following 2004 find of headless Lapita skeletons
- Over 1000 Lapita photographs from the University of Auckland Anthropology Photographic Archive database. Search for "lapita"