halaman disambiguasi Wikimedia
LPS dapat mengacu pada beberapa hal berikut:
sunting- Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan
- Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta, istilah radio dan televisi swasta di Indonesia
sunting- Lipopolisakarida (Endotoksin)
- Otot levator palpebrae superioris
sunting- Leighton Park School di Reading, England
- Lexington Public Schools, sebuah distrik sekolah di Massachusetts, USA
- Lincoln Public Schools, sebuah distrik sekolah di Nebraska, USA
- Livonia Public Schools, sebuah distrik sekolah di Michigan, USA
- Lucknow Public School di Uttar Pradesh, India
- Luther Preparatory School di Wisconsin, USA
- Laxman Public School di New Delhi, India
- Laurel Bank Public School di Lahore, Pakistan
sunting- Leases per second, ukurang kecepatan untuk server DHCP
- Leica Photogrammetry Suite, software untuk membuat peta
- Lexus Personalized Settings pada mobil merek Lexus
- Lightweight Portable Security - Linux LiveCD, atau LiveUSB yang menyediakan secure end node client
- Linux Powered System
- Sistem pemosisi lokal, navigasi tanpa GPS
- Low pressure sodium vapor lamp
- Lyreco Printing Services
sunting- Laajasalon Palloseura, klub sepakbola dari Helsinki, Finlandia.
- Lander, Parkin, and Selfridge conjecture, an unproven mathematical statement about equal sums of like powers
- Lanterman–Petris–Short Act
- Large-panel system, the use of prefabricated concrete slabs to construct buildings — see Plattenbau
- Large Polyp Stony corals
- Lender Processing Services in Jacksonville, Florida (in 2014 renamed to Black Knight Financial)
- Legal Paternal Surrender (disebut juga "male abortion" atau "financial abortion")
- Limit of Positive Stability untuk kapal
- Liter per sekon, "liter per detik"
- Littlest Pet Shop
- Lostprophets sebuah alternative metal band dari Pontypridd, Wales, UK
- Long playing records
- Surf (stasiun Amtrak), Lompoc, California, Amerika Serikat; kode stasiun Amtrak LPS.
- Levopimaradiene synthase, suatu enzim
- Limited Power Source, a class of electrical power source defined by UL and similar organizations.