Kliometrika, dikenal pula dengan nama sejarah ekonomi baru,[1] atau sejarah ekonometri,[2] merupakan aplikasi sistematis terhadap teori ekonomi, teknik ekonometri, dan bentuk formal maupun metode matematis untuk mempelajari sejarah (terutama sejarah sosial dan sejarah ekonomi). Studi ini merupakan studi kuantitatif, yang berlawanan dengan studi kualitatif maupun pendekatan etnografi untuk sejarah ekonomi.[3] Istilah kliometrika berasal dari Clio, yang merupakan Musai dari sejarah, dan diprakarsai oleh ekonom matematis Stanley Reiter pada tahun 1960.[4]
Lihat pula
sunting- ^ Fogel, Robert (1966). "The New Economic History. Its Findings and Methods". Economic History Review. 19 (3): 642–656. JSTOR 2593168.
The 'new economic history', sometimes called economic history or cliometrics, is not often practiced in Europe. However, it is fair to say that efforts to apply statistical and mathematical models currently occupy the centre of the stage in American economic history.
- ^ Woodman, Harold (1972). "Economic History and Economic Theory: The New Economic History in America". Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 3 (2): 323–350. JSTOR 202334.
Among the most recent of the changes in emphasis-today's new history-is the rise of the "new economic history" or, as it is variously called, econometric history or cliometric.
- ^ Edward L. Glaeser, "Remembering the Father of Transportation Economics", The New York Times (Economix), October 27, 2009.
- ^ Goldin, Claudia (1995). "Cliometrics and the Nobel". The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 9 (2): 191–208 [p. 191]. JSTOR 2138173.
Bacaan lebih lanjut
sunting- Boldizzoni, Francesco (2011). The Poverty of Clio: Resurrecting Economic History. Princeton University Press. Excerpt in The Montreal Review
- Drukker, J. W. (2006). The Revolution that Bit its Own Tail: How Economic History Changed our Ideas on Economic Growth. Amsterdam.
- Fogel, R. (1964). Railroads and American Economic Growth: Essays in Econometric History.
- Fogel, Robert William; Engerman, Stanley L. (1995). Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Negro Slavery (edisi ke-Reissue). New York: W. W. Norton and Company. ISBN 0-393-31218-6.
- Lyons, John S.; Cain, Louis P.; Williamson, Samuel H., ed. (2008). Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution: Conversations with Economic Historians. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-70091-7. Reprinted interviews from the Newsletter of the Cliometric Society
- North, Douglas (1965). "The State of Economic History". American Economic Review. 55 (1–2): 86–91. JSTOR 1816246.
- North, Douglas; Thomas, Robert (1973). The Rise of the Western World: a New Economic History. Cambridge University Press.
Pranala luar
sunting- Economic History - The Rise Of Cliometrics Or The New Economic History
- Podcast Interview with Stanley Engerman of Fogel and Engerman's Time on the Cross on EconTalk at Econlib. The book that accelerated cliometrics.