Kleopatra Selini
Kleopatra Selini (bahasa Yunani: Κλεοπάτρα Σελήνη; skt. 135 dan 130 SM – 69 SM) merupakan seorang penguasa monarki Suriah sebagai Kleopatra II Selini (82–69 SM). Ia adalah putri Ptolemaios VIII dari Mesir dan Kleopatra III.

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Pranala luar
sunting- An engraved gem from the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Cabinet des Médailles' collection. Inventory number: inv.58.1476; the engraved portraits could be depictions of Cleopatra Selene and Antiochus IX.
- One of Cleopatra Selene and Antiochus XIII's jugate coins exhibited in "The Seleucid Coins Addenda System (SCADS)" website maintained by Oliver D. Hoover.