Kincir menara
Kincir menara adalah sebuah jenis kincir angin vertikal yang terdiri dari menara bata atau batu, yang diduduki sebuah atap atau 'puncak' kayu, yang dapat memutar untuk menangkap angin.[1][2][3][4][5]

suntingKincir menara bermula dalam sejarah tertulis pada akhir abad ke-13 di barat Eropa; catatan terawal dari keberadaannya adalah dari 1295, dari Stephen de Pencastor of Dover, namun tanggal ilustrasi awal berasal dari dari 1390.[6]
sunting- ^ Righter, Wind energy in America: A History, (1996) 14
- ^ A short history of technology: from the earliest times to A.D. 1900 (1993), 255
- ^ Medieval science, technology, and medicine: an encyclopedia (2005), 520
- ^ Watts, Water and wind power (2000), 125
- ^ Ball, Natural sources of power (1908), 243
- ^ Hills, Power from wind: a history of windmill technology, (1996) 51–60
sunting- Lucas, Adam . Wind, water, work: ancient and medieval milling technology. (BRILL, 2006)
- Righter, Robert W. Wind energy in America: A History. (University of Oklahoma Press, 1996)
- Hills, Richard Leslie. Power from wind: a history of windmill technology. (Cambridge University Press, 1996)
- Langdon, John. Mills in the medieval economy: England, 1300–1540. (Oxford University Press, 2004)
- Thomas Kingston Derry and Trevor Illtyd William. A short history of technology: from the earliest times to A.D. 1900. (Courier Dover Publications, 1993)
- Thomas F. Glick, Steven John Livesey, and Faith Wallis. Medieval science, technology, and medicine: an encyclopedia: Volume 11 of Routledge encyclopedias of the Middle Ages. (Routledge, 2005)
- Harvard University. Journal of the Franklin Institute, Volume 187. (Pergamon Press, 1919)
- Watts, Martin. Water and wind power. (Osprey Publishing, 2000)
- Ball, Robert Steele. Natural sources of power. (D. Van Nostrand company, 1908)
- Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. Miller in Eighteenth Century Virginia. (Colonial Williamsburg, 1958)
- Cipolla, Carlo M. Before the industrial revolution: European society and economy, 1000–1700. (W. W. Norton & Company, 1994)
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Tower mills.
Pranala luar
sunting- Chesterton Windmill Diarsipkan 2016-03-03 di Wayback Machine.
- Interesting smaller site about Tower Mills
- Shows components of the Tower Mill Diarsipkan 2017-11-10 di Wayback Machine.
- Several interesting images of Tower Mills
- Dutch website presenting the "Lana Mariana" windmill at Ede with a built-in restaurant
- Morgan Lewis Windmill, Barbados. A good example of a tower mill with tail tree
- Dutch tower mill Noletmolen traditional style mill built in 2005 to generate electricicty – Dutch text.
- Fédération Des Moulins de France