Kesenian Bali
Kesenian Bali adalah seni Hindu-Jawa yang berkembang dari karya para seniman Kerajaan Majapahit, melalui ekspansi mereka di Bali pada akhir abad ke-13. Dari abad ke-16 sampai abad ke-20, desa Kamasan, Klungkung (Bali Timur), adalah pusat kesenian Bali klasik.

sunting- Peasant Painters from the Penestanan Ubud Bali — Paintings from the Collection of Datuk Lim Chong Keat, National Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur (1983)
- Agus Dermawan, "Bali Bravo — A Lexicon of 200-years Balinese Traditional Painters," Bali Bangkit (2006)
- Anak Agung Djelantik, " Balinese Paintings," Oxford University Press (1990)
- Christopher Hill, "Survival and Change: Three Generations of Balinese Painters," Pandanus Books (2006)
- Jean Couteau, Museum Puri Lukisan Catalog, Bali, Indonesia (1999)
- Joseph Fischer, "Problems and Realities of Modern Balinese Art," in Modern Indonesian Art: Three Generations of Tradition and Change 1945-1990, Joseph Fischer, editor (1990)
- Haks, F., Ubbens J., Vickers, Adrian, Haks, Leo. and Maris, G., "Pre-War Balinese Modernists," Ars et Animatio (1999)
- Helena Spanjaard, Pioneers of Balinese Painting Diarsipkan 2009-08-06 di Wayback Machine., KIT Publishers (2007). For USA and Canada follow this link, Stylus Publishers Diarsipkan 2008-05-03 di Wayback Machine.
- Hildred Geertz, Images of Power: Balinese Paintings Made for Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead, University of Hawaii Press (1994)
- McGowan, Kaja (July 2008). Ida Bagus Made — The Art of Devotion. Museum Puri Lukisan. ISBN 978-1-60585-983-5.
- Klaus D. Höhn, The Art of Bali: Reflections of Faith: the History of Painting in Batuan, 1834-1994, Pictures Publishers Art Books (1997)
- Moerdowo, "Reflections on Balinese Traditional and Modern Arts," Balai Pustaka (1983)
- Neka, Sutedja and Kam, Garrett, "The Development of Painting in Bali — Selections from the Neka Art Museum," 2nd edition, Museum Neka Dharma Seni Foundation (2000)
- Rhodius, Hans and Darling, John, "Walter Spies and Balinese Art," Terra, Zutphen (1980)
- Ruddick, Abby, "Selected Paintings form the Collection of the Agung Rai Fine Art Gallery," The Agung Rai Fine Art Gallery (1992)
- Taylor, Alison, "Living Traditions in Balinese Painting," The Agung Rai Gallery of Fine Art (1991)
- Mann,Richard I., "Classical Balinese Painting, Nyoman Gunarsa Museum", Book, Illustrated - 2006.
Pranala luar
sunting- Balinese Painting and Woodcarving - Fine examples of Balinese paintings and woodcarvings
- Development of Balinese Art over the past 100 years Diarsipkan 2012-02-20 di Wayback Machine. - A historic exhibition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Puri Lukisan Museum, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.
- Walter Spies Painting Diarsipkan 2017-08-03 di Wayback Machine. - Paintings from Balinese and European period
- Museum Puri Lukisan - The home of the finest collection of pre-war Balinese paintings and woodcarvings in Bali
- Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) Diarsipkan 2008-02-17 di Wayback Machine. - The only museum in Bali with an original work of Walter Spies
- Neka Museum - Works of foreign artists who lived in Bali, Arie Smit, I Gusti Njoman Lempad
- KIT Diarsipkan 2007-10-27 di Wayback Machine. - Indonesian works of art at the Tropenmuseum Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Foreign Artists in Bali Diarsipkan 2008-05-03 di Wayback Machine. - Short biography of foreign artists who worked in Bali, including: W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp, C.L Dake, P.A.J. Mooijen, Willem Dooijewaard, Rolland Strasser, John Sten, Walter Spies, Rudolf Bonnet, Miguel Covarrubias, Isaac Israel, Adrien-Jean Le Mayeur de Mepres, Theo Meier, Willem and Maria Hofker, Emilio Ambron, Auke Sonnega, Romuldo Locatelli, Lee Man Fong, Antonio Blanco, Arie Smit, Donald Friend
- Crossing Boundaries Exhibition Diarsipkan 2008-04-04 di Wayback Machine. Bali: A window to the 20th century Indonesian Art — an exhibition organized by Asia Society AustralAsia Center
- Bali: Art, Ritual, Performance Diarsipkan 2011-09-03 di Wayback Machine. An exhibition of Balinese art at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
- Official website of the Keliki Painting School - A school for to learn the miniature traditional painting of Bali.
- Balinese Painting group on facebook - A group discussion for balinese art.
- Balinese Art from 1800 - 2012 Diarsipkan 2013-02-04 di - Adrian Vickers' book Balinese Art Paintings and Drawings of Bali 1800 - 2010
- Balinese Art - Australian Museum - Balinese Art - Australian Museum