Jean Racine
Jean Racine (pengucapan bahasa Prancis: [ʒɑ̃ ʁaˈsin]) (22 Desember 1639 – 21 April 1699) adalah seorang pembuat drama Prancis, satu dari "tiga besar" terbaik Prancis abad ke-17 (bersama dengan Molière dan Corneille), dan salah seorang figur sastra terpenting dalam tradisi Barat. Racine merupakan seorang tragedian, meskipun ia mengarang satu komedi.

sunting- La Thébaïde (1664)
- Alexandre le Grand (1665)
- Andromaque (1667)
- Les Plaideurs (1668)
- Britannicus(1669)
- Bérénice (1670)
- Bajazet (1672)
- Mithridate (1673)
- Iphigénie (1674)
- Phèdre (1677)
- Esther (drama) (1689)
- Athalie (1691)
Pranala luar
suntingWikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Jean Racine.
- Biography, Bibliography, Analysis, Plot overview Diarsipkan 2006-01-14 di Wayback Machine. (in French)
- Karya Jean Racine di Project Gutenberg
- Diarsipkan 2004-07-29 di Wayback Machine. for a philological study of the evolution of Hippolytus as a chastity paradigm in Euripides, Seneca, Racine; extensive bibliography (in Dutch)
- Racine's Works on at
- Many Full Versions of Racine's Plays on Google Books at
- Complete Theater to download on line ( in French)
- Complete Tragedies and the Comedy to edit with statistics and powerful research ( in French)
- [1]
sunting- Roland Barthes - Sur Racine
- Georges Forestier - Jean Racine (Gallimard, 2006) (ISBN 2-07-075529-0)
- Lewis, W.H. The Splendid Century: Life in the France of Louix XIV'.' William Sloane Associates, 1953.
- Jean Rohou - Jean Racine: entre sa carrière, son oeuvre et son dieu (Fayard, 1992)
- Butler, John. "Racine: A Study." London: Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, 1974.
- "Racine, Jean." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 30 Nov. 2007 <>.
Didahului oleh: François de La Mothe-Le-Vayer |
Académie française Kursi 13 1672–1699 |
Diteruskan oleh: Jean-Baptiste-Henri de Valincour |