Ien Ang

(Dialihkan dari Ien ang)

Ien Ang (lahir 1954) adalah seorang Profesor Kajian Budaya di Institute for Culture and Society Universitas Western Sydney (UWS), Australia. Ien Ang juga adalah founding Director Institue for Culture and Society. Ien Ang adalah seorang akademisi Kajian Budaya terkemuka dengan karya-karya interdisipliner beragam bidang kajian ilmu-ilmu sosial dan kemasyarakatan. Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai ketua dari Expert Working Group on Asia Literacy: Language and Beyond, for the Australian Council of Learned Academies' Securing Australia's Future program.

Ien Ang
Lahir1954 [1]
Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Karya akademis
AliranKajian Budaya
Minat utamaMedia, budaya konsumsi, audiensi, politik identitas

Latar Belakang


Dia adalah perempuan Tionghoa Indonesia yang lahir di Jawa Timur. Mengenyam pendidikan di Netherlands hingga menerima gelar Doktor pada tahun 1990 di bidang Social and Cultural Sciences, dari Universitas Amsterdam. Karya-karyanya lebih fokus pada budaya media dan konsumsi, kajian audiens media, politik identitas, nasionalisme, globalisasi, migrasi, etnisitas, dan berbagai hal terkait representasi dalam institusi-institusi budaya kontemporer. Pada tahun 2001 dia dianugerahi Centenary Medal untuk Service to Australian Society and the Humanities in Cultural Research[2]. Karya-karyanya mencakup topik Asia Kontemporer dan Perubahan tak ter-Tata Dunia Baru, Hubungan Australia-Asia, serta tentang Teori-teori dan Metodologi. Ien Ang adalah seorang public commentator yang terkemuka di Australia dan salah seorang anggota Dewan Australian Academy of the Humanities [3]

Karya-karya inovatif interdisipliner Profesor Ang meliputi pola-pola arus budaya dan pertukaran dalam dunia yang semakin mengglobal, yang terfokus pada topik-topik berikut:

  • Formasi Audiens dan Publik
  • Politik Identitas dan Perbedaan
  • Migrasi, Etnisitas dan Multikulturalisme di Australia dan Indonesia
  • Representasi dalam Institusi-institusi Budaya Kontemporer

Buku-bukunya yang telah dikenal luas antara lain Watching Dallas, Desperately seeking the audience dan On not speaking Chinese, diakui sebagai karya-karya klasik di bidang kajian yang ditekuninya telah diterjemahkan ke dalam berbagai bahasa termasuk Tiongkok, Jepang, Itali, Turki, Jerman, Korea, dan Spanyol. Buku terbarunya yang disunting bersama E Lally dan K Anderson diberi judul The art of Engagement: Culture, Collaboration, Innovation (University of Western Australia Press, 2011). Penelitan ARC yang dilakukannya saat ini berjudul Sydney's Chinatown in the Asian Century: from Ethnic Enclave to Global Hub (dengan Donald McNeill and Kay Anderson dalam suatu kerjasama dengan the City of Sydney).

Sebagai seorang akademisi dunia, Ang sering menjadi pembicara utama di Australia dan internasional. Sebagai seorang ARC Professorial Fellow, Ang senantiasa mengeksplorasi implikasi-implikasi praktis dan teoretis terkait gagasan-gagasan tentang 'kompleksitas budaya' dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul 'Cultural Research for the 21st Century: Building Cultural Intelligence for a Complex World'. Dia sangat istimewa dalam penelitan budaya yang bersifat kolaboratif dan telah mengerjakan itu secara ekstensif dengan organisasi-organisasi mitra seperti NSW Migration Heritage Centre, The Art Gallery of New South Wales, The Special Broadcasting Service and the Museum of Contemporary Art. Profesor Ang dianugerahi gelar Distinguished Professor oleh Western Sydney University sebagai suatu bentuk pengakuan terhadap rekam jejak dan keunggulannya yang istimewa penelitiannya. Dia adalah orang pertama yang mendapat penghargaan bergengsi ini dari Universitas.



PhD, 1990, Social and Cultural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Doctorandus/Mphil, 1982, Mass Communication, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Kandidaats/BA, 1977, Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Kehidupan Pribadi


Nama Ien Ang tidak cukup dikenal di Indonesia. Dalam suatu wawancara dengan Ignatius Haryanto yang diterbitkan di sebuah harian nasional Kompas, 12 November 2000 Ien Ang menceritakan secara singkat kisah hidupnya.

Lebih jauh dengan Ien Ang


Ien Ang merupakan salah satu tokoh pemikir kontemporer dalam bidang cultural studies yang berasal dari Indonesia, di antara puluhan sarjana lain asal Amerika, Eropa, Australia, dan India. Ien Ang bisa jadi suatu contoh dari intelektual Indonesia yang berdiaspora, yang dikenal dan harum namanya justru di dunia internasional. Nama Ien Ang kerap disebut karena ia merupakan penulis yang produktif dalam berbagai jurnal dan buku-buku internasional yang berkaitan dengan masalah cultural studies, post colonial studies, dan juga media studies. Fokus perhatian Ang sangatlah beragam mulai dari masalah politik identitas, masalah audiens yang aktif, masalah gender dalam konsumsi media, serta terakhir ini ia lebih banyak menulis soal hubungan antar komunal di dunia. Prestasinya juga dibuktikan dengan jabatan professor of cultural studies yang ia dapatkan dari University of Western Sydney pada usia baru 42 tahun.

Di antara waktunya selama sebulan tinggal di Singapura sebagai fellow pada Centre for Advance Studies, NUS, Ien Ang sempat mempresentasikan paper diskusi yang berjudul "Indonesia on My Mind: Diaspora, Internet and the Struggle for Hybridity". Paper ini merupakan sebagian dari buku keempat yang sedang ditulisnya berjudul On Not Speaking Chinese: Living Between Asia & West. Artikel ini judulnya diambil dari salah satu judul lagu yang pernah dibawakan penyanyi Ray Charles, Georgia On My Mind, mungkin menjadi semacam kilas balik bagi Ang dalam mengenal Indonesia yang pernah ia kenal sebagai tanah lahir dan tempat dimana ia menghabiskan masa kecilnya.

Lahir sebagai anak pertama dari lima orang bersaudara dari pasangan Ang Khoen Ie dan Oey Sioe Ing, Ien Ang merasakan hidupnya sebagai bagian dari diaspora manusia Indonesia yang meninggalkan Indonesia pada tahun 1966, setahun setelah meletuskan peristiwa 30 September 1965. Ang tinggal di Belanda selama 25 tahun hingga ia mendapatkan gelar doktor dari University of Amsterdam, dan sejak tahun 1991 ia tinggal di Australia. Ia lulus doktor pada tahun 1985 dengan dibimbing oleh Prof Dennis Mc Quaill, setelah menyelesaikan program Doktorandusnya pada tahun 1982. Kedua tesisnya telah dibukukan dengan judul Watching Dallas (1985), dan Desperately Seeking Audience (1991). Buku Ang lainnya adalah Living Room Wars, dan ketiga buku ini diterbitkan oleh penerbit Routledge, penerbit buku akademik bergengsi asal Inggris.

Ia sempat menjadi lecturer pada Jurusan Ilmu Politik di Universitas Amsterdam, sebelum akhirnya ia pindah ke Murdoch University, Australia Barat pada tahun 1991 menjadi Senior Lecturer dan ia pun menjadi Direktur dari Center for Research in Culture and Communication pada universitas yang sama. Dari Murdoch, ia pindah ke University of Western Sydney, dan menjadi Direktur Institute for Cultural Research dan menjadi editor untuk sebuah jurnal bernama Communal/Plural (Journal of Transnational and Crosscultural Studies) milik Universitas Western of Sydney. Di luar kesibukannya, ia pun masih sempat menikmati musik yang menjadi hobinya, terutama musik-musik berbagai etnik dunia, seperti musik asal Brazil, Gilberto GIl, atau juga mendengarkan tiupan saxophone dari Miles Dives. Untuk artis wanita, ia menyukai penyanyi Madonna yang menurutnya, "sangat menarik memperhatikan dirinya yang terus menginterpretasikan dirinya". Tak heran jika salah satu judul buku Ang pun mengambil inspirasi dari salah satu film yang pernah dibintangi Madonna, Desperately Seeking Susan.

Ia mengaku hanya sedikit bisa berbahasa Indonesia, dan ia berpikir untuk belajar kembali bahasa Indonesia. Namun, jika ada seorang asing bertanya tentang identitas diri kepadanya, Ang tak akan ragu menyebut "saya orang Indonesia, yang mendapatkan pendidikan di Belanda dan kini tinggal di Australia."

Anugerah Penghargaan

  • 2006: Scholar in Residence, Scholars Program for Cultural and Communication, Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania
  • 2005-2009: Australian Research Council Professorial Fellowship
  • 2005: Visiting Professor, Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden, Linkoping University, Sweden
  • 2004: Visiting Professor, City University of Hong Kong
  • 2003: Recipient, Centenary Medal, Australian Commonwealth Government
  • 2003: Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professor, University of Bristol
  • 2001: Presenter of the Annual History Lecture, History Council of NSW
  • 2000: Fellow, Australian Academic of the Humanities
  • 2001-2003: Elected Member, Council of the Australian Academy of the Humanities
  • 2000: Isaac Manasseh Meyer Fellowship, National University of Singapore
  • 1998: Center for Cultural Studies Resident Scholarship, University of California, Santa Cruz
  • 1998: Obermann Center Research Fellowship, University of Iowa
  • 1994: Cultural Studies Research Fellowship, East West Center, Hawaii
  • 1992: Visiting Professor, University of Stockholm, Sweden
  • 1986: Fulbright Fellowship, junior scholar category, City University of New York
  • 1986-present: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the following journals: New Formations, Cultural Studies, Continuum: Australian Journal for the Media, Cultural Studies Review, Social Semiotics, European Journal of Cultural Studies, Hecate, Feminist Media Studies, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Topia: Canadian Journal for Cultural Studies, Traces: Multilingual Journal for Cultural Theory, Ethnicities, Comparative American Studies, American Ethnologist
  • 2003-2004: External advisor, National Museum of Australia
  • 2002-2004: Member, International Advisory Committee, Institute for Citizenship and Globalization, Deakin University
  • 2002: Australian reader, Humanities and Creative Arts panel, Australian Research Council
  • 2001: International (Non UK) Adviser, Communications, Cultural and Media Studies assessment panel, Research Assessment Exercise, United Kingdom
  • 1999-2003: External Examiner, Cultural Studies Program, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, PRC
  • 1999-2002: Member, Reference Group for the Migration Heritage Centre, Premier's Department, State Government of New South Wales
  • Karya-karya
  • Lally, E, Ang, I & Anderson, K (eds) 2011, The art of engagement: culture, collaboration, innovation, University of Western Australia Press, Perth.
  • Ang, I, Hawkins, G & Dabboussy, L 2008, The SBS story: the challenge of cultural diversity, UNSW Press, Sydney.
  • Ang, I 2001, On not speaking Chinese: living between Asia and the West, Routledge, London & New York.
  • Ang, I 1996, Living room wars: rethinking media audiences for a postmodern world, Routledge, London & New York.
  • Ang, I 1991, Desperately seeking the audience, Routledge, London & New York.
  • Ang, I 1985, Watching Dallas: soap opera and the melodramatic imagination, Methuen, London.

Chapter Buku

  • Ang, I 2013, 'No longer Chinese? residual Chineseness after the rise of China', in J Kuehn, K Louie & DM Pomfret (eds), Diasporic Chineseness after the rise of China: communities and cultural production, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 17–31.
  • Ang, I 2013, 'On display: the state of the world', in T Winter (ed.), Shanghai Expo: an international forum on the future of cities, Routledge, London, pp. 101–19.
  • Ang, I 2012, 'Culture as a site of struggle: the contribution of cultural studies', in Z Ibrahim & J Petaling (eds), Social science and knowledge in a globalising world, PSSM and Strategic Information and Research Development Centre, Malaysia, pp. 313–22.
  • Ang, I & Mar, P 2011, 'Making art matter: navigating the collaborative turn', in B Zelizer (ed.), Making the university matter, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 113–21.
  • Ang, I & Pothen, N 2011, 'The transnational communication of "racism": media, migration, and the shaping of international relations', in T Kuhn (ed.), Matters of communication: political, cultural, and technological challenges to communication theorizing, Hampton Press, New York, pp. 125–44.
  • Ang, I 2011, 'Unsettling the national: heritage and diaspora', in H Anheier & YR Isar (eds), Heritage, memory and identity, Sage, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore & Washington DC, pp. 82–94.
  • Ang, I 2011, 'Partnerships for contemporary art: bridging diverging worlds', in E Lally, I Ang, & K Anderson (eds), The art of engagement: culture, collaboration, innovation, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, pp. 69–91.
  • Mar, P, Lally, E, Ang, I & Kelly, M 2011, 'The artists and their projects: Craig Walsh, Heads Up; Sylvie Blocher/Campement Urbain, The Panthers of the Future/The Future of the Panthers; Ash Keating, Activate 2750; Jeanne van Heeswijk, Talking Trash: Personal Relationships with Waste', in E Lally, I Ang, & K Anderson (eds), The art of engagement: culture, collaboration, innovation, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, pp. 19–63.
  • Ang, I, Lally, E, Anderson K, Mar P & Kelly M 2011, 'Introduction: what is the art of engagement?', in E Lally, I Ang, & K Anderson (eds), The art of engagement: culture, collaboration, innovation, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, pp. 1–13.
  • Anderson, K, Ang, I & Lally, E 2011, 'Conclusion', in E Lally, I Ang, & K Anderson (eds), The art of engagement: culture, collaboration, innovation, University of Western Australia Press, Perth, pp. 225–29.
  • Ang, I 2010, 'Complex', in N Tsoutas (ed.), Australian, Casula Powerhouse, Casula, pp. 32–38.
  • Ang, I 2010, 'Sobre no hablar Chino: identificaciones diasporicas y etnicidad postmoderna', in PB Rodriguez & CR Gonzalez (eds), Nacion, diversidad y genero: perspetivas criticas, Anthropos, Rubi, pp. 185–214. [Reprint of: Ang, I 2001, On not speaking Chinese: living between Asia and the West, Routledge, London & New York.]
  • Ang, I 2009, 'Un courant dominant la recherche en communication: les Cultural Studies', in E Dacheux (ed.), Les sciences de l'information et de la communication, CNRS Éditions, Paris, pp. 67–91.
  • Ang, I 2008, 'Cultural studies', in T Bennett & J Frow (eds), The Sage handbook of cultural analysis, Sage Publications, Los Angeles, London, New Delhi & Singapore, pp. 227–48.
  • Ang, I 2007, 'Beyond Asian diasporas', in RS Parrenas & CDS Lok (eds), Asian diasporas: new formations, new conceptions, Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, pp. 285–90.
  • Ang, I 2007, 'Between Asia and the West', in M Perkins (ed.), Visibly different: face, place and race in Australia, Peter Lang, Bern, pp. 175–80.
  • Ang, I 2006, 'The art museum as monument: cultural change contained', in M Lake (ed.), Memory, monuments and museums: the past in the present, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, pp. 138–50.
  • Ang, I 2005, 'Diaspora', 'Difference' and 'Multiculturalism', in T Bennett, L Grossberg, & M Morris (eds), New keywords in culture and society, Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Ang, I 2005, 'Who needs cultural research?', in P Leystina (ed.), Cultural studies and practical politics: theory, coalition building, and social activism, Blackwell, New York, pp. 477–83.
  • Ang, I 2004, 'Beyond transnational nationalism: questioning the borders of the Chinese diaspora in the global city', in BSA Yeoh & K Willis (eds), State/nation/transnation: perspectives of transnationalism in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 179–98.
  • Ang, I 2004, 'The cultural intimacy of TV drama', in K Iwabuchi (ed.), Feeling Asian modernities: transnational consumption of Japanese TV dramas, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 303–09.
  • Ang, I 2003, 'Im Reich der Unsicherheit. Das globale Dorf und die kapitalistische Postmoderne', in A Hepp & C Winter (eds), Die Cultural Studies Kontroverse, Klumpen Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 84–110.
  • Ang, I 2003, 'From White Australia to Fortress Australia: the anxious nation in the new century', in L Jayasuriya, D Walker & J Gothard (eds), Legacies of White Australia: race, culture and nation, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley, pp. 51–69.
  • Ang, I 2003, 'Cultural translation in a globalised world', in N Papastergiadis (ed.), Complex entanglements: arts, globalisation and cultural difference, Rivers Oram Press, London, pp. 30–41.
  • Ang, I 2001, 'Desperately guarding borders: media globalization, "cultural imperialism" and the rise of "Asia"", in S Yao (ed.), House of glass: culture, modernity and the state in Southeast Asia, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore pp. 27-45.
  • Ang, I 2001, 'Trapped in ambivalence: Chinese Indonesians, victimhood and the debris of history', in M Morris & B de Bary (eds), 'Race' panic and the memory of migration, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, pp. 21-47.
  • Ang, I 2000, 'Identity blues', in P Gilroy, L Grossberg & A McRobbie (eds), Without guarantees. In honour of Stuart Hall, Verso, London, pp. 1-13.
  • Stratton, J & Ang, I 1998, 'Multicultural imagined communities: cultural difference and national identity in the USA and Australia', in D Bennett, D. (ed.), Multicultural states: rethinking difference and identity, Routledge, London & New York, pp. 135-62.
  • Ang, I 1995, 'I'm a feminist but...: "other" women and postnational feminism', in B Caine & R Pringle (eds), Transitions: new Australian feminisms, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, pp. 57–73.
  • Ang, I 1994, 'In the realm of uncertainty: the global village and capitalist postmodernity', in D Crowley & D Mitchell (eds), Communication theory today, Polity Press, Oxford, pp. 193–213.

Artikel dan Jurnal

  • Ang, I, Isar, YR & Mar, P 2015, 'Cultural diplomacy: beyond the national interest?', International Journal of Cultural Policy, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 365–381. Special issue: Cultural diplomacy – beyond the national interest? (guest eds I Ang, YR Isar & P Mar).
  • Ang, I 2015, 'At home in Asia? Sydney's Chinatown and Australia's "Asian Century"', International Journal of Cultural Studies.
  • Ang, I 2014, 'Beyond unity in diversity: cosmopolitanizing identities in a globalizing world', Diogenes, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 10–20.
  • Ang, I 2014, 'Beyond Chinese groupism: Chinese Australians between assimilation, multiculturalism and diaspora', Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1184–1196.
  • Ang, I 2014, 'Not yet post-Asia: paradoxes of identity and knowledge in transational times', Asian Cinema, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 125–137.
  • Ang, I 2013, 'Cultural studies matters (does it?): engaging inter/disciplinarity', Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 432–37.
  • Ang, I 2012, 'Dépasser l'unité dans la diversité: pour des identitiés cosmopolites', Diogène, vol. 237, pp. 12–27.
  • Ang, I 2011, 'Navigating complexity: from cultural critique to cultural intelligence', Continuum, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 779–94.
  • Ang, I 2011, 'Ethnicities and our precarious future', Ethnicities, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 27–31.
  • Ang, I 2010, 'Australia, China, and Asian regionalism: navigating distant proximity', Amerasia Journal, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 127–40.
  • Ang, I 2009, 'Provocation - beyond multiculturalism: a journey to nowhere?', Humanities Research, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 17–21.
  • Ang, I & Pothen, N 2009, 'Between promise and practice: Web 2.0, intercultural dialogue and digital scholarship', Fibreculture, 14.
  • Ang, I 2009, 'Henry Mayer Lecture 2009 – From Dallas to SBS: the popular, the global and the diverse on television', Media International Australia, no. 131, pp. 6–15.
  • Ang, I 2008, 'Passengers on train Australia', Griffith Review: Re-Imagining Australia, no. 19, pp. 227–39.
  • Ang, I 2007, 'Television fictions around the world: melodrama and irony in global perspective',Critical Studies in Television, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 18–30.
  • Hawkins, G & Ang, I 2007, 'Inventing SBS: televising the foreign', ACH: The Journal of the History of Culture in Australia, vol. 26, no.1, pp. 1–14.
  • Ang, I & Cassity, E 2006, 'Humanities-industry partnerships and the "knowledge society": the Australian experience', Minerva, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 47–63.
  • Ang, I 2006, 'From cultural studies to cultural research: engaged scholarship in the 21st century', Cultural Studies Review, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 183–97.
  • Ang, I 2005, 'The predicament of diversity: multiculturalism in practice at the art museum', Ethnicities, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 305–20.
  • Ang, I 2005, 'De-Americanizing the global? Overcoming fundamentalism in a volatile world',Comparative American Studies, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 267–81.
  • Ang, I 2004, 'Between Asia and the West: the cultural politics of food', LifeWriting, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 147–54.
  • Koser, K, Werbner, P & Ang, I 2004, 'Cultural research and refugee studies: new knowledge, methodologies, and practical implications; a panel commentary', Social Analysis, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 59–65.
  • Ang, I 2003, 'Representing social life in a conflicting global world: from diaspora to hybridity', Hong Kong Journal of Sociology, no. 4, pp. 1–12.
  • Ang, I 2003, 'Intertwining histories: nation, migration and heritage', AUMLA: Journal of the Australian Universities Language and Literature Association, no. 99, pp. 23–35.
  • Ang, I 2003, 'Together-in-difference: beyond diaspora, into hybridity', Asian Studies Review, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 141–54.
  • Ang, I 2002, 'After "911": defending the global city', Ethnicities, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 160–62.
  • Ang, I 2001, 'Intertwining histories: heritage and diversity', Australian Humanities Review, 24 September.
  • Ang, I & Stratton J 1996, 'Asianing Australia: notes toward a critical transnationalism in cultural studies', Cultural Studies, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 16–36.


  • Mar, P & Ang, I 2015, Promoting diversity of cultural expression in arts in Australia . Australia Council for the Arts, Sydney.
  • Ang, I, Tambiah, Y & Mar, P 2015, Smart engagement with Asia: leveraging language, research and culture, Australian Council of Learned Academies, Melbourne.
  • Ang, I, Brand, J, Noble, G & Sternberg, J 2006, Connecting diversity: paradoxes of multicultural Australia, Special Broadcasting Service Corporation, Sydney.
  • Ang, I & Cassity, E 2004, Attraction of strangers: partnerships in humanities research, Australian Academy of the Humanities, Canberra.
  • Ang, I, Brand, J, Noble, G & Wilding, D 2002, Living diversity: Australia's multicultural future, Special Broadcasting Service Corporation, Sydney.



Ang, I, 'Intertwining histories: heritage and diversity', presented at the Annual History Lecture of the History Council of New South Wales, Sydney, 24 September 2001.


  • Date information sourced from Library of Congress Authorities data, via corresponding WorldCat Identities linked authority file (LAF) .
  • Ang, Ien 1985 Watching Dallas: Soap Opera and the Melodramatic Imagination, Menthuen, London. p. 11 ISBN 978-0-416-41630-5
  • Yin, Robert K. 2003, Case Study Research. 3rd edn. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks.
  • Donmoyer, Robert 2002, 'Generalisability and the Single Case Study.' in Gomm, Roger, Hammersley, Martyn & Foster, Peter (eds), Case Study Method. Sage Publications, London, pp45–69
  • Spence, Louise 2005, Watching Daytime Soap Operas: The Power of Pleasure, Wesleyan University Press, Connecticut.
  • Ang, Ien 2009, 'Henry Mayer Lecture 2009 – From Dallas to SBS: The Popular, The Global and The Diverse on Television’, Media International Australia, vol. 131, pp6–15
  • Ang, Ien 2006, Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audience for a Postmodern World, Routledge, London.
  • Ang, Ien, Hawkins, Gay & Dabboussy, Lamia 2008, The SBS Story, UNSW Press, Sydney. p. 2
  • Ang, Ien 2009, 'Henry Mayer Lecture 2009 – From Dallas to SBS: The Popular, The Global and The Diverse on Television’, Media International Australia, vol. 131, p. 11.


  1. ^ M.I. Ang, 1954 - at the UvA Album Academicum webs tie.
  2. ^ Sebuah penghargaan Diarsipkan 2015-12-09 di Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ "Salinan arsip". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-03-20. Diakses tanggal 2015-12-01.