Guncangan Nixon
Goncangan Nixon adalah serangkaian kebijakan ekonomi yang dilancarkan oleh Presiden Amerika Serikat Richard Nixon pada tahun 1971, termasuk secara sepihak membatalkan konvertibilitas langsung dollar Amerika Serikat terhadap emas. Kebijakan ini membantu mengakhiri sistem Bretton Woods yang mengatur pertukaran finansial internasional, dan memulai era mata uang yang mengambang bebas yang masih berlangsung hingga kini.

sunting- Bordo, Michael D.; Eichengreen, Barry, ed. (1993). A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform. Bretton Woods, Oct 3–6, 1991. Chicago: National Bureau of Economic Research & University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226065871.
Pranala luar
sunting- Stemming Inflation: the Office of Emergency Preparedness and the 90-day freeze Diarsipkan 2011-11-20 di Wayback Machine.: A comprehensive history of the management of the 90-day wage-price freeze, undertaken by the Office of Emergency Preparedness and the newly established Cost of Living Council.
- The Economy at Mid-1972 Diarsipkan 2011-11-20 di Wayback Machine.: A testimony of the Council of Economic Advisers before the Joint Economic Committee on economic developments since President Nixon's New Economic Policy was adopted on August 15, 1971
- Peter Gowan interview on the political and economic effects of ending the Bretton Woods system