Fabel Aesop
(Dialihkan dari Fabel aesop)
Fabel Aesop, atau Aesopica, adalah sebuah kumpulan fabel yang dikaitkan dengan Aesop, seorang budak dan pembuat cerita yang diyakini hidup di Yunani kuno antara 620 dan 564 SM. Dari asal muasal yang beragam, cerita-cerita yang dikaitkan dengan namanya menurun sampai zaman modern melalui sejumlah sumber dan masih direinterpretasikan dalam pendaftaran verbal dan dalam media populer serta artistik.

Fabel non-Aesop
suntingTerdapat beberapa fabel yang sesungguhnya bukan bagian dari Fabel Aesop, namun dituliskan sebagai bagian dari Fabel Aesop.
suntingBacaan tambahan
sunting- Anthony, Mayvis, 2006. The Legendary Life and Fables of Aesop
- Caxton, William, 1484. The history and fables of Aesop, Westminster. Modern reprint edited by Robert T. Lenaghan (Harvard University Press: Cambridge, 1967)
- Clayton, Edward. "Aesop, Aristotle, and Animals: The Role of Fables in Human Life" Diarsipkan 2023-03-17 di Wayback Machine.. Humanitas, Volume XXI, Nos. 1 and 2, 2008, pp. 179–200. Bowie, Maryland: National Humanities Institute.
- Gibbs, Laura (translator), 2002, reissued 2008. Aesop's Fables. Oxford University Press
- Gibbs, Laura, "Aesop Illustrations: Telling the Story in Images" Diarsipkan 2023-04-19 di Wayback Machine.
- Rev. Thomas James M.A., Aesop's Fables: A New Version, Chiefly from Original Sources, 1848. John Murray. (includes many pictures by John Tenniel)
- McKendry, John, ed. (1964). Aesop, Five Centuries of Illustrated Fables. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2018-08-15. Diakses tanggal 2017-09-27. – online version
- Perry, Ben Edwin (editor), 1952, 2nd edition 2007. Aesopica: A Series of Texts Relating to Aesop or Ascribed to Him. Urbana: University of Illinois Press
- Perry, Ben E. (editor), 1965. Babrius and Phaedrus, (Loeb Classical Library) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965. English translations of 143 Greek verse fables by Babrius, 126 Latin verse fables by Phaedrus, 328 Greek fables not extant in Babrius, and 128 Latin fables not extant in Phaedrus (including some medieval materials) for a total of 725 fables
- Temple, Olivia; Temple, Robert (translators), 1998. Aesop, The Complete Fables, New York: Penguin Classics. (ISBN 0-14-044649-4)
Pranala luar
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- Buku audio domain publik Aesop's Fables di LibriVox
- Æsop's Fables di Faded Page (Canada)
- Aesop's fables Diarsipkan 2014-10-16 di Wayback Machine.: all Aesop fables online.
- Aesopica Diarsipkan 2011-05-25 di Wayback Machine.: over 600 English fables, plus Caxton's Aesop, Latin and Greek texts, Content Index, and Site Search.
- Children's Library, a site with many reproductions of illustrated English editions of Aesop Diarsipkan 2016-10-04 di Wayback Machine.
- Carlson Fable Collection at Creighton University Diarsipkan 2023-06-06 di Wayback Machine. Includes online catalogue of fable-related objects
- Vita et Aesopus moralisatus Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine. [Aesop's Fables, Italian and Latin.] Naples: [Germani fidelissimi for] Francesco del Tuppo, 13 Feb. 1485. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Esopus [Moralisatus]. Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine. Venice, Manfredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, 17 Aug. 1493. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Fabulae. Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine. Naples, Cristannus Preller, ca. 1495. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Esopo con la uita sua historiale euulgare. Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine. Milan, Guillermi Le Signerre fratres, 15 September 1498. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Fabule et vita Esopi, cum fabulis Auiani, Alfonsij, Pogij Florentini, et aliorum, cum optimo commento, bene diligenterque correcte et emendate. Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine. Antwerp, Gerardus Leeu, 26 September 1486. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Esopus constructus moralicatus Uenetijs, Impressum per B. Benalium Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine., 1517. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Esopus cõnstructus moralizat Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine.. Taurini, B. Sylva, 1534 From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Aesopi Fabvlae cvm vvlgari interpretatione: Brixiae, Apud Loduicum Britannicum Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine., 1537. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Aesop's fables. Latin. Esopi Appologi siue Mythologi cum quibusdam carminum et fabularum additionibus Diarsipkan 2006-09-03 di Wayback Machine. 1501. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Aesop's fables. Spanish Libro del sabio [et] clarissimo fabulador Ysopu hystoriado et annotado. Sevilla, J. Cronberger Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine., 1521 From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress
- Aesop's fables Diarsipkan 2023-07-17 di Wayback Machine.. German. Vita et Fabulae. Augsburg, Anton Sorg, ca. 1479. From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division Diarsipkan 2017-05-06 di Wayback Machine. at the Library of Congress