Emotivna luda adalah album kedelapan Ceca

Emotivna luda
Album studio karya Ceca
Kronologi Ceca
Fatalna ljubav
(1995)String Module Error: Match not found1995
Emotivna luda Maskarada
(1997)String Module Error: Match not found1997

Daftar lagu

  1. Kad bi bio ranjen (If You Were Wounded)
  2. Doktor (Doctor)
  3. Zabranjeno pušenje (No Smoking)
  4. Mrtvo More (Dead Sea)
  5. Neodoljiv-neumoljiv (Irresistible And Pitiless)
  6. Ličiš na moga oca (You Resemble My Father)
  7. Isuse (Jesus)
  8. Rođen s greškom (Born With A Mistake)
  9. Usnule lepotice (Sleeping Beauties)