David Hanson (perancang robot)
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David Hanson Jr. adalah seorang ahli robotika Amerika yang merupakan pendiri dan Chief Executive Officer Hanson Robotics, sebuah perusahaan robotika yang berbasis di Hong Kong yang didirikan pada tahun 2013.[1] Hanson menciptakan robot yang tampak seperti manusia yang memiliki ekspresi wajah yang realistis.[2]

Dia terutama dikenal karena Hanson Robotics, perusahaan yang membuat Sophia dan robot lainnya yang didesain untuk meniru perilaku manusia. Sophia telah mendapatkan perhatian media secara luas, dan merupakan robot pertama yang diberikan kewarganegaraan. Selain itu David Hanson pada bulan Agustus 2021 telah menciptakan Artificial Intelligence Berbentuk program atau software yang khusus dipergunakan untuk Melakukan Kegiatan Jual dan Beli di Bursa Forex dan Komoditas yang disebut dengan Nama FOREX SMART ANALITIC (FSA) yang telah mendapatkan Sertifikasi dari New York Stock Exchange dengan 4 Jenis Label yaitu Romans, Aidos, RoboRex, dan Ploutos [3]
sunting- Humanizing Robots: How making humanoids can make us more human, Sep 2, 2017 by David Hanson
- The Coming Robot Revolution: Expectations and Fears About Emerging Intelligent, Humanlike Machines, Feb 27, 2009, by Yoseph Bar-Cohen and David Hanson
- Humanizing Interfaces-- an Integrative Analysis of HumanLike Robots: David Hanson's Doctoral Dissertation at the University of Texas at Dallas, Interactive ... and Engineering, Ph.D. received in 2007. Jun 4, 2017, by David Hanson
sunting- Hanson, D., Mazzei, D., Garver, C., De Rossi, D., Stevenson, M., ”Realistic Humanlike Robots for Treatment of ASD, Social Training, and Research; Shown to Appeal to Youths with ASD, Cause Physiological Arousal, and Increase Human-to-Human Social Engagement”, PETRA (PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environment), 2012.
- Mazzei, D., Lazzeri, N., Hanson, D., De Rossi, D. “HEFES: An Hybrid Engine for Facial Expressions Synthesis to Control Human-Like Androids and Avatars”, The Fourth IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2012.
- Bergman, M., Zhuang, Z., Palmiero, A., Wander, J., Heimbuch, B., McDonald, M., Hanson, D., “Development of an Advanced Respirator Fit Test Headform”, AIHce in Indianapolis, IN, 2012. Diarsipkan 2017-12-22 di Wayback Machine.
- Hanson D., Baurmann S., Riccio T., Margolin R., Dockins T., Tavares M., Carpenter, K., “Zeno: a Cognitive Character”, AI Magazine, and special Proc. of AAAI National Conference, Chicago, 2009.
- Tadesse, Yonas; Priya, Shashank; Stephanou, Harry; Popa, Dan. and Hanson, David “Piezoelectric actuation and sensing for Facial Robotics” Journal of Ferroelectrics, vol. 345, Issue1, pp.13–25, 2006 (12 pages).
- Hanson D., Bergs R., Tadesse Y., White V., Priya S. “Enhancement of EAP Actuated Facial Expressions by Designed Chamber Geometry in Elastomers”, Proc. SPIE‘s Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices Conf., 10TH Smart Structures and Materials Symposium, San Diego, USA, 2006.
- Hanson D. “Expanding the Aesthetics Possibilities for Humanlike Robots”, Proc. IEEE Humanoid Robotics Conference, special session on the Uncanny Valley; Tskuba, Japan, December 2005.
- Hanson D. “Bioinspired Robotics”, chapter 16 in the book Biomimetics, ed. Yoseph Bar- Cohen, CRC Press, October 2005. Diarsipkan 2017-12-22 di Wayback Machine.
- Hanson D., White V. “Converging the Capabilities of ElectroActive Polymer Artificial Muscles and the Requirements of Bio-inspired Robotics”, Proc. SPIE‘s Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices Conf., 10TH Smart Structures and Materials Symposium, San Diego, USA, 2004.
- Hanson D., “Chapter 18: Applications for Electrically Actuated Polymer Actuators,” in Electrically Actuated Polymer Actuators as Artificial Muscles, Bar-Cohen Y. (Ed.) SPIE PRESS, Washington, USA, Vol. PM98, 2nd ed. March 2004.
- Hanson, D. “Bio-inspired Facial Expression Interface for Emotive Robots”, Proc. AAAI National Conference in Edmonton, CA, 2002.
- Hanson D. and Pioggia G., “Entertainment Applications for Electrically Actuated Polymer Actuators,” Ch 18 of Electrically Actuated Polymer Actuators as Artificial Muscles, SPIE PRESS, Washington, USA, Vol. PM98, Ch. 18, 2001.
sunting- ^ "Saudi Arabia Just Granted Citizenship to a Robot". Fortune (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2017-12-20.
- ^ "David Hanson brings robots to life - THNK". THNK (dalam bahasa Inggris). 2011-03-24. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-12-22. Diakses tanggal 2017-12-20.
- ^ Weller, Chris. "Meet the first-ever robot citizen — a humanoid named Sophia that once said it would 'destroy humans'". Business Insider. Diakses tanggal 12 January 2020.