Daftar lagu Glee Musim 5

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Glee adalah serial televisi drama-komedi musikal Amerika Serikat yang diproduksi oleh Fox. Serial ini berfokus pada sebuah klub glee bernama New Directions di SMA fiksi William McKinley High School di Lima, Ohio.[1] Glee diciptakan oleh Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk dan Ian Brennan, serta menggubah (cover) banyak versi dari lagu-lagu populer yang dibawakan oleh para karakternya.[2] Murphy bertanggung jawab untuk memilih semua lagu yang ditampilkan, dan berusaha untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara lagu-lagu yang sedang hit dengan lagu-lagu klasik.[3] Setelah Murphy memilih lagu, hak cipta lagu tersebut akan diurus oleh pengawas musik P.J. Bloom. Kemudian, produser musik, Adam Anders, menggarapnya bagi para pemain Glee.[4] Lagu-lagu tersebut selanjutnya direkam oleh para pemain, sedangkan koreografer Zach Woodlee bertugas untuk menciptakan koreografi yang sesuai dengan lagu tersebut.[3] Rekaman studio lagu tersebut kemudian dibuat. Proses ini memakan waktu enam sampai delapan minggu sebelum pengambilan gambar untuk masing-masing episode dilakukan, dan bisa saja berakhir pada hari terakhir sebelum proses syuting dimulai.[4]

Daftar lagu di Glee musim 5
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"Yesterday" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Berry, RachelRachel Berry 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5][6][7]
"Drive My Car" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams and Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde with New Directions 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"Got to Get You into My Life" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson with the McKinley High marching band 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5][7][8]
"You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams and Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"Help!" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson and Evans, SamSam Evans with New Directions, Vocal Adrenaline, Haverbrook School for the Deaf and Dalton Academy Warblers 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"A Hard Day's Night" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Berry, RachelRachel Berry and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with Spotlight Diner co-workers 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"I Saw Her Standing There" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Evans, SamSam Evans, Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman and Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5][6]
"All You Need Is Love" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson with New Directions, Dalton Academy Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline, Haverbrook School for the Deaf, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, BurtBurt Hummel, Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez and Schuester, WillWill Schuester 1. "Love, Love, Love" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5][7]
"Revolution" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak TBA
"Get Back" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Berry, RachelRachel Berry with NYADA students 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"Something" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Evans, SamSam Evans with Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn and Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"Here Comes the Sun" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Dani and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5][7][9]
"Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn, Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams and Rose, MarleyMarley Rose 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"Hey Jude" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang and Evans, SamSam Evans with New Directions 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5]
"Let It Be" Beatles, TheThe Beatles Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and New Directions 2. "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds" Tidak Sings the Beatles [5][7]
"Seasons of Love" Rent Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Puckerman, NoahNoah Puckerman, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang and New Directions 3. "The Quarterback" Tidak The Quarterback [10][11]
"I'll Stand by You" Pretenders, TheThe Pretenders Jones, MercedesMercedes Jones with New Directions 3. "The Quarterback" Tidak The Quarterback [10][11]
"Fire and Rain" Taylor, JamesJames Taylor Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams and Evans, SamSam Evans with New Directions 3. "The Quarterback" Tidak The Quarterback [10][11]
"If I Die Young" Band Perry, TheThe Band Perry Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with New Directions 3. "The Quarterback" Tidak The Quarterback [10][11]
"No Surrender" Springsteen, BruceBruce Springsteen Puckerman, NoahNoah Puckerman 3. "The Quarterback" Tidak The Quarterback [10][11]
"Make You Feel My Love" Adele Berry, RachelRachel Berry 3. "The Quarterback" Tidak The Quarterback [10][11]
"Marry the Night" Lady Gaga Gilbert, Elliott "Starchild"Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert 4. "A Katy or a Gaga" Tidak A Katy or a Gaga [12]
"Applause" Lady Gaga Evans, SamSam Evans, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn and Rose, MarleyMarley Rose 4. "A Katy or a Gaga" Tidak A Katy or a Gaga [12][13]
"Wide Awake" Perry, KatyKaty Perry Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde and Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams 4. "A Katy or a Gaga" Tidak A Katy or a Gaga [12]
"Roar" Perry, KatyKaty Perry Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde, Evans, SamSam Evans, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Gilbert, Elliott "Starchild"Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Dani and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with New Directions and Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel 4. "A Katy or a Gaga" Tidak A Katy or a Gaga [12][13]
"You Are Woman, I Am Man" Funny Girl San Pablo, PaoloPaolo San Pablo and Berry, RachelRachel Berry 5. "The End of Twerk" Ya TBA [14]
"Blurred Lines" Thicke, RobinRobin Thicke feat. T.I. and Pharrell Schuester, WillWill Schuester, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman and Bree with New Directions and McKinley High students 5. "The End of Twerk" Ya TBA [15]
"If I Were a Boy" Beyoncé Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams 5. "The End of Twerk" Ya TBA [16]
"Wrecking Ball" Cyrus, MileyMiley Cyrus Rose, MarleyMarley Rose 5. "The End of Twerk" Ya TBA [17]
"On Our Way" Royal Concept, TheThe Royal Concept New Directions 5. "The End of Twerk" Ya TBA [18]
"Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson and Evans, SamSam Evans with New Directions 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"Piano Man" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson with Spotlight Diner patrons and employees 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"My Life" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman with New Directions females and the McKinley High Cheerios 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"Honesty" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"An Innocent Man" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"Just the Way You Are" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson, Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Evans, SamSam Evans and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"You May Be Right" Joel, BillyBilly Joel Schuester, WillWill Schuester, Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde, Lynn, RyderRyder Lynn and Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman with New Directions and McKinley High students 6. "Movin' Out" Tidak Movin' Out [19]
"Into the Groove" Madonna Pamela Lansbury 7. "Puppet Master" Ya TBA [20]
"You're My Best Friend" Queen Anderson, BlaineBlaine Anderson with New Directions puppets 7. "Puppet Master" Ya TBA [21]
"Nasty" / "Rhythm Nation" Jackson, JanetJanet Jackson Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Rose, MarleyMarley Rose and Bree with the McKinley High Cheerios 7. "Puppet Master" Ya TBA [22]
"Cheek to Cheek" Astaire, FredFred Astaire Schuester, WillWill Schuester and Sylvester, SueSue Sylvester 7. "Puppet Master" Ya TBA [23]
"The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)" Ylvis New Directions and Pamela Lansbury 7. "Puppet Master" Ya TBA [24]
"Here Comes Santa Claus" Crosby, BingBing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez and Berry, RachelRachel Berry with mall elves 8. "Previously Unaired Christmas" Tidak The Christmas Album Volume 4
"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" Lee, BrendaBrenda Lee Abrams, ArtieArtie Abrams, Schuester, WillWill Schuester, Puckerman, JakeJake Puckerman, Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde and Rose, MarleyMarley Rose with New Directions 8. "Previously Unaired Christmas" Tidak The Christmas Album Volume 4
"Mary's Boy Child" Boney M. Rose, MarleyMarley Rose, Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams and Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang 8. "Previously Unaired Christmas" Tidak The Christmas Album Volume 4
"The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" Alvin and the Chipmunks Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel and Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez with Tolentino, CodyCody Tolentino 8. "Previously Unaired Christmas" Tidak The Christmas Album Volume 4
"Love Child" Diana Ross & the Supremes Adams, Wade "Unique"Wade "Unique" Adams with Cohen-Chang, TinaTina Cohen-Chang, Rose, MarleyMarley Rose and New Directions except Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde 8. "Previously Unaired Christmas" Tidak The Christmas Album Volume 4
"Away in a Manger" Traditional Wilde, KittyKitty Wilde with New Directions (plus Becky Jackson), Berry, RachelRachel Berry, Lopez, SantanaSantana Lopez, and Hummel, KurtKurt Hummel 8. "Previously Unaired Christmas" Tidak The Christmas Album Volume 4

Lihat pula



  1. ^ Kelly, Mike (May 17, 2009). "'Glee' series set in a Lima high school has Toledo connection too". The Blade. The Toledo Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2010-12-22. Diakses tanggal May 19, 2009. 
  2. ^ Keveney, Bill (May 18, 2009). "After 'Idol' there's 'Glee,' a comedy with cool music". USA Today. Gannett Company. Diakses tanggal June 1, 2009. 
  3. ^ a b Fernandez, Maria Elena (April 26, 2009). "Will TV audiences watch with 'Glee'?". Los Angeles Times. Tribune Company. Diakses tanggal June 1, 2009. 
  4. ^ a b Herrera, Monica (October 23, 2009). "Glee Rewrites the Script on TV Music". Billboard. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-11-03. Diakses tanggal November 25, 2009. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Goldberg, Lesley (September 4, 2013). "'Glee's' Beatles Tribute Track List Released". The Hollywood Reporter. Diakses tanggal September 9, 2013. 
  6. ^ a b TV Scoop Team (August 29, 2013). "Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Glee, Pretty Little Liars, Beauty and the Beast and More!". E! Online. NBCUniversal. Diakses tanggal September 12, 2013. 
  7. ^ a b c d e Aguilera, Leanne (August 29, 2013). "Glee First Listen: Lea Michele's Flawless Beatles Ballad and Demi Lovato's Grand Debut!". E! Online. NBCUniversal. Diakses tanggal September 12, 2013. 
  8. ^ Stack, Tim (September 17, 2013). "'Glee' First Look: Does this mean Blaine and Kurt are [spoiler]? -- Exclusive Photo". Entertainment Weekly. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2014-03-27. Diakses tanggal September 18, 2013. 
  9. ^ Ausiello, Michael (August 28, 2013). "Glee's Naya Rivera Confirms: Demi Lovato's Character Will Romance Santana in Season 5". TV Line. Mail.com Media. Diakses tanggal August 28, 2013. 
  10. ^ a b c d e f "Amazon.com: The Quarterback". October 3, 2013. Diakses tanggal October 3, 2013. 
  11. ^ a b c d e f Vena, Jocelyn (October 7, 2013). "Listen To Naya Rivera's Cory Monteith Tribute In Exclusive 'Glee' Track Here". MTV News. MTV. Diakses tanggal October 7, 2013. 
  12. ^ a b c d "Amazon.com: A Katy or a Gaga". Diakses tanggal October 30, 2013. 
  13. ^ a b Ausiello, Michael (October 17, 2013). "Glee's 'Inspirational' Lady Gaga/Katy Perry Episode to Cover Hits 'Applause' and 'Roar'". TVLine. PMC. Diakses tanggal October 17, 2013. 
  14. ^ "Amazon.com: You are Woman, I am Man". Diakses tanggal November 7, 2013. 
  15. ^ "Amazon.com: Blurred Lines". Diakses tanggal November 7, 2013. 
  16. ^ "Amazon.com: If I Were a Boy". Diakses tanggal November 7, 2013. 
  17. ^ "Amazon.com: Wrecking Ball". Diakses tanggal November 7, 2013. 
  18. ^ "Amazon.com: On Our Way". Diakses tanggal November 7, 2013. 
  19. ^ a b c d e f g "Billy Joel Glee Tribute Episode to Air November 21 on Fox". October 10, 2013. Diakses tanggal October 10, 2013. 
  20. ^ "Amazon.com: Into the Groove". Diakses tanggal November 15, 2013. 
  21. ^ "Amazon.com: You're My Best Friend". Diakses tanggal November 15, 2013. 
  22. ^ "Amazon.com: Nasty / Rhythm Nation". Diakses tanggal November 15, 2013. 
  23. ^ "Amazon.com: Cheek to Cheek". Diakses tanggal November 15, 2013. 
  24. ^ "Amazon.com: The Fox". Diakses tanggal November 15, 2013.