Daftar jurnal sejarah
Daftar jurnal sejarah ini menyajikan perwakilan jurnal akademik yang berkaitan dengan bidang sejarah dan historiografi. Daftar ini termasuk jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang didaftar oleh database jurnal dan asosiasi profesional seperti: JSTOR, Project MUSE, Organisasi Sejarawan Amerika, Asosiasi Sejarah Amerika,[1] Questia dan Goedeken (2000),[2] atau diterbitkan oleh masyarakat sejarah nasional atau regional, atau oleh penerbit ilmiah besar (seperti Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, University of Chicago Press dan Taylor & Francis). Daftar ini tidak termasuk sebagian besar dari 5.000 jurnal di dunia yang didedikasikan untuk sejarah lokal atau topik khusus. Daftar ini juga adalah kompilasi bukan yang didasarkan pada pemeriksaan lengkap dan penilaian kualitasnya.

terbitan pertama 1859
Sejarah umum
sunting- The American Historical Review
- Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales, dalam Bahasa Prancis
- Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d'histoire[3]
- The English Historical Review
- The Historian, diterbitkan untuk masyarakat kehormatan sejarah, Phi Alpha Theta di AS
- The Historian: the magazine for members of the Historical Association, UK[4]
- The Historical Journal
- Historical Research
- Historische Zeitschrift, Jerman 1859
- History
- History Compass
- History: Reviews of New Books[5]
- History Today, umum
- History Workshop Journal
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- Past & Present
- Radical History Review
- Revue historique, Prancis
- Rivista Storica Italiana
Berdasarkan periode
sunting- American Journal of Chinese Studies
- American Review of China Studies
- Antichthon[6]
- Antiguo Oriente
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte–Revue d'Histoire Ancienne–Journal of Ancient History–Rivista di Storia Antica[7]
- The Journal of Hellenic Studies
- New England Classical Journal
Modern dan kontemporer
sunting- Eighteenth-Century Studies
- The Historical Journal
- Journal of Contemporary History
- The Journal of Modern History
Komparatif dan dunia
suntingBerdasarkan wilayah
sunting- African Archaeological Review
- African Economic History
- African Historical Review[9]
- Afrique & Histoire
- Heritage of Zimbabwe
- History in Africa
- International Journal of African Historical Studies
- The Journal of African History
- Journal of Modern African Studies
- Journal of Southern African Studies
- Rhodesiana
- South African Historical Journal
- Zaïre. Revue Congolaise—Congoleesch Tijdschrift, 1920–60
sunting- Asian Survey
- Central Asian Survey
- Iranian Studies (jurnal)
- Journal of American-East Asian Relations
- Journal of the American Oriental Society
- Journal of Asian Studies
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Modern Asian Studies
Asia Timur
sunting- American Journal of Chinese Studies, dalam Bahasa Inggris
- American Review of China Studies, dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History, dalam Bahasa Jepang
- Central Asian Survey
- Chinese Historical Review
- Chinese Studies in History[10]
- East Asian History[11]
- Journal of Japanese Studies
- Journal of Modern Chinese History[12]
- Korean Studies
- Late Imperial China
- Modern China: An International Journal of History and Social Science[13]
- Monumenta Nipponica, kajian Jepang (dalam Bahasa Inggris)
- Sino-Japanese Studies[14]
- Social Science Japan Journal
- T'oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies
Asia Selatan
sunting- Contemporary South Asia[15]
- Indian Economic and Social History Review
- Indian Historical Review
- Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society[16][17]
- Journal of History Jadavpur University
- South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies[18]
- South Asia Research[19]
Asia Tenggara
sunting- Brunei Museum Journal
- Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society
- Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
- Jurnal Sejarah, dari Masyarakat Sejarah Indonesia[20]
- SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research
Australasia dan Oseania
sunting- Australian Cultural History[21]
- Australian Historical Studies[22]
- Australian Journal of Politics and History
- History Australian[23]
- The Journal of Pacific History[24]
- New Zealand Journal of History[25]
- NZ Legacy magazine - majalah resmi Federasi Masyarakat Sejarah Selandia Baru[26]
- Oceania
sunting- Contemporary European History
- European History Quarterly
- European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire
- First World War Studies[27][28]
- Historical Social Research
- Itinerario
- Journal of Modern European History[29][30]
Abad Pertengahan
sunting- Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes
- Early Medieval Europe[31]
- Journal of Medieval History
- The Medieval Review
- Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies
Irlandia Britania
sunting- Albion
- Analecta Hibernica
- Anglo-Norman Studies
- Anglo-Saxon England
- Archivium Hibernicum
- Arthuriana
- Britain and the World, sebelumnya British Scholar
- Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies
- Clogher Record
- Collectanea Hibernica
- Contemporary British History[32]
- Current Archaeology
- Dublin Historical Record
- Eighteenth-Century Ireland (jurnal)
- Ériu (jurnal)
- The Irish Sword, sebelumnya Journal of the Military History Society of Ireland
- Journal of British Studies
- Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society
- Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
- Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, sebelumnya Scottish Economic and Social History
- Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy
- The Scottish Historical Review
- Twentieth Century British History
- Studia Hibernica
- Victorian Studies
Regional atau lokal
sunting- Archaeologica Aeliana (Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Archaeologia Cantiana (Kent Archaeological Society)
- Derbyshire Archaeological Journal (Derbyshire Archaeological Society)
- Lincolnshire History and Archaeology (Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology)
- Midlands History
- Morgannwg (Glamorgan History Society)
- Northern History
- Oxoniensia (Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society)
- The London Journal
- Richmond History, Journal of the Richmond Local History Society
- Transactions of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society
- Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society
- Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire
- Transactions of the Thoroton Society (Thoroton Society, Nottinghamshire)
- Surrey Archaeological Collections (Surrey Archaeological Society)
Eropa Timur dan Balkan
sunting- Journal of Baltic Studies
- Journal of Modern Greek Studies
- Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography[33]
- Journal of Slavic Military Studies
- Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History
- Kwartalnik Historyczny
- The Polish Review
- The Romanian Journal of History and International Studies[34]
- Russian History[35]
- The Russian Review
- Russian Studies in History[36]
Eropa Nordik
sunting- Historisk Tidskrift (Sweden)
- Historisk Tidsskrift (Denmark)
- Historisk Tidsskrift (Norway)
- Nordic Historical Review
- Scandinavian Journal of History
Eropa Barat
sunting- Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis-Revue belge d'histoire contemporaine (BTNG-RBHC)
- BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review
- Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
- Central European History
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft[37][38]
- Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies
- French Colonial History[39]
- French Historical Studies
- French History
- French Studies: A Quarterly Review
- German History
- German Studies Review
- Historische Zeitschrift
Amerika Latin dan Karibia
sunting- The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History[40]
- Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura
- Colonial Latin American Review[41]
- Hispanic American Historical Review
- Historia
- Journal of Latin American Studies
- Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos[42]
- Revista Complutense de Historia de América
Timur Tengah
sunting- Arabic Sciences and Philosophy
- Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
- Iranian Studies Journal
- Jerusalem Quarterly
- Journal of Israeli History: Politics, Society, Culture[43]
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of Palestine Studies
- Palestine Exploration Quarterly
Amerika Serikat dan Kanada
sunting- The American Genealogist
- American Nineteenth Century History[44]
- American Quarterly
- American Review of Canadian Studies[45][46]
- Canada's History, Sebelumnya The Beaver (1920–2010)
- Canadian Historical Review, jurnal ilmiah utama
- Civil War History
- The Journal of American History (sebelumnya Mississippi Valley Historical Review)
- Journal of American Studies
- Journal of the Early Republic
- Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era
- Pacific Historical Review
- Reviews in American History
- William and Mary Quarterly, sebelum 1815
Provinsi, wilayah, dan negara bagian
sunting- Acadiensis, mencakup Kanada Atlantik
- Alberta history[47]
- Arkansas Historical Quarterly
- Atlanta History: A Journal of Georgia and the South, 1927-2006
- California History, sebelumnya California Historical Quarterly and California Historical Society Quarterly[48]
- Chicago History[49]
- The Chronicles of Oklahoma
- Florida Historical Quarterly
- Georgia Historical Quarterly
- Historical Journal of Massachusetts[50][51]
- Journal of Illinois History[52]
- Indiana Magazine of History
- Journal of Southern History
- Journal of the Southwest
- Journal of the West
- The Kansas Historical Quarterly
- Manitoba History[53]
- Maryland Historical Magazine[54]
- Michigan Historical Review
- Middle West Review[55]
- Minnesota History
- Missouri Historical Review
- Montana: The Magazine of Western History[56]
- The New England Journal of History[57]
- The New England Quarterly
- North Carolina Historical Review[58][59]
- Northwest Ohio History
- Ohio History
- Ontario History[60]
- Oregon Historical Quarterly
- Pacific Northwest Quarterly
- Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies
- Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography
- Register of the Kentucky Historical Society[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française fokus pada Quebec[61]
- Saskatchewan History
- Southwestern Historical Quarterly
- Virginia Magazine of History and Biography
- Western Historical Quarterly[62]
- Wisconsin Magazine of History[63]
Berdasarkan topik
suntingBisnis, buruh, dan ekonomi
sunting- African Economic History
- Agricultural History
- Agricultural History Review
- American Communist History
- Business History
- Business History Review
- Communisme
- Economic History Review
- Enterprise and Society
- Essays in Economic & Business History
- European Review of Economic History
- Financial History Review
- International Labor and Working Class History
- Journal of Economic History
- Labor History
- Labor: Studies in Working-Class History
- Labour/Le Travail
- Twentieth Century Communism
- Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte[64]
Demografi dan keluarga
sunting- Continuity and Change: A Journal of Social Structure, Law and Demography in Past Societies
- The History of the Family[65]
- Journal of Family History: Studies in Family, Kinship and Demography
- Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth
sunting- History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society[66]
- History of Education Quarterly[67]
- Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education[68]
Kajian etnis dan ras
sunting- Amerasia Journal: The National Interdisciplinary Journal of Scholarship, Criticism, and Literature on Asian and Pacific Americans
- American Jewish History
- Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora[69]
- Jewish Culture and History[70]
- Journal of African American History, sebelumnya The Journal of Negro History (1916–2001)
- Journal of American Ethnic History[71]
- Journal of Asian American Studies
sunting- Holocaust and Genocide Studies
- Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History[72]
- Journal of Genocide Research
- Humanity Journal[73]
Gagasan dan historiografi
sunting- Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History[74]
- Global Intellectual History
- History and Theory
- History of European Ideas
- Intellectual History Review[75]
- Journal of the History of Ideas
- Modern Intellectual History
- Social Science History
Hubungan dan diplomasi
sunting- Diplomatic History
- The International History Review[76]
- Journal of American-East Asian Relations
- Cold War History[77]
- Journal of Cold War Studies
- Journal of Conflict Resolution
- Journal of Peace Research
- Prague Papers on the History of International Relations[78]
- Relations internationales
sunting- American Journal of Legal History
- Law and History Review
- Comparative Legal History (since 2013)[79]
- Journal of Legal History[80][81]
- Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno (since 1972)[82]
- Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History (jurnal dariMax Planck Institute for European Legal History, sejak 2002)[83]
- Revista Chilena de Historia del Derecho
- Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review (sejak 1918)[84]
- Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte (since 1815/1880)[85]
sunting- American Neptune
- International Journal of Maritime History
- Journal for Maritime Research
- Mariner's Mirror
- Northern Mariner
Media dan buku
sunting- American Journalism: A Journal of Media History[86]
- American Literary History
- Book History
- Film & History
- The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
- Huntington Library Quarterly
- Media History, sebelumnya Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History (1993 - 1997)[87]
sunting- Journal of Medieval Military History[88]
- Journal of Military History
- The Journal of Slavic Military Studies
- Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift, publikasi oleh Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the Bundeswehr
- Vulcan: The International Journal for the Social History of Military Technology[89]
Politik dan kebijakan publik
sunting- American Communist History
- Congress and the Presidency[90]
- The Journal of Legislative Studies
- Journal of Policy History
- Presidential Studies Quarterly
- The Public Historian
sunting- American Jewish History
- Anglican & Episcopal History
- Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, dalam Bahasa Spanyol
- Baptist History & Heritage Journal[91]
- British Catholic History
- The Catholic Historical Review
- Church History
- History of Religions
- John Whitmer Historical Association Journal, tentang Mormon
- Journal of Ecclesiastical History
- Journal of Mormon History
- Journal of Religious History
- The Mennonite Quarterly Review
- Methodist History Journal[92]
- Mormon Historical Studies
- Numen
- Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, diterbitkan dalam Bahasa Inggris, Prancis, dan Jerman
Sains dan tekonologi
sunting- Ambix
- Annals of Science
- The British Journal for the History of Science
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine
- Centaurus
- Early Science and Medicine[93]
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
- History and Technology
- IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
- Isis
- Journal for the History of Astronomy
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
- Notes and Records of the Royal Society
- Nursing History Review[94]
- Osiris
- Quest: The History of Spaceflight
- The Rutherford Journal[95]
- Technology and Culture
sunting- Histoire sociale / Social History, jurnal bilingual (Inggris dan Prancis) berbasis di Kanada[96]
- Historical Social Research
- History of Intellectual Culture
- History Workshop Journal
- Journal of Social History
- Social Science History
Pengajaran dan metode
sunting- The History Teacher
- The Oral History Review[97]
- Teaching History: A Journal of Methods[98]
- American Educational History Journal[99]
- Programming Historian[100]
sunting- Journal of Planning History
- Journal of Urban History
- Urban History
- Urban History Review - Revue d'histoire urbaine, fokus pada Kanada[101]
Kajian perempuan dan gender
sunting- Australian Feminist Studies
- Aspasia
- Feminist Studies
- Gender & History
- Journal of the History of Sexuality
- Journal of Women's History
- Lilith: A Feminist History Journal[102]
Lihat pula
sunting- Sejarawan
- Jurnal sejarah
- Historiografi
- Daftar masyarakat sejarah, sebagian besar memiliki jurnal atau majalah populer
- Daftar jurnal ilmiah
- Daftar sejarawan
sunting- ^ The American Historical Society's Directory of Journals[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ Goedeken, Edward A. (2002). "Journals of the Century in Modern History". Dalam Stankus, Tony. Journals of the Century. New York: Haworth Press. hlm. 243–270. ISBN 978-0-7890-1133-6.
- ^ lihat Homepage[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2017-11-08 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ "Pakistan Historical Society". Blog at WordPress. Diakses tanggal August 22, 2016.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2019-07-15 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ "New Zealand Journal of History". Diakses tanggal August 22, 2016.
- ^ "NZ Legacy magazine". New Zealand Federation of Historical Societies. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2019-01-16. Diakses tanggal August 22, 2016.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ "Our Journal: First World War Studies". International Society for First World War Studies. Diakses tanggal August 23, 2016.
- ^ lihat [1][pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ "Our Journal: Journal of Modern European History". C. H. Beck. Diakses tanggal April 30, 2017.[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ See
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2018-01-20 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ Margaret F. Stieg, The Origin and Development of Scholarly Historical Periodicals (1986) ch 5
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat homepage
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ Journal of the Association of British American Nineteenth Century Historians. See situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ "American Review of Canadian Studies aims". Association for Canadian Studies in the United States. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2018-10-05. Diakses tanggal August 23, 2016.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ "Historical Journal of Massachusetts". Westfield State University. Diakses tanggal August 23, 2016.[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1908-1984) issues in JSTOR
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2019-04-06 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ Anne Miller, "The North Carolina Historical Review: Ninety Years of North Carolina History" (2014) 91#3 pp 351-53]
- ^ "Ontario History". Ontario Historical Society. Diakses tanggal August 23, 2016.
- ^ lihat French Wikipedia
- ^ lihat full text of all articles in Western Historical Quarterly, 1970 to present
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat webpage
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat webpage
- ^ lihat
- ^ Sebelumnya Historical Methods Newsletter (1967 - 1977). See homepage
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat
- ^ lihat homepage
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2021-02-08 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat "Journal of Legal History (1980–1990)"
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2019-05-28 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2018-02-23 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ See
- ^ lihat
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ "Baptist History and Heritage Society | Baptist History & Heritage Journal". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-11-30. Diakses tanggal 2019-05-30.
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2015-05-24 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2018-02-22 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ Jenkin, John (2006). "Review of Copeland, Jack, ed., The Rutherford Journal: the New Zealand Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (2005)". Historical Records of Australian Science. 17 (2). hlm. 298–299.
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- ^ lihat situs web
- ^ lihat situs web Diarsipkan 2015-02-23 di Wayback Machine.
- ^ "Lilith: A Feminist History Journal". Australian Women's History Network (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2019-08-19.
Bacaan lebih lanjut
sunting- Dalton, Margaret Stieg, and Laurie Charnigo. "Historians and their information sources." College & Research Libraries (2004) 65#5 pp: 400-425. daring
- Henson, Kenneth T. "Writing for professional journals." Phi Delta Kappan 80.10 (1999): 780+. daring
- Hérubel, Jean-Pierre VM. "Acknowledging Clio's lesser children: The importance of journals for historical research and scholarship." Journal of Scholarly Publishing (2008) 39#3 pp: 241-256.
- Hérubel, Jean-Pierre VM. "The nature of three history journals: A citation experiment." Collection Management 12.3-4 (1990): 57-67.
- Hérubel, Jean-Pierre VM, and Edward A. Goedeken. "Trends in historical scholarship as evidenced in the American Historical Review: 1896–1990." Serials Review (1993) 19#2 pp: 79-84.
- Kitchens, Joel D. "Clio on the Web: An Annotated Bibliography of Select E-Journals for History" Perspectives on History (Feb 2000) daring
- Lingelbach, Gabriele. "The Institutionalization and Professionalization of History in Europe and the United States." in The Oxford History of Historical Writing: Volume 4: 1800-1945 4 (2011): 78+ daring
- Stankus, Tony, and Edward A. Goedeken. "Journals of the Century in Modern History" in Journals of the Century (Haworth Press, 2002) excerpt
- Stieg, Margaret F. The origin and development of scholarly historical periodicals (University Alabama Press, 1986)