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DeskripsiTony Tan Caktiong & Aquino 2016 (cropped).jpg
English: President Benigno S. Aquino III confers the Gawad Mabini with therank of Commander (Dakilang Kasugo) on APEC CEO Summit chairperson Tony Tan Caktiong in a ceremony at the Music Room of the Malacañan Palace on Thursday (January 14, 2016). Also in photo is Caktiong’s wife Grace Tan Caktiong. (Photo by Lauro Montellano, Jr. / Malacañang Photo Bureau)
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Produsen kamera
Model kamera
Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Waktu pajanan
1/125 detik (0,008)
Nilai F
Rating kecepatan ISO
Tanggal dan waktu pembuatan data
14 Januari 2016 11.00
Jarak fokus lensa
65 mm
Judul gambar
President Benigno S. Aquino III confers the Gawad Mabini with the
rank of Commander (Dakilang Kasugo) on APEC CEO Summit chairperson Tony Tan Caktiong in a ceremony at the Music Room of the Malacañan Palace on Thursday (January 14, 2016). Also in photo is Caktiong’s wife Grace Tan Caktiong. (Photo by Lauro Montellano, Jr. / Malacañang Photo Bureau)