
JohnDerbyshire1.jpg (300 × 400 piksel, ukuran berkas: 64 KB, tipe MIME: image/jpeg)

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Image: JD,%20LRD%20on%20Petroushka%20boat.JPG
Pembuat John Derbyshire or an associate
(Menggunakan kembali berkas ini)

The subject has agreed to the term of the GFDL license, as per the following emails:

From:    "David Tribble"
To:      "John Derbyshire"
Subject: Wikipedia image
Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2006 14:07:11 -0600

I'd like to upload a photo of you for the Wikipedia bio article:

I need your permission, of course.  However, it's not simply matter of
granting Wikipedia the right to use your image - you must also grant
permissions to all downstream users of Wikipedia.

Here's some of the legalese:
    The main legal thing that is important to explain to potential
    contributors: they would be agreeing that their picture (or text)
    can be used freely by Wikipedia AND its downstream users, and that
    such use might include commercial use, for which the contributor is
    not entitled to royalties or compensation. Wikimedia itself is a non-profit organization, and any money raised from the re-use of
    Wikimedia content would go to furthering our aims - buying new
    servers to keep the websites running efficiently, producing print
    runs, making Wikipedia available on CD/DVD for schools and
    developing countries. However, not all of those who re-use our
    content are so high-minded.

    We can only use your materials if you are willing to grant
    permission for this under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
    License. This means that anyone will have the right to share and,
    where appropriate, to update your material [i.e., the biography
    page]. You can read this license in full at:

     The license expressly protects authors "from being considered
     responsible for modifications made by others" while ensuring that
     authors get credit for their work. There is more information on our
     copyright policy at:

Which means that we need you express permission that conforms to the
clauses above.  A simple
    "I understand and agree to the terms of the GFDL"
will do.

Not to complain, but it's kind of hard to find a good picture of you.
I know, I know, you're just like me in that all your pictures are
terrible because they look just like you.  The best I've come up with
is a cropped image of:,%20LRD%20on%20Petroushka%20boat.JPG
(see attached image).  (I notice that still does not have a picture of you.)

Thanks for your time and consideration.

-- David R. Tribble

From:    "John Derbyshire"
To:      "David Tribble"
Subject: Re: Wikipedia image 
Date:    Tue, 26 Sep 2006 16:01:02 -0400

Yeah, that one's OK, and I agree to everything yada yada.
I'd prefer my more studious look though (attached).

John Derbyshire
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Log pengunggahan asli

Halaman deskripsi aslinya ada di sini. Semua nama pengguna berikut merujuk pada en.wikipedia.
  • 2006-12-19 20:07 Luigibob 300×400× (65462 bytes) editied photo for better look. photo in PD
  • 2006-09-26 21:43 Loadmaster 300×400× (22442 bytes) [[John Derbyshire]], [], [[GFDL]] via private email


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terkini17 Juli 2012 04.52Miniatur versi sejak 17 Juli 2012 04.52300 × 400 (64 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-12-19 20:07:24 by Luigibob
17 Juli 2012 04.52Miniatur versi sejak 17 Juli 2012 04.52300 × 400 (22 KB)OgreBot(BOT): Uploading old version of file from en.wikipedia; originally uploaded on 2006-09-26 21:43:38 by Loadmaster

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