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English: Painting of Azuchi Castle in Gamō District, Ōmi Province (Ōmi-no-kuni Gamō-gun Azuchi-jō no zu)

colours on silk

87.8 × 121.9 cm

Osaka Castle Museum, Osaka, Japan.

The text on the upper right reads:

This castle was constructed in the first month of Tenshō 4 [1576] by the Minister of the Right Oda [Nobunaga]. Niwa Nagahide was made to oversee [its construction]. Initially [the mountain] was called Tsukigayama, [but it was] later changed and named Azuchi. The height of the mountain castle was over 2 chō [1.90 ha] 205 and over 1 ri [3.927 km] around. On the peak, there was a seven-level main keep. The base of the main keep was north to south, 20 ken [39.3 m] and east to west, 17 ken [33.4 m]. The sixth level therein had eight sides with windows. The Minister of the Right formerly began to believe in a foreign faith [i.e. Christianity]. Constructing a tall keep tower in his castle, he called it the tenshu kaku [keep]. This was the beginning of the building of tenshu kaku. The original [work from which this painting is based] was owned by an officer of the lesser magistrate [named] Kondō of Ishidera Village in the Gamō District. In the year of the Wood Rabbit in the Ansei era [1855], my late father [Iwasaki] Ōu obtained [this original], copied it, and stored [his copy] in his home. Recently, I heard that Kumagai Naoyuki opened a study into history. Relishing in old Japanese writings, he assembled from far and wide such [texts] and in turn, to possess them he brandished his illustrious brush and produced clean copies of these old Japanese writings; many were those who said to bestow [this painting] onto him.

Dedication transcribed by Iwasaki Shinayama, fifth month of Meiji 29
日本語: 近江国蒲生郡安土城之


本城八天正四年正月織田右府ノ築ク所ニシテ、丹羽長秀之ヲ奉行セリ。始メ月賀山ト公后改メテ安士ト称ス。城山高二町餘周廻一里会ニンテ頂上七層ノ天主閣アリ。閣ノ基礎南北甘間東西十七間ニンテ、第六層ハ乃チ八方 ナリ。右府曽テ外教ヲ信ン始メテ、城郭二高閣ヲ築ク之ヲ天主閣ト呼。是レ天主閣フ造ルノ購矢トス。原本浦生郡石寺村舊陣屋更近藤氏ノ臓スル所。安政乙卵年先考鷗雨之レヲ得テ、臨寒ン家二藏セリ。近頃聞ク熊谷直行君史学二開スル。古国書ラ好ミ大井ニ之レヲ四方二電集セラルト因テ貴然筆ヲ揮テ其古国ヲ冷裏シ以テ、君=贈ルト公々多

Tanggal 1855, preface 1896
Sumber [1]
Pembuat Iwasaki Ōu 岩崎鴎雨
Versi lainnya


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Menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta Jepang, dibawah yurisdiksi Pemerintah Jepang hak cipta karya ini telah kadaluarsa dan sekarang menjadi domain umum karena pembuatnya (jika terdiri dari beberapa pembuat, pembuat yang terakhir meninggal dunia) meninggal dunia sebelum 1968, atau karyanya dipublikasikan sebelum 1968 by oleh anonim, penulis dengan nama samaran, atau organisasi. (Artikel 51, 52, dan 57)
Catatan: Gunakan {{PD-Japan-oldphoto}} untuk foto yang dipublikasikan sebelum 31 Desember 1956, dan {{PD-Japan-film}} untuk film yang diproduksi sebelum 1953. Karya domain umum harus memiliki hak cipta yang telah kadaluarsa baik di Amerika Serikat maupun negara sumbernya. Berkas harus memiliki copyright tag untuk mengindikasikan status hak cipta di Amerika Serikat. Lihat pula Aturan hak cipta berdasarkan wilayah.

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14 Maret 2008


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terkini15 Oktober 2023 23.53Miniatur versi sejak 15 Oktober 2023 23.532.178 × 1.608 (2,09 MB)Gryffindor{{Information |Description= |Source={{own}} |Date= |Author= Gryffindor |Permission= |other_versions= }}
14 Maret 2008 08.56Miniatur versi sejak 14 Maret 2008 08.561.520 × 1.093 (507 KB)ブレイズマン~commonswiki{{Information |Description=安土城図 |Source=~~~~ |Date=2008/3/14 |Author=投稿者が作成 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [説明] 大阪城天守閣所蔵,安土城図 87.8cm × 121.9cm

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