Bahaya Kuning
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Bahaya Kuning (Yellow Peril, Yellow Terror, Yellow Spectre) adalah sebuah kiasan warna rasis yang merupakan bagian integral dari aspek xenofobik dari kolonialisme: bahwa orang-orang Asia Timur adalah sebuah marabahaya bagi dunia Barat. Dari sudut pandangan psiko-budaya dari dunia Timur, kekhawatiran Bahaya Kuning lebih rasial ketimbang nasional, sebuah kekhawatiran yang datang, bukan dari perhatian dengan sumber bahaya spesifik, dari suatu negara atau bangsa, namun dari kekhawatiran rombongan orang kulit kuning di dunia Barat. Sebagai bentuk dari xenofobia, Teror Kuning adalah kekhawatiran terhadap orang non-kulit putih, dari dunia Timur, seperti yang dibayangkan dalam buku rasialis The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy (1920), karya Lothrop Stoddard.[1]
sunting- ^ Yang, Tim (19 February 2004). "The Malleable Yet Undying Nature of the Yellow Peril". Dartmouth College. Diakses tanggal 18 December 2014.
sunting- Yellow Peril, Collection of British Novels 1895–1913, in 7 vols., edited by Yorimitsu Hashimoto, Tokyo: Edition Synapse. ISBN 978-4-86166-031-3
- Yellow Peril, Collection of Historical Sources, in 5 vols., edited by Yorimitsu Hashimoto, Tokyo: Edition Synapse. ISBN 978-4-86166-033-7
- Baron Suematsu in Europe during the Russo-Japanese War (1904–05): His Battle with Yellow Peril, by Matsumura Masayoshi, translated by Ian Ruxton (, 2011)
- Dickinson, Edward Ross (2002). "Sex, Masculinity, and the 'Yellow Peril': Christian von Ehrenfels' Program for a Revision of the European Sexual Order, 1902–1910". German Studies Review. 25 (2): 255–284. doi:10.2307/1432992. JSTOR 1432992.
- Palmer, James The Bloody White Baron: The Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia, New York: Basic Books, 2009, ISBN 0465022073.
- Yellow Peril!: An Archive of Anti–Asian Fear, edited by John Kuo Wei Tchen and Dylan Yeats. ISBN 978-1781681237
Pranala luar
sunting- A Statement on Yellow
- From Yellow Peril to Yellow Fever The Representation of Asians from Anna May Wong to Lucy Liu by Krystle Doromal
- Yellowface! Racist Anti-Asian Stereotypes
- "Introduction Diarsipkan 2017-07-03 di Wayback Machine.," Gerald Horne, Race War! White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire (New York; London: New York University Press, 2003).
- Yellow Promise/Yellow Peril: Foreign Postcards of the Russo-Japanese War by John W. Dower
- "The Unparalleled Invasion" Diarsipkan 2014-05-29 di Wayback Machine. by Jack London, climaxing in the total genocide of the Chinese.
- The Yellow Peril as a TV Trope
- A Footnote on the Yellow Peril Diarsipkan 2017-05-29 di Wayback Machine. by Mark Schreiber
- Yellow Peril, Collection of British Novels 1895–1913 in Chinese.
- Old Yellow Peril Propaganda
- Unsettling echoes of yesterday, when the yellow peril hysteria began by Lynden Barber
- The Yellow Peril and the American Dream by Catherine Chung
- The Yellow Peril by John W. Dower
- French comic's 'Yellow Peril' cover upsets Chinese paper
- "'The Awakening of China': Western Concepts of China in the Early 20th Century" by Edwin Poon
- Is the Yellow Peril Dead? by Ellen Wu
- The Malleable Yet Undying Nature of the Yellow Peril by Tim Yang
- The Yellow Peril: Chinese-Americans in American Fiction 1850–1940 by William F. Wu