American frontier
wilayah tak terkelola di Amerika Serikat, dari 1607 hingga 1912
Artikel atau sebagian dari artikel ini mungkin diterjemahkan dari American frontier di Isinya masih belum akurat, karena bagian yang diterjemahkan masih perlu diperhalus dan disempurnakan. Jika Anda menguasai bahasa aslinya, harap pertimbangkan untuk menelusuri referensinya dan menyempurnakan terjemahan ini. Anda juga dapat ikut bergotong royong pada ProyekWiki Perbaikan Terjemahan. (Pesan ini dapat dihapus jika terjemahan dirasa sudah cukup tepat. Lihat pula: panduan penerjemahan artikel) |
Barat Jauh (bahasa Inggris: American Frontier) meliputi geografi, sejarah, legenda, dan kebudayaan dari suasana kehidupan pada masa perluasan wilayah pemukiman di Amerika dari awal abad ke-17.
American frontier | |
![]() Koboi dan kuda adalah salah satu simbol yang identik dengan Barat Jauh, circa 1888 | |
Tanggal |
Lokasi | Amerika Serikat
tempat sebelumnya sesuai urutan asimilasi: |
Zaman tersebut terkadang disebut Far West, Old West, atau Wild West, yang dikenal dengan kisah percintaan dan kekerasannya.

suntingBacaan tambahan
sunting- Billington, Ray Allen, and Martin Ridge. Westward Expansion: A History of the American Frontier (5th ed. 2001); 892 pp; textbook with 160pp of detailed annotated bibliographies
- Deverell, William, ed. A Companion to the American West (Blackwell Companions to American History) (2004); 572pp
- Hine, Robert V., and John Mack Faragher. The American West: A New Interpretive History (Yale University Press, 2000). 576 pp.; textbook
- Josephy, Alvin. The American heritage book of the pioneer spirit (1965)
- Lamar, Howard, ed. The New Encyclopedia of the American West (1998); this is a revised version of Reader's Encyclopedia of the American West ed. by Howard Lamar (1977)
- Milner, Clyde, Carol O'Connor, and Martha Sandweiss, eds. The Oxford History of the American West (1994) long essays by scholars
- Utley, Robert M. The Story of The West (2003)
- White, Richard. "It's Your Misfortune and None of My Own": A New History of the American West (1991), textbook focused on post 1890 far west
Great Plain
sunting- Michno, F. Gregory (2009). Encyclopedia of Indian wars: Western battles and skirmishes 1850-1890. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company. ISBN 978-0-87842-468-9.
- Unruh, John David. The Plains Across: The Overland Emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1840–1860 (1993)
- Wishart, David J. , ed. (2004). Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. University of Nebraska Press.
sunting- Billington, Ray Allen. America's Frontier Heritage (1984), a favorable analysis of Turner's theories in relation to social sciences and historiography
- Etulain, Richard W., “Clio’s Disciples on the Rio Grande: Western History at the University of New Mexico,” New Mexico Historical Review 87 (Summer 2012), 277–98.
- Etulain, Richard W., ed. (2002). Writing Western History: Essays On Major Western Historians. U. of Nevada Press.
- Hurtado, Albert L., “Bolton and Turner: The Borderlands and American Exceptionalism,” Western Historical Quarterly, (Spring 2013) 44#1 pp 5–20.
- Limerick, Patricia. The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West (1987), attacks Turner and promotes the New Western History
- Witschi, Nicolas S., ed. (2011). A Companion to the Literature and Culture of the American West. John Wiley & Sons.
Gambar dan memori
sunting- Brégent-Heald Dominique. "Primitive Encounters: Film and Tourism in the North American West," Western Historical Quarterly (2007) 38#1 (Spring, 2007), pp. 47–67 in JSTOR
- Etulain, Richard W. Re-imagining the Modern American West: A Century of Fiction, History, and Art (1996)
- Hausladen, Gary J. (2006). Western Places, American Myths: How We Think About The West. U. of Nevada Press.[pranala nonaktif permanen]
- Hyde, Anne Farrar. An American Vision: Far Western Landscape and National Culture, 1820-1920 (New York University Press, 1993)
- Mitchell, Lee Clark (1998). Westerns: Making the Man in Fiction and Film. U. of Chicago Press.
- Prown, Jules David, Nancy K. Anderson, and William Cronon, eds. Discovered Lands, Invented Pasts: Transforming Visions of the American West (1994)
- Rothman, Hal K. Devil's Bargains: Tourism and the Twentieth-Century American West (University of Kansas Press, 1998)
- Slotkin, Richard (1998). The Fatal Environment: The Myth of the Frontier in the Age of Industrialization, 1800-1890. University of Oklahoma Press.
- Slotkin, Richard (1960). Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America. University of Oklahoma Press.
- Smith, Henry Nash (1950). Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
- Tompkins, Jane (1993). West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns. Oxford University Press.
Pranala luar
sunting- Kebudayaan
- Sejarah
- Autry National Center of the American West - Los Angeles, California
- American West History
- New Perspectives on 'The West'. The West Film Project, WETA-TV, 2001
- Dodge City, Kansas 'Cowboy Capital' Diarsipkan 2008-05-09 di Wayback Machine.
- Fort Dodge, Kansas History Diarsipkan 2011-05-11 di Wayback Machine. by Ida Ellen Rath, 1964 w/ photos
- Old West Kansas
- Tombstone Arizona History
- Media
- 1908 Book on the Real West Free to read and full text search.