Alkitab Ibrani Oxford
Alkitab Ibrani Oxford (Oxford Hebrew Bible) sekarang Hebrew Bible: A Critical Edition, atau HBCE, adalah sebuah edisi kritikal Alkitab Ibrani (juga dikenal sebagai Perjanjian Lama, Tanakh, Mikra, atau Alkitab Yahudi) yang diterbitkan oleh Oxford University Press.
Volume pertama dari seri ini, Proverbs: An Eclectic Edition with Introduction and Textual Commentary oleh Michael V. Fox diterbitkan pada bulan April 2015 oleh Society of Biblical Literature.[1][2]
Selain itu, contoh dari Kejadian, Imamat, Ulangan, 1 dan 2 Raja-Raja, Yeremia, dan Yehezkiel, telah diproduksi.[3]
Lihat pula
sunting- Biblia Hebraica Quinta
- Hebrew University Bible
sunting- ^ Fox, Michael V. (2015). Proverbs: An Eclectic Edition with Introduction and Textual Commentary. Atlanta: SBL Press. ISBN 9781628370201.
- ^ "April 8, 2015 Newsletter". Society of Biblical Literature. Diakses tanggal 20 September 2015.
- ^ Samples of the Oxford Hebrew Bible (in PDF format) [1] Diarsipkan 2016-05-30 di Wayback Machine., accessed September 20, 2015.
sunting- Fox, M. V., "Editing Proverbs: The Challenge of the Oxford Hebrew Bible", Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, vol. 32, no. 1 (2006), pp. 1–22.
- Hendel, R., "The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Prologue to a New Critical Edition", Vetus Testamentum, vol. 58, no. 3 (2008). pp. 324–51.
- Hendel, R., "The Oxford Hebrew Bible: Its Aims and a Response to Criticisms." Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel, vol. 2, no. 1 (forthcoming, 2013). Preprint at [2] Diarsipkan 2016-10-20 di Wayback Machine..
- Tigchelaar, E., "Editing the Hebrew Bible: An Overview of Some Problems" in Kloppenborg & Newman (eds.), Editing the Bible: Assessing the Task Past and Present (Atlanta: SBL, 2012).
- Tov, E., Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible (3rd edition) (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012).
- Williamson, H. G. M., "Do We Need a New Bible? Reflections on the Proposed Oxford Hebrew Bible", Biblica vol. 90, no. 2 (2009), pp. 164–167.
Pranala luar
sunting- The Oxford Hebrew Bible Project website Diarsipkan 2017-06-14 di Wayback Machine.