Airgíalla[1] (Bahasa Irlandia: Oirialla, Bahasa Inggris: Oriel,[2] Bahasa Latin: Ergallia) merupakan nama federasi kerajaan Irlandia yang terbentuk pada sekitar abad ketujuh. Penanaman bersejarah mereka meluas ke provinsi-provinsi saat ini Leinster dan Ulster dan sesuai dengan County Louth modern, dan county Monaghan. Dalam manuskrip kuno, uskup dari Keuskupan Clogher dilantik sebagai uskup Oirialla.

sunting- ^ pronunciation:
- ^ Ulster Irish to English Dictionary
Daftar pustaka
sunting- Connolly, S.J., ed. (2007). Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-923483-7.
- Cosgrove, Art, ed. (2008). A New History of Ireland, II Medieval Ireland 1169-1534. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-019-953970-3.
- Duffy, Seán (2005). Medieval Ireland an Encyclopedia. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-4159-4052-8.
- MacCaffrey, Wallace T (1994). Elizabeth I: War and Politics, 1588-1603. Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691036519.
- Morgan, Hiram (1999). Tyrone's Rebellion: The Outbreak of the Nine Years War in Tudor Ireland. Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 0851156835.
- Palmer, William (1994). The Problem of Ireland in Tudor Foreign Policy, 1485-1603. Boydell & Brewer. ISBN 0851155626.
- Smith, Brendan (1999). "The Ua Cerbaill kingdom of Airgialla". Colonisation and Conquest in Medieval Ireland. Cambridge University Press.
- Warner, R. (1973–1974). "The Re-Provenancing of Two Important Penannular Brooches of the Viking Period". Ulster Journal of Archaeology. Third Series. Ulster Archaeological Society. 36-37: 58–70.
Pranala luar
sunting- Pronunciation of Airgíalla
- The Kingship and Landscape of Tara, ed. Edel Bhreathnach, 2005; ISBN 1-85182-954-7
- "A Hidden Ulster" by Pádraigín Ní Ullacháin, 2003, Four Courts Press 1-85182-685-8 & 1-85182-738-2.
- "Songs From A Hidden Ulster", broadcast by RTÉ Radio 1 in 2006, presented by Pádraigín Ní Ullacháin.
- Early Modern Ireland
- The Three Collas